United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Site Additions in 2002

On this page:

See also New on Our Site for current additions.

December 2002

December 23

The NRC staff issued Review Standard (RS)-001, "Review Standard for Extended Power Uprates," for interim use and public comment. For additional information on RS-001, see our Power Uprate web page.

December 19

NUREG-1764, Guidance for the Review of Changes to Human Actions - Draft Report for Comment

December 12

NUREG/CR-6738, Risk Methods Insights Gained From Fire Incidents

NUREG/CR-6776, Cable Insulation Resistance Measurements Made During Cable Fire Tests

November 2002

November 19

NUREG-1307 Rev. 10, Report on Waste Burial Charges

November 7

Added 15 collection searches and a full-text glossary.

October 2002

October 9

Chairman Meserve signed a Memorandum of Understanding with EPA for Consultation and Finality on Decommissioning and Decontamination of Contaminated Sites.

October 1

Information Quality Guidelines: Seeking Correction to NRC Information

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September 2002

September 20

The New Reactor Licensing Project Office peforms the overall safety and environmental project management for new site and reactor licensing.

Redesigned Rulemaking-RuleForum subsite

September 18

Public Meeting scheduled for October 3, 2002 to discuss recently published NRC Rule "Electronic Maintenance and Submission of Information: Final Rule and Proposed Rule"

For related information see Electronic Information Exchange

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August 2002

August 26

Consolidation of Decommissioning License Termination Guidance

August 23

Draft Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the Commission

For related information see Electronic Information Exchange

August 19

The current Morning Report and the 1999 through 2002 archives of the Power Reactor Status Reports, Event Notification Reports, and Morning Reports.

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July 2002

July 31

Idaho Spent Fuel Facility

July 25

Congressional Correspondence

July 18

Advanced Search and Help With Searching have been revised to clarify the use of upper- and lower-case letters when searching our web site.

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June 2002

June 21

Recently Released Commission Documents

June 11

Web Site User Satisfaction Survey

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May 2002

May 30

Event Notification Report
Weekly Information Report

May 28

NUREG-1759, Supplement 1 "Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4, Supplement 1"

May 14

Nuclear Security and Safeguards

May 10

Draft Safety Evaluation Report on The Construction Authorization Request for The Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

Entire List of NRC/DOE Agreements

SECY 2001 Collection

May 1

NUREG-0654, Rev. 1, Addenda "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants"

Draft Information Quality Guidelines
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is requesting public comments on its draft Information Quality (IQ) Guidelines until May 30, 2002.

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April 25

NUREG-0750, "Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances, Hardbound Editions" (Volumes 46 - 53)

April 19

April 18

NUREG-1437, Supplement 6, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants, Regarding Surry Power Station, Units 1 and 2 (Draft Report for Comment)"

April 12

NUREG-1520, "Standard Review Plan for the Review of a License Application for a Fuel Cycle Facility"

April 2

NUREG/BR-0058, "Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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March 2002

March 29

March 28

NUREG-1725, "Human Interaction With Reused Soil: An Information Search"

NUREG/CR-6695, "Hydrologic Uncertainty Assessment for Decommissioning Sites: Hypothetical Test Case Applications"

March 22

March 19

Call for Anticipatory Research

March 15

Power Reactor Status Report

March 13

Reactor Vessel Head Degradation

March 1

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is making available the Yucca Mountain Review Plan

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February 2002

February 28

Release 4 is now available:

February 28

The State and Tribal Programs Web site has been modified to remove the need for a password to access the Sealed Sources and Devices portion of the site.

February 27

NRC Releases Its FY 2001 Performance and Accountability Report.

February 26

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued Orders to all 104 commecial nuclear power plants to implement interim compensatory security measures.

February 15

Public Involvement in Enforcement. This site describes the various ways the public may get involved in the NRC's enforcement program. Of special note, NRC seeks comments on the use of Alternative Dispute resolution in the Enforcement program.

February 13

NUREG-0936, Vol. 20, No. 2, "U.S. NRC Semiannual Regulatory Agenda"

February 4

Budget Estimates and Performance Plan: Fiscal Year 2003

January 31

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January 2002

Release 3 is now available:

  • Additional Document Collections in the NRC Library

January 22

The Plant Assessment Results under the Reactor Oversight Process provide a plant-by-plant index to the most recent results, including inspection findings, performance indicators, assessment letters (with inspection plans), and inspection reports. The site also contains Comprehensive summaries showing the action matrix designation, inspection findings, and performance indicators for all operating reactors.

January 18

An advance paper copy of the Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) License Application dated 12/21/01, Docket 72-26, including the Safety Analysis Report and Environmental Report, has been placed in the PDR. The paper copy is available for viewing and copying for a fee. The document can also be viewed in ADAMS (ML020180341).

"Nuclear Security in the Post-September 11 Environment," presented by Chairman Richard A. Meserve at the National Press Club on January 17, 2001.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012