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Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics
arrow pointing down and to right About the Federal Justice Statistics Program

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), through its Federal Justice Statistcs Program (FJSP), compiles comprehensive information describing suspects and defendants processed in the Federal criminal justice system. The goal of FJSP is to provide uniform case processing statistics across all stages of the Federal criminal justice system. Using data obtained from Federal agencies, FJSP compiles comprehensive information that describes person-cases processed through the system. FJSP applies uniform definitions to commonly used statistics describing data from each stage of case processing. The data definitions used by the FJSP are consistent with definitions used by other BJS programs that report on case processing in state courts so that comparisons may be made between case processing statistics between the Federal and state systems.

Learn more about:

Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP)
Data available from the FJSP
Overview of Federal criminal case processing

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