U.S. Department of Justice

Community Corrections Centers, Parolees, and Recidivism: An Investigation into the Characteristics of Effective Reentry Programs in Pennsylvania. Final Report

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Jun. 18, 2010

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  • Community Corrections Centers, Parolees, and Recidivism: An Investigation into the Characteristics of Effective Reentry Programs in Pennsylvania

ANNOTATION: The prime goal of this investigation was “to identify which community centers were successful in reducing recidivism for the State of Pennsylvania and to identify which individual and program level characteristics, if any, were significantly more likely to produce reductions in recidivism” (p.4). Sections in addition to an executive summary are: introduction; methodology; description of treatment and comparison samples and programs by facility type; multivariate findings; evaluation of programs by content, capacity, and core correctional practices; summary of the findings and the study’s limitations; and recommendations. A young, non-white male who has a high LSI-R (Level of Service Inventory-Revised) score is more likely to recidivate.

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