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MDRM Reporting Forms & Mnemonics

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The table below contains expand/collapse icons. Clicking the expand/collapse icon will cause all the sub-series to drop down. Clicking the expand/collapse icon on the sub-series will cause all the segmented mnemonics to list and clicking the expand/collapse icon again will cause the displayed sub-series or segmented mnemonics to close and move back up to the umbrella mnemonic or sub-mnemonic. If the mnemonic does not have an expand/collapse icon then there are no sub-series or segmented mnemonics affiliated with the series.

MDRM Reporting Forms & Mnemonics
Main Series Sub Series Segmented Mnemonics Title Reporting Forms
expand/collapse AAXX    Risk-Based Capital Reporting for Institutions Subject to the Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework FFIEC 101
    AAAB   ADVANCED RISK-BASED CAPITAL Part 1: Risk-Based Capital Numerator and Ratios for Banks and Bank Holding Companies FFIEC 101
    AAAT   ADVANCED RISK-BASED CAPITAL Part 2: Risk-Based Capital Numerator and Ratios for Savings Associations FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AABX   Summary Risk-Weighted Asset Information for Banks Approved to Use Advanced Internal Ratings-Based and Advanced Measurement Approaches for Regulatory Capital Purposes FFIEC 101
    AABA Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AABB Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AABC Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AABD Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AABE Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Weighted Average Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AABF Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Weighted Average Loss Given Default after consideration of credit risk mitigants (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AABG Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AABH Summary Non-Defaulted and Defaulted Exposures; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AACX   Wholesale Exposure - Corporate FFIEC 101
    AACA Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Weighted Average Obligor Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AACB Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Number of Obligors FFIEC 101
    AACC Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AACD Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AACE Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AACF Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AACG Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Weighted Average Loss Given Default before consideration of eligible guarantees and credit derivatives (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AACH Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Weighted Average Loss Given Default after consideration of credit risk mitigants (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AACI Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Effect of Probability of Default substitution and Loss Given Default adjustment approaches on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AACJ Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Effect of Double Default Treatment on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AACK Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AACL Wholesale Exposure - Corporate; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AADX   Wholesale Exposure - Bank FFIEC 101
    AADA Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Weighted Average Obligor Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AADB Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Number of Obligors FFIEC 101
    AADC Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AADD Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AADE Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AADF Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AADG Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Weighted Average Loss Given Default before consideration of eligible guarantees and credit derivatives (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AADH Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Weighted Average Loss Given Default after consideration of credit risk mitigants (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AADI Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Effect of Probability of Default substitution and Loss Given Default adjustment approaches on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AADJ Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AADK Wholesale Exposure - Bank; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAEX   Wholesale Exposure - Sovereign FFIEC 101
    AAEA Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Weighted Average Obligor Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAEB Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Number of Obligors FFIEC 101
    AAEC Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AAED Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AAEE Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAEF Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAEG Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Weighted Average Loss Given Default before consideration of eligible guarantees and credit derivatives (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAEH Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Weighted Average Loss Given Default after consideration of credit risk mitigants (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAEI Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Effect of Probability of Default substitution and Loss Given Default adjustment approaches on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAEJ Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAEK Wholesale Exposure - Soverign; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAFX   Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE) FFIEC 101
    AAFA Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Weighted Average Obligor Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAFB Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Number of Obligors FFIEC 101
    AAFC Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AAFD Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AAFE Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAFF Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAFG Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Weighted Average Loss Given Default before consideration of eligible guarantees and credit derivatives (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAFH Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Weighted Average Loss Given Default after consideration of credit risk mitigants (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAFI Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Effect of Probability of Default substitution and Loss Given Default adjustment approaches on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAFJ Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Effect of Double Default Treatment on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAFK Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAFL Wholesale Exposure - Income Producing Real Estate (IPRE); Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAGX   Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE) FFIEC 101
    AAGA Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Weighted Average Obligor Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAGB Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Number of Obligors FFIEC 101
    AAGC Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AAGD Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AAGE Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAGF Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAGG Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Weighted Average Loss Given Default before consideration of eligible guarantees and credit derivatives (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAGH Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Weighted Average Loss Given Default after consideration of credit risk mitigants (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAGI Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Effect of Probability of Default substitution and Loss Given Default adjustment approaches on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAGJ Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Effect of Double Default Treatment on Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAGK Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAGL Wholesale Exposure - High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE); Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAHX   Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING FFIEC 101
    AAHA Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAHB Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAHC Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAHD Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Loss Given Default FFIEC 101
    AAHE Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAHF Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Expected Credit Losses FFIEC 101
    AAHG Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAHH Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAHI Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAHJ Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Weighted Average Loss Given Default FFIEC 101
    AAHK Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAHL Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions and OTC Derivatives WITH CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Expected Credit Losses FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAIX   Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING FFIEC 101
    AAIA Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAIB Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAIC Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAID Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Loss Given Default FFIEC 101
    AAIE Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAIF Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Expected Credit Losses FFIEC 101
    AAIG Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAIH Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAII Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAIJ Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Weighted Average Loss Given Default FFIEC 101
    AAIK Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAIL Wholesale Exposure - Eligible Margin Loans, Repo-Style Transactions No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD Expected Credit Losses FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAJX   Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING FFIEC 101
    AAJA Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAJB Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAJC Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAJD Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Weighted Average Loss Given Default FFIEC 101
    AAJE Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAJF Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Expected Credit Losses FFIEC 101
    AAJG Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAJH Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Weighted Average Effective Maturity (Years) FFIEC 101
    AAJI Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAJJ Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Weighted Average Loss Given Default FFIEC 101
    AAJK Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAJL Wholesale Exposure - OTC Derivatives; No CROSS-PRODUCT NETTING; Exposures Where Collateral is Reflected in LGD; Expected Credit Losses FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAKX   Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures FFIEC 101
    AAKA Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAKB Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Number of Exposures FFIEC 101
    AAKC Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Total Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AAKD Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AAKE Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAKF Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Weighted Average Age FFIEC 101
    AAKG Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Weighted Average Loss Given Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAKH Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAKI Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
    AAKJ Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Loan to Value Less Than 70 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAKK Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 70 Percent but less than 80 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAKL Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 80 Percent but less than 90 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAKM Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 90 Percent but less than 100 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAKN Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Loan to Value Greater than or equal to 100 Percent+ FFIEC 101
    AAKO Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Loan to Value Weighted Average Bureau Score FFIEC 101
    AAKP Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end First Lien Exposures; Loan to Value EAD of Accounts with Updated LTV FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AALX   Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures FFIEC 101
    AALA Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AALB Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Number of Exposures FFIEC 101
    AALC Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Total Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AALD Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AALE Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AALF Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Weighted Average Age FFIEC 101
    AALG Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Weighted Average Loss Given Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AALH Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AALI Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
    AALJ Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Loan to Value Less Than 70 Percent FFIEC 101
    AALK Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 70 Percent but less than 80 Percent FFIEC 101
    AALL Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 80 Percent but less than 90 Percent FFIEC 101
    AALM Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 90 Percent but less than 100 Percent FFIEC 101
    AALN Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Loan to Value Greater than or equal to 100 Percent+ FFIEC 101
    AALO Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Loan to Value Weighted Average Bureau Score FFIEC 101
    AALP Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Closed-end Junior Lien Exposures; Loan to Value EAD of Accounts with Updated LTV FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAMX   Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures FFIEC 101
    AAMA Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAMB Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Number of Exposures FFIEC 101
    AAMC Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Total Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AAMD Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AAME Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAMF Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Weighted Average Age FFIEC 101
    AAMG Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Weighted Average Loss Given Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAMH Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAMI Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
    AAMJ Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Loan to Value Less Than 70 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAMK Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 70 Percent but less than 80 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAML Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 80 Percent but less than 90 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAMM Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Loan to Value At Least 90 Percent but less than 100 Percent FFIEC 101
    AAMN Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Loan to Value Greater than or equal to 100 Percent+ FFIEC 101
    AAMO Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Loan to Value Weighted Average Bureau Score FFIEC 101
    AAMP Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Revolving Exposures; Loan to Value EAD of Accounts with Updated LTV FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AANX   Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures FFIEC 101
    AANA Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AANB Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Number of Exposures FFIEC 101
    AANC Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Total Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AAND Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AANE Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AANF Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Exposure at Default of Accounts Less than Two Years Old FFIEC 101
    AANG Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Weighted Average Loss Given Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AANH Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AANI Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
    AANJ Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Qualifying Revolving Exposures; Weighted Average Bureau Score FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAOX   Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures FFIEC 101
    AAOA Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Weighted Average Probability of Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAOB Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Number of Exposures FFIEC 101
    AAOC Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Total Balance Sheet Amount FFIEC 101
    AAOD Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Total Undrawn Amount FFIEC 101
    AAOE Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Exposure at Default FFIEC 101
    AAOF Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Exposure at Default of Accounts Less than Two Years Old FFIEC 101
    AAOG Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Weighted Average Loss Given Default (PCT) FFIEC 101
    AAOH Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAOI Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Expected Credit Loss FFIEC 101
    AAOJ Retail Exposure - Residential Mortgage - Other Retail Exposures; Weighted Average Bureau Score FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAPX   Securitization Exposures Subject to the Ratings-Based or Internal Assessment Approaches FFIEC 101
    AAPA Exposures Subject to the Ratings-based Approach (RBA) FFIEC 101
    AAPB Exposures Subject to the Internal Assessment Approach (IAA) FFIEC 101
    AAPC Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AAQX   Securitization Detail Schedule FFIEC 101
    AAQA Memoranda Items - Exposure Amount FFIEC 101
    AAQB Memoranda Items - Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AAQC Memoranda Items - Deduction FFIEC 101
  expand/collapse AARX   Equity Exposures FFIEC 101
    AARA Simple Risk Weight Approach - Exposure FFIEC 101
    AARB Simple Risk Weight Approach - Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AARC Full Internal Models Approach - Exposure FFIEC 101
    AARD Full Internal Models Approach - Risk Weighted Assets FFIEC 101
    AARE Publicly-Traded Internal Models Approach - Exposure FFIEC 101
    AARF Publicly-Traded Internal Models Approach - Risk Weighted FFIEC 101
    AASA   Operational Risk FFIEC 101
  AFCR    Auto Finance Company Report FR 2512
expand/collapse BAST    Bank Aggregated Statistical Tool  
    BAAQ   Bank Aggregated Average Quarterly Data  
    BAAY   Bank Aggregated Average Year-to-Date Data  
    BAGD   Bank Aggregated Domestic Data  
    BAGF   Bank Aggregated Foreign Data  
    BAGQ   Bank Aggregated Quarterly Data  
    BAGR   Bank Aggregated Data  
    BAGY   Bank Aggregated Year-to-Date Data  
expand/collapse BHCF    Combined Bank Holding Company File FR Y-9C
  expand/collapse BHCK   Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies FR Y-9C
    BHBC Predecessor Financial Items FR Y-9C
    BHC0 Regulatory Capital - Risk Weight 0% FR Y-9C
    BHC2 Regulatory Capital - Risk Weight 20% FR Y-9C
    BHC5 Regulatory Capital - Risk Weight 50% FR Y-9C
    BHC9 Regulatory Capital - Risk Weight 100% FR Y-9C
    BHCB Commercial Bank Subsidiaries FR Y-9C
    BHCE For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCK Series FR Y-9C
    BHCM Consolidated Corrected FR Y-9C
    BHCT For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCK Series FR Y-11/FR Y-11S
FR Y-11Q
    BHCX For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCK Series FR Y-9C
    BHCY For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCK Series FR Y-9C
    BHDM Domestic Bank Holding Company Data FR Y-9C
    BHFN Foreign Bank Holding Company Data FR Y-9C
    BHOD For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCK Series FR Y-9C
    BHTX For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCK Series FR Y-9C
  expand/collapse BHCP   Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies FR Y-9LP
    BHPA For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCP Series FR Y-9LP
    BHPX For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCP Series FR Y-9LP
  expand/collapse BHSP   Bank Holding Company Financial Statements and Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Bank Holding Companies FR 2352
    BHSX For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHSP Series FR Y-9SP
  expand/collapse FHCK   Supplement to the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies FR Y-9CS
    FHC1 Broker-Dealer subsidiaries engaged in underwriting or dealing in bank-eligible securities FR Y-9CS
    FHC2 Insurance underwriting subsidiaries FR Y-9CS
expand/collapse BHCS    Quarterly Financial Statements of Nonbank Subsidiaries of Bank Holding Companies (Formerly the FR Y-11Q) FR Y-11/FR Y-11S
FR Y-11Q
    BHCN   Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies FR Y-11/FR Y-11S
    BHCQ   Combined Financial Statements of Nonbank Subsidiaries of Bank Holding Companies FR Y-11Q
    BHCT   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the BHCK Series FR Y-11/FR Y-11S
FR Y-11Q
    BHSN   Abbreviated Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies FR Y-11/FR Y-11S
  BHEI    Consolidated Bank Holding Company Report of Equity Investments in Nonfinancial Companies FR Y-12
  BIDI    Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates FR Y-8
  BORA    Report of Borrowing From the Federal Reserve  
expand/collapse CALL    For Report of Condition and Income File FFIEC 002
FR 2886a
FR 2886b
    CENB   Old 886a and 886b data, Edges, N.Y. Investment Co. and Agency and Branches, Subsidiaries  
    IADX   Old Income for CALL FFIEC 011
    IBFQ   Quarterly Report of IBF Account FR 2073a
FR 2073b
FR 2073c
FR 2074
FR 2075
    RCCD   Special Supplements - National banks only - Domestic FDIC 8040/53
    RCCF   Special Supplements - National banks only - Foreign FDIC 8040/53
    RCEG   Edge Call FFIEC 015
    RCFD   Foreign and Domestic Call FDIC 8040/53
FR 2886b
    RCFN   Foreign Call FFIEC 002
FR 2886b
  expand/collapse RCON   Domestic Call FDIC 8040/18
FDIC 8040/51
FDIC 8040/53
FR 2886a
FR 2886b
    RCF0   FR 2886b
    RCF1   FR 2886b
    RCF2   FR 2886b
    RCF3   FR 2886b
    RCF4   FR 2886b
    RCF5   FR 2886b
    RCF6   FR 2886b
    RCF7   FR 2886b
    RCF8   FR 2886b
    RCF9   FR 2886b
    RCOS   Large Bank Supplement Call FFIEC 015
    RIAD   Domestic and Foreign Income FDIC 8040/51
FR 2886b
    RIAS   Large Bank Supplement Income - Supplement D FFIEC 015
    RIDM   Domestic Income -- Supplementary Information FFIEC 013
    RIFN   Foreign Income -- Supplementary Information FFIEC 013
    SCHJ   For Schedule J for item 9800 on the RCRI file for June 1983 and maybe September 1983  
expand/collapse CCAM    Address Matching Schedule FR Y-14M
    CCAX   Address Matching Schedule - Vendor  
expand/collapse CCFL    First Lien Schedule FR Y-14M
    CCFX   First Lien Schedule - VENDOR  
expand/collapse CCHE    Home Equity Loan Schedule FR Y-14M
    CCHX   Home Equity Loan Schedule - Vendor  
  CCRS    Credit Card Schedule FR Y-14M
  CEBA    Country Exposure Report for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks FFIEC 019
expand/collapse CEXA    Country Exposure Information Report FFIEC 009a
    CTRY   Country Exposure Information Report FFIEC 009a
  CIRC    Daily Data Flow from Reserve Banks to FRB New York, Regarding Currency in Circulation  
expand/collapse CLCO    Corporate Loan Data Schedule FR Y-14Q
    CLCE   Corporate Loan Data Schedule - Entity FR Y-14Q
    CLCG   Corporate Loan Data Schedule - Guarantor FR Y-14Q
expand/collapse CRCB    Call Report for Carribean Branches. Supplement to the FFIEC 002 report. FFIEC 002s
    TEX1   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the CRCB Series FFIEC 002s
    TEX2   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the CRCB Series FFIEC 002s
    TEX3   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the CRCB Series FFIEC 002s
    TEX4   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the CRCB Series FFIEC 002s
    TEX5   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the CRCB Series FFIEC 002s
    TEX6   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the CRCB Series FFIEC 002s
  CRED    Commercial Real Estate Data Collection FR Y-14Q
  CUCP    Report of Condition and Income for Corporate Credit Unions - Monthly NCUA 5310
expand/collapse CUSA    Report of Condition and Income for Credit Unions - Semi-annual NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU01   First CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU02   Second CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU03   Third CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU04   Fourth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU05   Fifth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU06   Sixth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU07   Seventh CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU08   Eighth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU09   Nineth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU10   Tenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU11   Eleventh CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU12   Twelfth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU13   Thirteenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU14   Fourteenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU15   Fifteenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU16   Sixteenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU17   Seventeenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU18   Eighteenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU19   Nineteenth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
    CU20   Twentieth CUSO the credit union has a loan or investment in NCUA 5300/5300S
  DFCR    Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities FR 2248
FR 2248a
expand/collapse DISC    Report of Discount Window Borrowings  
    DSC1   Adjustment Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC2   Seasonal Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC3   Temporary Seasonal Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC4   Term Auction Facility Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC5   Emergency Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC6   Century Date Change Special Liquidity Facility Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC7   Primary Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC8   Secondary Credit Type Reported in DISC  
    DSC9   Term Auction Facility Reported in DISC  
  EDAR    Annual Report of Total Deposits and Reservable Liabilities FR 2910a
expand/collapse EDDS    Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash FR 2900
    EDDA   Weekly Aggregate -- Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash  
    EDDM   Monthly Aggregate -- Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash  
expand/collapse ESOP    Financial Statements for Employees Stock Ownership Plan Bank Holding Companies FR Y-9ES
    ESPT   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the ESOP Subseries FR Y-9ES
  FBOQ    The Capital and Asset Report for Foreign Banking Organizations FR Y-7Q
  FCDQ    Report of Foreign (non-U.S.) Currency Deposits (Quarterly Data) FR 2915
  FCEX    Country Exposure Report FFIEC 009
expand/collapse FHMB    Annual Report of Merchant Banking Investments Held for an Extended Period FR Y-12A
    FH10   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FH11   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FH12   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FH13   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FH14   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FH15   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM1   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM2   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM3   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM4   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM5   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM6   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM7   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM8   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
    FHM9   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FHMB Series FR Y-12A
expand/collapse FNBK    Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Foreign Banking Organizations; FR Y-7N and Abbreviated Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Foreign Banking Organizations; (Prior to December 31, 2002, title was Nonbank Financial Information Summary); FR Y-7 FR Y-7
    FNBT   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the FNBK Subseries FR Y-7N/FRY-7NS
  FORB    Foreign Branch Report of Condition and Abbreviated Foreign Branch Report of Condition FFIEC 030
  FRBS    Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks FR 34
  GOLD    Goldwire: Interdistrict Settlement Account  
  ISUD    Financial Statements for a Bank Holding Company Subsidiary Engaged in Ineligible Securities Underwriting and Dealing FR Y-20
expand/collapse LIRS    Quarterly Report of Interest Rates on Selected Direct Consumer Installment Loans FR 2835
    LITX   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the LIRS Series  
  MKSM    Markstat M  
  QEDS    Quarterly Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits & Vault Cash FR 2900
FR 2900q
  QFBS    Quarterly Report Of Assets & Liabilities Of Large Foreign Offices Of U.S. Banks FR 2502q
expand/collapse QFCS    Quinquennial Finance Company Survey FR 3033p
FR 3033p/s
FR 3033s
    QF01   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF02   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF03   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF04   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF05   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF06   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF07   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF08   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF09   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF10   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF11   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF12   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF13   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
    QF14   Additional Text Remarks FR 3033s
  QRCC    Quarterly Report on Credit Card Plans FR 2835a
  QRDS    Quarterly Respondents to the Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash FR 2900
  QTBL    Quarterly Terms of Bank Lending to Business (STBL) FR 2028a/s
  QTFL    Quarterly Terms of Bank Lending to Farmers (STFL) FR 2028b/s
  RSSD    Research, Statistics, Supervision and Regulation, and Discount and Credit Database (NIC database)  
  RTRL    Allocation of Low Reserve Tranche and Reservable Liabilities Exemption FR 2930
FR 2930a
  SDSL    Summary of Deposits and Savings and Loans data from the A4 S&L Tapes (SGLN) OMB 1500-004
expand/collapse SECF    Securities and Exchange Commission Focus Report (Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single Report) Part II, IIA and IICSE SEC 1695/1696
    SEC0   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC1   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC2   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC3   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC4   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC5   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC6   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC7   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC8   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SEC9   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SECA   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
    SECN   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SECF Series SEC 1695/1696
expand/collapse SLHC    Consolidated Financial Data for Thrift Holding Companies FR 2320
    SLCI   Confidential Indicator for Thrift Holding Company Data  
    SLHP   Parent Company Only Financial Data for Thrift Holding Company FR 2320
    SLHX   For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SLHC Series FR 2320
expand/collapse SNAX    Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Expanded Agent and Basic Reporter REPORT Identification  
    SNAA   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Expanded Agent and Basic Reporter AGENT Identification  
    SNAC   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Expanded Agent and Basic Reporter CREDIT Data  
    SNAO   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Expanded Agent and Basic Reporter OBLIGOR Data  
    SNAP   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Expanded Agent and Basic Reporter PARTICIPANT Data  
    SNAR   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Expanded Agent and Basic Reporter AGENT CREDIT RISK RATINGS  
expand/collapse SNPX    Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Elements Expanded Participant Report REPORT Identification  
    SNPA   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Elements Expanded Participant Report AGENT Identification  
    SNPC   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Elements Expanded Participant Report CREDIT Data  
    SNPO   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Elements Expanded Participant Report OBLIGOR Data  
    SNPP   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Elements Expanded Participant Report PARTICIPANT Identification  
    SNPR   Large Corporate Syndicated Credit Data Elements Expanded Participant Report PARTICIPANT RISK RATINGS  
  SPPR    Performance Ratios and Dollar Amounts  
expand/collapse SUBS    Combined Call and Income File for Foreign Subsidiaries FR 2314/FR-2314S
FR 2314a/b/c
FR 314
  expand/collapse SUBC   Call for the FR 2314 report (SUBS) FR 2314/FR-2314S
FR 2314a/b/c
FR 314
    SUBT For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SUBC/SUBI Subseries FR 2314/FR-2314S
    SUBD   Call for the FR 314 report - Domestic (SUBS) FR 314
    SUBF   Call for the FR 314 report - Foreign (SUBS) FR 314
  expand/collapse SUBI   Income for the FR 2314 report (SUBS) FR 2314/FR-2314S
FR 2314a/b/c
FR 314
    SUBT For Transmittal of Items Reported on the SUBC/SUBI Subseries FR 2314/FR-2314S
  SUIT    Surveillance Intercompany Transactions for the FR Y8 Table  
  SUMC    Summary of Deposits Consolidated Total 94/06/30  
expand/collapse SUMD    Summary of Deposits FDIC 8020/05
FDIC 8020/46
    SUMH   Summary of Deposits - Head Office FDIC 8020/05
FDIC 8020/46
    SUMX   Summary of Deposits - Originally Reported Item  
expand/collapse TCCP    Report on Terms of Credit Card Plans FR 2572
    TCCA   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCB   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCC   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCD   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCE   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCF   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCG   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCH   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCI   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCJ   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
    TCCK   Transmission for TCCP FR 2572
expand/collapse TEXT    Textual information transmitted to the Board from the Reserve Banks (for CALL, FR Y-9C,Y-9LP, Y-9SP, Y-9ES and FR Y-20); FFIEC 002
FR 2314a/b/c
FR 2886b
FR Y-11/FR Y-11S
FR Y-11Q
FR Y-20
FR Y-8
    TE01   General Text Remarks FFIEC 031
    TE02   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE03   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE04   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE05   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE06   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE07   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE08   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE09   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE10   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE11   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TE12   General Text Remark FFIEC 031
    TEXC   Text Codes FR Y-20
    TR01   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR02   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR03   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR04   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR05   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR06   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR07   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR08   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR09   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR10   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR11   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TR12   General Text Remarks FR Y-9SP
    TX01   General Text Remarks FR Y-8
    TX02   General Text Remarks FR Y-8
    TX03   General Text Remarks FR Y-8
    TX04   General Text Remarks FR Y-8
    TX05   General Text Remarks FR Y-8
    TX06   General Text Remarks FR Y-8
    TX07   General Text Remarks FR Y-9LP
    TX08   General Text Remarks FR Y-9LP
    TX09   General Text Remarks FR Y-9LP
    TX10   General Text Remarks FR Y-9LP
    TX11   General Text Remarks FR Y-9LP
    TX12   General Text Remarks FR Y-9LP
  TRCK    Travelers Cheques  
expand/collapse UBPR    Uniform Bank Performance Reports  
    UBPA   Aggregate Data Values for UBPR  
    UBPK   Financial Institution Rankings for UBPR  
    UBPP   Peer Group Identification Values for UBPR  
    UBPS   Peer Group Ratio Statistics for UBPR  
expand/collapse WRIS    Weekly Report of Selected Assets FR 2644
    WRAS   Weekly Report of Selected Assets -historical FR 2644
    WRSS   Weekly Report of Selected Assets -current FR 2644
FR 2644s
expand/collapse WRJI    Adjusted Bank File for WRBI FR 2416
FR 2416a
    WRJA   Adjustment Bank File for WRBA  
    WRJK   Adjustment Bank File for WRBK  
    WRJS   Adjustment Bank File for WRIS  
  XMTA    Transmission of prime rate for STBL series. Will be put on archival file as QTBL FR 2028a/s
  XMTR    EDDS flashwire FR 2900
  XMTT    Weekly Survey of Money Market Deposit Accounts (FR 2900s) slip sheet FR 2900s
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