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Trust Fund Data

Financial data

Data on receipts and expenditures follow the summary table below.

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Funds, 1957-2011
[In millions]
Net increase
during year
Assets at
end of year
1957 $8,090 $7,567 $523 $23,042
1958 9,108 8,907 201 23,243
1959 9,516 10,793 -1,277 21,966
1960 12,445 11,798 647 22,613
1961 12,937 13,388 -451 22,162
1962 13,699 15,156 -1,457 20,705
1963 16,227 16,217 10 20,715
1964 17,476 17,020 456 21,172
1965 17,857 19,187 -1,331 19,841
1966 23,381 20,913 2,467 22,308
1967 26,413 22,471 3,942 26,250
1968 28,493 26,015 2,479 28,729
1969 33,346 27,892 5,453 34,182
1970 36,993 33,108 3,886 38,068
1971 40,908 38,542 2,366 40,434
1972 45,622 43,281 2,341 42,775
1973 54,787 53,148 1,639 44,414
1974 62,066 60,593 1,472 45,886
1975 67,640 69,184 -1,544 44,342
1976 75,034 78,242 -3,209 41,133
1977 81,982 87,254 -5,272 35,861
1978 91,903 96,018 -4,115 31,746
1979 105,864 107,320 -1,456 30,291
1980 119,712 123,550 -3,838 26,453
1981 142,438 144,352 -1,914 24,539
1982 147,913 160,111 239 24,778
1983 171,266 171,177 89 24,867
1984 186,637 180,429 6,208 31,075
1985 203,540 190,628 11,088 42,163
1986 216,833 201,522 4,698 46,861
1987 231,039 209,093 21,946 68,807
1988 263,469 222,514 40,955 109,762
1989 289,448 236,242 53,206 162,968
1990 315,443 253,135 62,309 225,277
1991 329,676 274,205 55,471 280,747
1992 342,591 291,865 50,726 331,473
1993 355,578 308,766 46,812 378,285
1994 381,111 323,011 58,100 436,385
1995 399,497 339,815 59,683 496,068
1996 424,451 353,569 70,883 566,950
1997 457,668 369,108 88,560 655,510
1998 489,204 382,255 106,950 762,460
1999 526,582 392,908 133,673 896,133
2000 568,433 415,121 153,312 1,049,445
2001 602,003 438,916 163,088 1,212,533
2002 627,085 461,653 165,432 1,377,965
2003 631,886 479,086 152,799 1,530,764
2004 657,718 501,643 156,075 1,686,839
2005 701,758 529,938 171,821 1,858,660
2006 744,873 555,421 189,452 2,048,112
2007 784,889 594,501 190,388 2,238,500
2008 805,302 625,143 180,159 2,418,658
2009 807,490 685,801 121,689 2,540,348
2010 781,128 712,526 68,602 2,608,950
2011 805,057 736,083 68,975 2,677,925
Note: The annual net increase in the funds is the change in the assets from the end of one year to the end of the next. In 1982, the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund borrowed money from the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, and repaid the borrowed amounts in 1985 and 1986. For each of these years, the net increase in the funds is equal to total receipts less total expenditures, plus amounts borrowed or less amounts repaid. Assets, except for relatively small cash amounts, are invested in Federal Government securities. For trust fund data prior to 1957, see OASI data (the Disability Trust Fund was established in 1957).

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Funds Receipts
[In millions]
payroll tax
Income from
of benefits
General fund reimbursementsa Net interest b
1957 $8,090 $7,527 $563
1958 9,108 8,531 577
1959 9,516 8,943 572
1960 12,445 11,876 569
1961 12,937 12,323 614
1962 13,699 13,105 594
1963 16,227 15,640 587
1964 17,476 16,843 633
1965 17,857 17,205 651
1966 23,381 22,585 $94 702
1967 26,413 25,424 94 896
1968 28,493 27,034 414 1,045
1969 33,346 31,546 458 1,342
1970 36,993 34,737 465 1,791
1971 40,908 38,343 538 2,027
1972 45,622 42,888 526 2,208
1973 54,787 51,907 494 2,386
1974 62,066 58,907 499 2,660
1975 67,640 64,259 515 2,866
1976 75,034 71,595 717 2,722
1977 81,982 78,710 741 2,531
1978 91,903 88,883 757 2,264
1979 105,864 103,034 675 2,155
1980 119,712 116,711 670 2,330
1981 142,438 139,364 843 2,231
1982 147,913 145,667 854 1,391
1983 171,266 156,328 6,662 8,276
1984 186,637 175,019 $3,025 5,153 3,440
1985 203,540 192,142 3,430 5,227 2,741
1986 216,833 207,384 3,662 1,916 3,871
1987 231,039 220,630 3,221 1,850 5,338
1988 263,469 249,520 3,445 2,336 8,168
1989 289,448 271,925 2,534 2,297 12,692
1990 315,443 294,513 4,992 -1,307 17,245
1991 329,676 301,605 6,054 125 21,892
1992 342,591 311,280 6,084 -138 25,365
1993 355,578 322,046 5,616 54 27,862
1994 381,111 344,689 5,306 14 31,103
1995 399,497 359,063 5,831 -375 34,977
1996 424,451 378,880 6,844 9 38,718
1997 457,668 405,982 7,896 3 43,787
1998 489,204 430,172 9,707 2 49,323
1999 526,582 459,555 11,559 1 55,466
2000 568,433 492,484 12,314 -835 64,471
2001 602,003 516,392 12,715 2 72,895
2002 627,085 532,470 13,839 415 80,362
2003 631,886 533,518 13,441 1 84,926
2004 657,718 553,039 15,703 1 88,975
2005 701,758 592,940 14,916 -350 94,252
2006 744,873 625,594 16,858 (c) 102,420
2007 784,889 656,120 18,585 8 110,176
2008 805,302 672,122 16,879 (c) 116,301
2009 807,490 667,257 21,884 (c) 118,349
2010 781,128 637,283 23,942 2,405 117,498
2011 805,057 564,231 23,792 102,680 114,355
aIncludes reimbursements from the General Fund of the Treasury to the OASI and DI Trust Funds for: (1) the cost of noncontributory wage credits for military service before 1957; (2) the cost in 1971-82 of deemed wage credits for military service performed after 1956; (3) the cost of benefits to certain uninsured persons who attained age 72 before 1968; (4) the cost of payroll tax credits provided to employees in 1984 and self-employed persons in 1984-89 by Public Law 98-21; and (5) payroll tax revenue forgone under the provisions of Public Law 111-147 and Public Law 111-312.
b Includes relatively small amounts of gifts to the fund.
c Less than $500,000.

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Funds Expenditures
[In millions]
payments a
Transfers to Railroad Retirement program
1957 $7,567 $7,404 $164 -$2
1958 8,907 8,576 207 124
1959 10,793 10,298 234 260
1960 11,798 11,245 240 314
1961 13,388 12,749 303 337
1962 15,156 14,461 322 372
1963 16,217 15,427 348 442
1964 17,020 16,223 375 422
1965 19,187 18,311 418 459
1966 20,913 20,051 393 469
1967 22,471 21,417 515 539
1968 26,015 24,954 603 458
1969 27,892 26,767 612 513
1970 33,108 31,884 635 589
1971 38,542 37,197 719 626
1972 43,281 41,625 907 749
1973 53,148 51,508 837 802
1974 60,593 58,581 1,082 931
1975 69,184 67,022 1,152 1,010
1976 78,242 75,759 1,244 1,239
1977 87,254 84,667 1,379 1,208
1978 96,018 92,960 1,440 1,618
1979 107,320 104,359 1,483 1,477
1980 123,550 120,598 1,522 1,430
1981 144,352 140,995 1,743 1,614
1982 160,111 156,182 2,109 1,820
1983 171,177 166,745 2,153 2,279
1984 180,429 175,739 2,264 2,426
1985 190,628 186,075 2,200 2,353
1986 201,522 196,667 2,202 2,653
1987 209,093 204,106 2,373 2,614
1988 222,514 217,149 2,513 2,851
1989 236,242 230,882 2,427 2,934
1990 253,135 247,816 2,270 3,049
1991 274,205 268,162 2,587 3,457
1992 291,865 285,995 2,664 3,206
1993 308,766 302,368 2,963 3,435
1994 323,011 316,812 2,674 3,526
1995 339,815 332,554 3,141 4,120
1996 353,569 347,050 2,962 3,556
1997 369,108 361,952 3,409 3,747
1998 382,255 374,969 3,467 3,819
1999 392,908 385,765 3,328 3,816
2000 415,121 407,635 3,788 3,698
2001 438,916 431,931 3,702 3,283
2002 461,653 453,821 4,185 3,647
2003 479,086 470,778 4,562 3,747
2004 501,643 493,263 4,536 3,844
2005 529,938 520,748 5,272 3,917
2006 555,421 546,238 5,337 3,846
2007 594,501 584,939 5,542 4,020
2008 625,143 615,344 5,749 4,050
2009 685,801 675,482 6,182 4,137
2010 712,526 701,609 6,525 4,392
2011 736,083 725,103 6,405 4,574
a Beginning in 1966, includes payments for vocational rehabilitation services furnished to disabled persons receiving benefits because of their disabilities. Beginning in 1983, amounts are reduced by amount of reimbursement for unnegotiated benefit checks. Portal to U.S. government agencies Privacy Policy  | Website Policies & Other Important Information  | Site Map
Last reviewed or modified September 6, 2012
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