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SLDS Webinar Presentations

Webinar presentations provide venues for states to demonstrate products they have developed, share best practices, discuss issues of interest, and share valuable knowledge in a timely fashion. These webinars are open to staff from all state and local education agencies and can be accessed below.

Monthly Webinars

Monthly webinars provide opportunities for states and members of the SLDS team to discuss areas of interest and valuable knowledge relating to longitudinal data systems.

Engaging Postsecondary Stakeholders
Engaging Postsecondary Stakeholders
August 2012
Engaging Postsecondary Stakeholders

Panelists from Maine (Bill Hurwitch), Washington (Melissa Beard), Illinois (Robert O'Keefe), and Connecticut (Jan Kiehne) presented on their states’ unique approaches to engaging with postsecondary stakeholders. Panelists described strategies to create buy-in and inform postsecondary institutions on the benefits of linking and sharing longitudinal data, as well as sharing challenges and lessons learned. State Support Team member Keith Brown facilitated this webinar.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Engaging Postsecondary Stakeholders MS PowerPoint (2.28 MB)

Data Use Through Visualization and Storytelling
Data Use Through Visualization and Storytelling
June 2012
Data Use Through Visualization and Storytelling

Panelists from Oregon (Mickey Garrison), Rhode Island (Peg Votta), and Georgia (Deb Holdren) presented on their states’ unique approaches to data visualization. Presenters discussed reaching educators and engaging stakeholders through storytelling, discussed challenges and issues, and provided advice to states interested in data visualization. State Support Team member Robin Taylor facilitated this webinar.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Data Use Through Visualization and Storytelling MS PowerPoint (3.03 MB)

Identity Management Approaches
Identity Management Approaches: Protecting Access While Serving Multiple Stakeholders
May 2012
Identity Management Approaches

Panelists from Arkansas (Neal Gibson) and Georgia (Robert Swiggum) presented on their states’ unique approaches to identity management. Presenters discussed the types of stakeholders served, authentication approaches used, user roles and access rights, district involvement, and privacy and security issues. State Support Team member Baron Rodriguez facilitated this webinar.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Identity Management Approaches MS PowerPoint (2.59 MB)

Statewide Standardized Course Codes
Statewide Standardized Course Codes
April 2012
Statewide Standardized Course Codes

Panelists from Alaska, Ohio, and Maryland presented their states' efforts to implement Statewide Standardized Course Codes. Each panelist explained the strategies they used, challenges they faced, and lessons learned. State Support Team member Corey Chatis facilitated the conversation.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Statewide Standardized Course Codes MS PowerPoint (2.19 MB)

Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) v2
Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) v2
March 2012
Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) v2

Jim Campbell of the State Support Team presented on NCES’s recent release of Version 2 of the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS). This release includes updated elements, as well as a logical data model and the CEDS Alignment Tool. The presentation included:

  • A discussion of the purpose, participation, and preparation for the recently released CEDS v2
  • An overview of the CEDS Data Model
  • An overview of the new CEDS Alignment Tool
  • A glimpse into what is next with CEDS

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) v2 MS PowerPoint(6.7 MB)
CEDS 101PDF File (1.90 MB)
Anatomy of CEDSPDF File (1.83 MB)
Using CEDSPDF File (1.80 MB)

Early Warning Systems
Early Warning Systems
January 2012
Early Warning Systems

Panelists from Massachusetts, Maine, and South Carolina presented their states' approaches to the development of Early Warning Systems. Each panelist explained how their Early Warning System links to and pulls information from their LDS. Those panelists still in the planning stages described their plans for future linkage. Panelists also discussed how stakeholders in their state use the Early Warning System and provided recommendations for other states that are considering implementing an Early Warning System. State Support Team member Robin Taylor facilitated the conversation.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Early Warning Systems MS PowerPoint (4.4 MB)
Development and Use of Early Warning Systems: SLDS SpotlightPDF File(1.45 MB)

Engaging Local District Stakeholders
Engaging Local District Stakeholders
September 2011
Engaging Local District Stakeholders

Panelists from Virginia, Oregon, Iowa, and the District of Columbia presented their states' approaches to engaging local stakeholders. Panelists described which stakeholders they chose to involve, why and when, and what value they felt their state had gained from the process. Panelists also discussed lessons learned and provided advice regarding what they might do differently if given the chance. State Support Team member Robin Taylor facilitated the conversation.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Engaging Local District Stakeholders MS PowerPoint (1 MB)

Mississippi's P-20 Data System
Mississippi's P-20 Data System
June 2011
Stakeholder Communication: SLDS Best Practices Brief

Domenico Parisi (nSPARC-MS) and Shon Myatt (nSPARC-MS) outlined the steps and processes for the design and implementation of a data model that integrates P-20 data for the purpose of tracking education outcomes. They described the difficulties encountered by Mississippi and the lessons learned, and discussed plans for future work. Please note that the documents provided are examples of work that is currently in process and are not the final deliverable for the Mississippi SLDS.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Mississippi's Approach to Building a P-20W Data Model: SLDS Spotlight PDF File (432 KB)
Mississippi's P-20 Data Model MS PowerPoint (107 KB)
Example Agency Program List PDF File (86.7 KB)
Example Codebook PDF File (186 KB)
Example Program Data Mapping (PDM) document (for programs within a single agency) (488 KB)
Combined example of a Program Data Mapping (PDM) document for programs across two agencies PDF File (1.7 MB)
Mississippi's Approach to Building a P-20W Data Model: SLDS SpotlightPDF File (432 KB)

Creative/Alternate Sources of Funding for SLDS Work
Creative/Alternate Sources of Funding for SLDS Work
May 2011
Creative/Alternate Sources of Funding for SLDS Work

Dan Domagala (CO), Brian Rawson (TX), and Jim Boardman (AR) served as panelists presenting on their states' approaches to this challenging topic as SLDS State Support Team member Corey Chatis facilitated the conversation. Panelists and facilitator discussed how to initiate contact with organizations and entities to begin the funding conversation, ideas for communication and outreach strategies, difficulties encountered and lessons learned.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Alternate Sources of Funding MS PowerPoint (141 KB)
Alternative Sources of Support for SLDS Work: Best Practices Brief PDF File (2.6 MB)

P-20W Data Governance
P-20W Data Governance
April 2011
P-20W Data Governance

In general, data governance refers to the overall management of the availability, usability, integrity, quality, and security of data. A sound data governance program includes a governing body or council, a definition and allocation of authority, a defined set of procedures, and a plan to execute those procedures. During a webinar sponsored by the SLDS Grant Program, three states experienced with P-20W data governance shared their states’ stories and offered best practices.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
P20 Data Governance Webinar MS PowerPoint (3.23 MB)

Virginia's Federated Data System
Virginia's Federated Data System
April 2011
Virginia's Federated Data System

Will Goldschmidt and Bethann Canada of Virginia described how Virginia's SLDS team has designed a federated data system that will allow each participating agency to maintain its own database, presenting the joined data as if it resides in one place. They also discussed the system design and the process Virginia used to develop it.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
State Longitudinal Data System Architecture Review Summary PDF File (504 KB)
Virginia's Longitudinal Data System Zip File (5.28 MB)
Architectural Design and Best Practices Project: Final Report and Design Recommendations PDF File (4.36MB)

Regional Service Centers
Regional Service Centers
March 2011
Regional Service Centers

Mickey Garrison (Oregon), Peter Rooney (New York), and Jim Addy (Iowa) discussed how their SEAs partner with regional service agencies to provide training, professional development, reporting, and other services. They also provided background on how these relationships were built, as well as their different funding models.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
State Approaches to Regional Service Centers: SLDS Spotlight PDF File (667 KB)

Implementation of Single Sign On
Implementation of Single Sign On
September 2010
Implementation of Single Sign On

SLDS webinar to provide insight into the implementation of Single Sign On. Mike Schwartz (NH) and Deb Holdren (GA) share their states' approaches. Please contact Rosemary Collins for additional information.

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Course Completion Data
Course Completion Data
June 2011
Course Completion Data

SLDS webinar about collecting student-level data on course completion and grades. John Brandt (UT), Christina Tydeman (HI), and Jeff Sellers (FL) share their states' approaches and lead the discussion

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Course Completion Data
Managing Vendors
February 2011
Course Completion Data

SLDS webinar to provide insight into the RFP development process and vendor management

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FY09 ARRA RFA Informational WebEx Announcement and Presentation
FY09 ARRA RFA Informational WebEx Announcement and Presentation
October 5, 2009/September 18, 2009/August 27, 2009
FY09 ARRA RFA Informational WebEx Announcement and Presentation

On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences, the Council of Chief State School Officers hosted three opportunities for a WebEx information session for states planning to apply for Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) grants. Each presentation had the same format and cover the same information. Tate Gould and Emily Anthony, SLDS Grant Program Officers, presented an overview of the FY09 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act SLDS competition (~45 minutes) and then provided an opportunity for questions and answers (~45 minutes).

RFA Informational WebEx Announcement PDF File (111 KB)
View Webex Webinar Presentation (August 27, 2009)

Oregon's Data Training for Teachers and Administrators
Oregon's Data Training for Teachers and Administrators
October 2009
Managing Vendors

Oregon's team discusses how training on the Oregon Data Project is provided to teachers and administrators

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South Carolina Data Warehouse Content Methodology
South Carolina Data Warehouse Content Methodology
July 2009
South Carolina Data Warehouse Content Methodology

South Carolina's SLDS team discusses Data Warehouse Content Methodology.

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Arkansas' Data Visualization Project
Arkansas' Data Visualization Project
May 2009
Arkansas' Data Visualization Project

Arkansas' SLDS team discusses their Data Visualization Project and demonstrates HIVE.

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Colorado eTranscripts Demonstration
Colorado eTranscripts Demonstration
May 2009
Colorado eTranscripts Demonstration

Colorado's SLDS team discusses and demonstrates their eTranscript system, the Colorado Transcript Center (CTC).

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Virginia Education Information Management System Demonstration
Virginia Education Information Management System Demonstration
March 2009
Virginia Education Information Management System Demonstration

Virginia's SLDS team discusses and demonstrates their Education Information Management System.

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Florida's Data Linking Between K-12, Post-secondary, and Workforce
Florida's Data Linking Between K-12, Post-secondary, and Workforce
October 2008
Florida's Data Linking Between K-12, Post-secondary, and Workforce

A discussion by Florida's SLDS team about linking K-12 data systems with post-secondary and workforce data

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FY09 RFA Informational WebEx Session Announcement and Presentation
FY09 RFA Informational WebEx Session Announcement and Presentation
September 5, 2008/August 7 2008
FY09 RFA Informational WebEx Session Announcement and Presentation

On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences, the Council of Chief State School Officers hosted two opportunities for a WebEx information session for states planning to apply for Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) grants. They were presented by Lee Hoffman, NCES Program Director, and Tate Gould, SLDS Grant Program Officer and included an overview of the FY09 SLDS competition (~45 minutes) and provided an opportunity for questions and answers (~45 minutes).

RFA Announcement PDF File (107 KB)
View Webex Webinar Presentation (September 5, 2008)
View Webex Webinar Presentation (August 7, 2008)

Data Model
Data Model
May 2008
Data Model

Vinca Paredes of SIFA and Virginia's Bethann Canada answer questions regarding the "Education Data Model pK–12 Version 1."

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Sharing Data Across States
Sharing Data Across States
April 2008
Sharing Data Across States

Grantees share information regarding practices of unique individual identification, exchange of student data between states, and exchange of data while remaining in compliance with FERPA.

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Using SLDS Data - Working with Researchers
Using SLDS Data - Working with Researchers
March 2008
Using SLDS Data - Working with Researchers

Kansas' Kathy Gosa shares information regarding how states can work collaboratively with external researchers, what states need to consider when providing LDS data to external resources, and how states can build their internal capacity to conduct research and analyses on their own data.

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Fast Response Webinars

Fast response webinars provide states opportunities for timely responses to recurring issues or questions related to longitudinal data systems.

Stakeholder Communication
Stakeholder Communication
February 2011
Stakeholder Communication

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, and Oregon about stakeholder communication. The call enabled states to share strategies and lessons learned around communication with districts, program offices, and state legislatures, and resulted in an SLDS Best Practices Brief, Stakeholder Communications: Tips from the States PDF File (2.6MB). For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Regional Data Sharing
Regional Data Sharing
October 2010
Regional Data Sharing

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Alaska, Kansas, Maine, and Massachusetts about regional data sharing. The call allowed states to hear the steps others have taken toward developing regional data sharing initiatives and included conversation around the technical and policy roadblocks each data sharing effort has encountered. Specific regional data sharing initiatives that were discussed included efforts underway in New England, the Midwest, and among the WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education) states. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Federated Data Models
Federated Data Models
August 2010
Federated Data Models

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Arkansas, Colorado, and Connecticut about federated data models. The call addressed strategies for sharing data across agencies without the use of a "mega-warehouse," and the data sharing mechanisms, governance efforts, and challenges faced when employing a federated model. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Statewide Student Information Systems
Statewide Student Information Systems
August 2010
Statewide Student Information Systems

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin about Statewide Student Information Systems (SIS). The call allowed states to hear the steps others have taken toward the adoption of a statewide system, barriers encountered and potential solutions, as well as information about vendors used and related state legislation. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Postsecondary Data Sharing
Postsecondary Data Sharing
August 2010
Postsecondary Data Sharing

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin about postsecondary data sharing. The call addressed strategies for matching records, data architecture, feedback reports, and other data sharing mechanisms and challenges. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Sub-grants to Districts
Sub-grants to Districts
June 2010
Sub-grants to Districts

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion between Georgia, Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Texas about sub-grants to districts, lessons learned, and the best practices today. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Tracking Courses and Grades
Tracking Courses and Grades
April 2010
Tracking Courses and Grades

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Idaho, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin about tracking courses and grades. The call addressed aligning local and state course codes and grades, tracking information from elementary schools, and other data collection challenges. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Research Consortia
Research Consortia
February 2010
Research Consortia

The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Florida, Kentucky, and Rhode Island about research consortia and how to best utilize them along with a statewide longitudinal data system. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Workgroups and Data Series

Workgroups and Data Series help participating states discuss strategies, best practices, and challenges for specific LDS topics.

Student Growth Model Workgroup
Student Growth Model Workgroup
January 2012
Student Growth Model Workgroup

The SLDS workgroup participants include Iowa, Ohio, Arkansas, Alaska, Delaware, Missouri, and Florida. The workgroup has calls to review growth models used by states, determine the impact that implementation has on states, and to identify best practices as growth models are implemented in states. For a recording of any of the conversations, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Past Calls/Webinars:
Jan. 9, 2012
October 3, 2011
August 15, 2011
July 8, 2011

P-20/Workforce Workgroup
P-20/Workforce Workgroup
July 2011
P-20/Workforce Workgroup

The SLDS workgroup participants are Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Mississippi, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. The workgroup has calls about strategies and best practices for addressing challenges in building a P-20/Workforce SLDS. For a recording of any of the conversations, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Past Calls/Webinars:
July 11, 2011
May 16, 2011
April 25, 2011
March 28, 2011
January 12, 2011

Interoperability Workgroup
Interoperability Workgroup
June 2011
Interoperability Workgroup

The SLDS workgroup participants include Indiana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming. The workgroup has quarterly calls about vertical and horizontal interoperability and the use of the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) in their states. For a recording of any of the conversations, please contact Rosemary Collins.

Past Calls/Webinars:
June 14, 2011
March 15, 2011
December 14, 2010
September 14, 2010
June 16, 2010
April 14, 2010

Early Childhood Webinars

Early childhood webinars provide states the opportunity to discuss issues, best practices, and challenges related to early childhood data.

Integrating Early Childhood Into SLDS: Planning and Project Management
Integrating Early Childhood Into SLDS: Planning and Project Management
March 2012
Integrating Early Childhood Into SLDS: Planning and Project Management

This webinar reviewed how three states are integrating early childhood data into an SLDS, discussed steps to begin the integration, and reviewed the use of available planning and project management tools.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Integrating Early Childhood Into SLDS: Planning and Project Management MS PowerPoint (3.3 MB)

The Big Picture - Puzzle Pieces Explaining EC SLDS
Head Start and SLDS: Getting to Know You!
March 2012
The Big Picture - Puzzle Pieces Explaining EC SLDS

Panelists from Vermont, Utah, Missouri, and the State Support Team (SST) presented on how Head Start fits into statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDS). Missy Cochenour (SST) explained the goals of SLDSs and how they align with Head Start. Ben Allen (Vermont) defined Head Start and Early Head Start, while Kimberly Shinn-Brown (Missouri) discussed which data are collected, aggregated, and analyzed through Head Start. Colleen Murphy (Utah) presented on how Utah and Head Start work together on the state's SLDS, and Kathy Thornburg (Missouri) discussed why Head Start data are critical to answering school readiness questions.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Head Start and SLDS: Getting to Know You! MS PowerPoint (4.3 MB)
Webinar Summary PDF File (800 KB)

Innovative & Effective Utilization of Early Childhood Data
Innovative & Effective Utilization of Early Childhood Data
June 2011
Innovative & Effective Utilization of Early Childhood Data

Dr. Cindy Decker (Director of Assessment and Accountability for the Tulsa Community Action Project) and Dr. Jason Sachs (Early Childhood Director for Boston Public Schools) addressed innovative use of local early childhood data. Cindy presented CAPTC's efforts to gather classroom quality data, child outcomes, and health and workforce data and their efforts to link these data to area public schools' data systems. Jason presented Boston's efforts to track school readiness assessment data, classroom quality data, workforce data, and child outcomes from pre-k to the K-12 system, as well as how the district has used these data to influence policy and program development.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Early Childhood Webinar 5: Innovative & Effective Utilization of Early Childhood DataPDF File (361 KB)

Publication of Early Childhood Data & its Interface with Early Childhood Advisory Councils
Publication of Early Childhood Data & its Interface with Early Childhood Advisory Councils
May 2011
Publication of Early Childhood Data & its Interface with Early Childhood Advisory Councils

Rachel Demma (National Governors Association) discussed state activities around data and how these efforts interface with State Early Childhood Advisory Councils, Elliot Regenstein (Illinois) talked about some of Illinois' Early Childhood Data Projects and their work with their State Council, and Debra Andersen (Oklahoma) shared Oklahoma's progress in incorporating health data into their early childhood data efforts.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map PDF File (435 KB)
State Early Childhood Advisory Councils & Data System Development: A National Overview PDF File (794 KB)
Oklahoma's Early Childhood Data System: Integration of Heath Data PDF File (450 KB) Publication of Early Childhood Data & its Interface with Early Childhood Advisory CouncilsPDF File (500 KB)

Legalities of Data Sharing and the Issue of Commonality
Legalities of Data Sharing and the Issue of Commonality
March 2011
Legalities of Data Sharing and the Issue of Commonality

Todd Klunk (PA), Phil Sirinides (PA),and Albert Wat (Early Childhood Data Collaborative) facilitated a discussion designed to explore questions regarding what we need to know to implement legal solutions for sharing data across numerous early childhood programs and how we can implement a coordinated data system when commonality has not yet been sufficiently addressed.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Legalities of Data Sharing and the Issue of CommonalityPDF File (446 KB)

Creative Solutions to Defining and Capturing the 'P' in 'P-20'
Creative Solutions to Defining and Capturing the "P" in "P-20"
March 2011
Creative Solutions to Defining and Capturing the 'P' in 'P-20'

Mike Fahey (Hawaii), Helene Stebbins (Early Childhood Data Collaborative), and Steve Barnett (National Institute for Early Education Research) facilitated a discussion that explored how states can collect "P" data when a state does not have a "P" or when a state's "P" falls within many programs.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Webinar Summary PDF File (512 KB)
Creative Solutions to Defining and Capturing the "P" in "P-20"PDF File (396 KB)

Prioritizing Early Childhood Data
Prioritizing Early Childhood Data
January 2011
Prioritizing Early Childhood Data

Elizabeth Laird (Data Quality Campaign) and Elliot Regenstein (Illinois) facilitated a discussion regarding which probing questions should be answered by early childhood data collection efforts.

View Webex Webinar Presentation
Webinar Summary PDF File (318 KB)
Prioritizing Early Childhood DataPDF File (319 KB)

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