North Dakota State University Crops Family-Youth-4-H Economics-Community-Leadership Home-Lawn-Garden-Trees Environment-Natural Resources Livestock Nutrition-Food Safety-Health

from NDSU Agriculture and University Extension

Many of our publications are available in print from the NDSU Distribution Center for a minimum charge of $2.50 to cover shipping and handling. However, many of these publications are free from county Extension offices. Call (701) 231-7882 or e-mail for information on availability, cost and ordering.




AE88 Irrigation Power Unit Selection  -  PDF (xxxKB)
AE91 Selecting a Sprinkler Irrigation System
AE92 Planning to Irrigate...A Checklist
AE97 Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Wells  -  PDF (297KB)
AE792 Irrigation Scheduling by the Check Book Method  -  PDF (xxKB)
AE889 Trickle Irrigation for Home Gardens
AE1040 Growing Irrigated Potatoes
AE1057 Irrigation Water Pumps
AE1243 Introduction to Micro-irrigation  -  PDF (213KB)
AE1360 Irrigation Water Sample Analysis - PDF (69KB)
EB No. 66 Soil, Water and Plant Characteristics Important to Irrigation

Click here for more irrigation information.