2013 Hydrogen Student Design Contest to Develop Fueling Infrastructure Plan for Northeast U.S.

    September 19, 2012

    The 9th Annual Hydrogen Student Design Contest will challenge student teams to create a plan to implement a hydrogen infrastructure in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Building on the recently unveiled California Road Map for hydrogen fueling stations to support fuel cell electric vehicles, students are being asked to support the national roll-out of hydrogen vehicles by creating a plan for the Northeastern United States.

    The Grand Prize winning team will receive an expenses-paid trip to present their winning entry to hundreds of industry professionals in a session at the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo 2013, June 24–27 in Washington, D.C.

    The contest, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), is aligned with DOE's efforts to work with the public, academic and energy associations, to ensure that we are equipping our students and workforce with the skills and training they need to lead the clean energy economy.

    Registration is open until October 15, 2012, for university students worldwide.