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Other Than Economy/Coach' Accommodations: Frequently asked questions

1. How soon can I submit my request for other than economy/coach class accommodations?

Requests for other than economy/coach class accommodations should be submitted as soon as the traveler knows that she/he is going to travel and while pending completion of travel orders for Return from Overseas for Separation, RAT, PCS or TDY. A copy of completed travel orders is required in order to forward the request to the Acting DoDEA Director, ASD (R&FM) and PDUSD (P&R). In case of emergency, the request will be processed without completed travel orders up to the Acting DoDEA Director's level. Travel orders are required to forward the request to ASD (R&FM) and PDUSD (P&R) for approval.

2. What do I need to provide in order to request other than economy/coach class accommodations?
  • Medical Documentation Requirement Format form completed by competent medical authority certifying sufficient justification of a medical disability/special need exists and that the condition/special need necessitates (for a specific time period or on a permanent basis) other than economy/coach class accommodations upgrade. Both the traveler and the medical authority must certify the unique reason why lower-cost economy accommodations (e.g., bulkhead, aisle seating, use of two adjoining coach-class seats, etc.) cannot be used to meet the traveler's requirements (the physician's documentation must be written in English and dated within six months of travel).
  • Traveler's Request for Premium-Class Travel form that includes:
    • Travel fare amount in $USD (to and from the home of record) for coach-class and other than economy/coach class accommodations (nearest dollar). Travelers should request quotes from their local CTO.
    • Ticket issuing location (name and location of CTO).
  • Copy of travel orders (Return from Overseas for Separation, RAT, PCS, or TDY) upon completion.

3. What are the steps for approval?
  • The request is received, reviewed and processed by the Office of Investigations and Internal Review.
  • Medical certification is forwarded to an independent medical consultant retained by DoDEA for review and recommendation.
  • A package is assembled containing: Copy of travel orders, Medical Documentation Requirement Format form, Traveler's Request for Premium-Class Travel form (SD FORM 817) and recommendation from the medical consultant retained by DoDEA.
  • It is reviewed by the DoDEA Office of General Counsel.
  • It is reviewed by DoD Office of General Counsel.
  • It is submitted to the Acting DoDEA Director for coordination.
  • Forwarded to ASD (R&FM) for review.
  • ASD (R&FM) forwards to PDUSD (P&R) for approval/disapproval.
  • Travelers will be informed of the outcome.
  • For Return from Overseas for Separation, RAT and/or PCS orders, DLA will be provided with a copy of the approval for amendment of the travel orders authorizing other than economy/coach class accommodations . TDY travelers will be provided with a copy of the approval and the traveler will be responsible for providing a copy to their respective travel office for amendment of travel orders.

4. How long does it take to process my request?

The entire process may take over ten weeks.  That is contingent on all required documentation being submitted from the outset.   However, the time frame can be shortened in emergency cases only.

5. Am I entitled to a rest stop in route?

Rest Stop En Route is Prohibited. A rest stop en route may not be authorized/approved at Government expense when:

  • Travel is authorized by other than economy/coach class service.
  • A traveler chooses to travel by circuitous route, for personal convenience, causing excess travel time.
  • A traveler takes leave at a stopover.

6. What do I do in case of an emergency?

Request medical documentation from your doctor and contact the DoDEA Office of Investigations and Internal Review immediately. If extenuating circumstances prevent advance authorization, the traveler must obtain written approval from the other than economy/coach class accommodations AO within 7 days of travel completion.

7. What if I am unable to get approval in advance?

It is extremely difficult to obtain approval after-the-fact and it should only occur in dire, extreme emergencies. If extenuating circumstances or emergency situations prevent advanced authorization, the traveler must obtain written approval from the appropriate other than economy/coach class OA within 7 days of travel completion. Failure to receive the appropriate authorization/approval for other than economy/coach class transportation either before or after travel may result in the traveler being financially liable for costs over the economy/coach class airfare. Poor planning does not constitute an emergency.

8. Can my spouse accompany me in other than economy/coach class accommodations if my request is approved?

The attendant who is authorized transportation under par. C7460-1, may be authorized/approved for other than economy/coach class accommodations use to accompany the attended traveler, when the attended traveler is authorized other than economy/coach class accommodations use and requires the attendant's services en route. Authority for one member of a family to use other than economy/coach class accommodations due to disability does not authorize the entire family to use other than economy/coach class accommodations during official travel. Other than economy/coach class authorization is limited to the disabled traveler and attendant (if required).

9. Can I appeal a denial for other than economy/coach class accommodations?

Travelers can provide additional medical documentation (using Medical Documentation Requirement Format form) dated within six months of travel to the Office of Investigations and Internal Review for re-review. The re-review process is the same as steps a through j as described above in question number 3.

Travelers who disagree with a decision of denial and are covered by a negotiated grievance procedure, must use the grievance procedure to appeal decisions regarding other than economy/coach class accommodations.

Travelers not covered by a negotiated grievance procedure, may file an appeal to the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) (no specific form or format is required) at the address listed below.

The Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
1800 F Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20405-0002