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General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

Human Resource Development (HRD)

Welcome to the Human Resource Development page that provides a complete range of training and developmental programs to support DoDEA employees in becoming more productive and effective. DoDEA continue to strive on creating an environment conductive to advancing the learning experience of our employees.

This page provides a comprehensive list of training and education resources. To assist employees and supervisors alike, Human resource development programs may be authorized to:

  • Orient employees to the federal service, their organizational assignments and conditions of employment.
  • Guide new employees to effective performance during their probationary period.
  • Provide knowledge and skills to improve performance.
  • Prepare employees with demonstrated potential for increased responsibility in meeting future staffing requirements
  • Provide continuing professional and technical training to avoid knowledge/skill obsolescence (e.g., keeping the skills of engineers, lawyers, computer programmers, procurement specialist, and clerical employee’s current).
  • Development the managerial workforce focusing on competencies identified as essential to effective performance at supervisory, managerial, and executive levels (e.g., communication, interpersonal skills, human resource management, technology management, financial management, planning and evaluation, and vision).

The information on this page is provided to guide employees; no matter what their position or grade is, throughout their career development. Bookmark this site and check it on a regular basis for great learning opportunities.