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Plan Cheyenne

Cheyenne Livability Logo

From the outset of the planning process, Plan Cheyenne was intended to be different from most community master plans by placing specific emphasis on integrating three major elements of the community's planning efforts: land use, transportation, and parks and recreation and open space. These three major elements support one another and build on the vision for our community established by Vision 2020. In preparing Plan Cheyenne the community sought to fundamentally change the typical nonintegrated planning process so that land use, parks and open space, and transportation are more closely linked, bringing the concepts of mobility and livable communities into a sharp focus.

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The Plan Cheyenne Community and Transportation Plan promote the development of mixed use and activity centers along a network of principal arterials in the community. Over time, development along the corridors will be compact enough to support greater transit use. Commercial activity centers will be designed to promote walking and should be connected to neighborhoods with local streets, sidewalks, and trails.

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Many people envision the transportation system as the network of streets and highways that allows for automobile and truck travel within, to, and through the region. In Cheyenne, roads make up only one component of the transportation system. Transit service, bicycle facilities, and pedestrian infrastructure are essential to Cheyenne's well balanced multimodal transportation system. The system includes railroad corridors, airports, intermodal truck terminals, traffic signals, and stop signs.

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Cheyenne's roadway network is based on a range of different types of facilities with varying characteristics that, when combined, make up the roadway system. Their early transportation modeling showed that future roads near I-25 would face severe traffic. As a result, the planning team adjusted Cheyenne's Future Land Use Plan to include more mixed-uses along the Interstate and to shift some of the nonresidential uses to the east side.

The Transportation Master Plan defines a transportation vision for the Cheyenne Area and needs analysis and vision plans. This Vision Plan defines the roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities.

The plan also supports multi modal transportation and livability using the following design principles:

Updated: 10/27/2011
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