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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

DXplain Source Information

Web site

DXplain was created and is supported by the Laboratory of Computer Science of the Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital.

DXplain is a decision support system that provides a ranked list of potential diagnoses from a set of clinical findings.

DXplain includes disease names and clinical findings, including symptoms, signs, epidemiologic data, and laboratory, endoscopic, and radiologic findings.

Methesaurus Scope
Relationships and connections between diseases and findings are not included in the Metathesaurus.

DXplain is used by students, researchers, and practitioners at hospitals, medical schools, and health care organizations.

Update Frequency
DXplain is updated regularly.

Metathesaurus Update Frequency
DXplain was last updated in the Metathesaurus in 1995.

Sites Consulted

  1. DXplain [Internet]. Boston: Laboratory of Computer Science of the Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; [cited 2009 Dec 16]. Available from: