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Welcome Industry Partners

Partnering with NIDDK

NIDDK and Industry Partner shaking hands

NIDDK is committed to transferring its technologies and research resources to external organizations for further research, development and/or commercialization to create biomedical products and services that benefit public health.  OTTD's staff members have been drawn from industry as well as other external organizations to provide a remarkable variety of skills to assist potential partners.  For specific questions about partnering with NIDDK, please contact a member of the OTTD staff.

In this part of the OTTD website we have collected information that will be of interest to commercial organizations such as an online catalog of NIDDK research resources (antibodies, cell lines, compounds and mouse models), listings of NIDDK patented technologies that are available for further research, development and commercialization, featured clinical collaboration opportunities, and an overview of NIDDK research areas and technologies. If there is additional information you would find useful here, please provide your suggestions to us at:

Page last updated: January 03, 2011