Where can I find a summary of all the export-related resources described in this guide?

In the United States, at least 20 separate Federal agencies or departments, each with its own mandate, execute programs that directly and indirectly support U.S. exporters. You will find descriptive information about these programs and direct links to the relevant agencies’ websites throughout this online guide.

The Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) coordinates the development of U.S. government trade promotion policies and programs. Formed in January 2010 and co-chaired by the Department of Energy and the Department of Commerce, the TPCC Working Group on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency focuses specifically on increasing the global competitiveness of the U.S. RE&EE sectors.

View a chart that summarizes the resources that are offered by U.S. agencies for trade promotion of the RE&EE sectors.

Additional information

Learn more about the TPCC Working Group on RE&EE.

Read the TPCC RE&EE WG report: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Export Initiative.

You are in the “Agencies-At-A-Glance” section.

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