United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Escalated Enforcement Actions Issued to Materials Licensees - K

This table includes a collection of significant enforcement actions (referred to as "escalated") that the NRC has issued to materials licensees.

The types of actions and their abbreviations are as follows:

  • Notice of Violation for Severity Level I, II, or III violations (NOV)
  • Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty (NOVCP)
  • Order Imposing Civil Penalty (CPORDER)
  • Order Modifying, Suspending, or Revoking License (ORDER)

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Licensee Name and
NRC Action Number
Action Type
(Severity) &
Civil Penalty
(if any
Date Description
Daniel Kaidel
07/10/2003 On July 10, 2003, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III violation involving the licensee's inappropriate transfer of licensed material (approximately 150 millicuries of americium-241 in a portable gauge) to a person who was not authorized to receive such byproduct material, and the licensee's failure to verify, prior to transfer, that the person had a license to receive byproduct material.

KAM Engineering Services, P.C.

05/06/2009 On May 6, 2009, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to KAM Engineering Services (KAM-ES), for two Severity Level III violations.  The first violation involved the failure to file NRC Form 241 “Report of Proposed Activities in Non-Agreement States,” at least three days prior to engaging in licensed activities within NRC jurisdiction.  Specifically, from March 1, 2008 until January 21, 2009, KAM-ES, a holder of a North Carolina license, stored or used portable gauges in an area of exclusive federal jurisdiction without a specific license issued by the NRC and did not file Form-241 with the NRC.  The second violation involved a failure to utilize a minimum of two independent physical controls that form tangible barriers to secure portable gauges from unauthorized removal whenever the gauges were not under the control and constant surveillance of the licensee, as required by 10 CFR 30.34(i).  Specifically, KAM-ES periodically stored two portable gauges in a trailer-type container, and the trailer only had a single lock on the door to secure gauges from unauthorized removal, whenever they were not under the control and constant surveillance of KAM-ES.
Kanawha Scales & Systems, Inc., OH
02/18/2010 On February 18, 2010, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to Kanawha Scales & Systems, Inc., a licensee of the State of Ohio, for a Severity Level III violation involving 10 CFR 150.20.  Specifically, on November 2, 2009, Kanawha Scales & Systems, Inc., used sealed sources in a non-agreement state without filing an NRC Form 241 at least three days prior to engaging in licensed activities in areas of exclusive Federal jurisdiction.
Kapiolani Medical Center, HI
03/03/1997 The action was taken because on November 18, and 20, 1996, laboratories in which microcurie quantities of iodine-125 or phosphorus-32 were stored were not locked when not occupied.
Karmanos Cancer Center, MI
04/10/2008 On April 10, 2008, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III violation. The violation involved the failure to develop, implement and maintain written directive procedures to provide high confidence that each administration was in accordance with the written directive. Specifically, the licensee’s written procedures for the implementation of treatment plans with its stereotactic radiosurgery unit did not require a check of the treatment plan parameters and magnetic resonance image orientation prior to administration of the treatment. As a result, the licensee administered a single gamma knife treatment to an unintended portion of the patient’s brain.
Kennedy Memorial Hospital, NJ
01/31/1997 Dose rates from therapy patients in adjacent rooms exceeded limits.
Kirksville, City of, MO
09/22/2008 On September 22, 2008, a Notice of Violation was issued to the City of Kirksville, MO. an NRC licensee. This action is based on a Severity Level III violation of 10 CFR 30.34(i) involving the licensee's failure to maintain a minimum of two independent physical controls that formed tangible barriers to secure a portable gauge from unauthorized removal during a period when the portable gauge was not under the control and constant surveillance of the licensee. Specifically, on multiple occasions, the licensee stored a portable gauge in a laboratory using only a single barrier, the locked laboratory room door. In addition, on multiple occasions, the licensee transported a portable gauge, in its transport case, in the back of a closed-bed pickup truck with only a single barrier, the lock on the bed cover.
Koch Engineering Company , DE

$ 4,400
03/13/1998 Failure to implement QA program prior to shipping RAM.
$ 4,400
Koppel Steel Corporation, PA

$ 8,000
03/19/1997 The action was based on discrimination against a former Radiation Safety Officer after he provided information to an NRC inspector during an April 1996 inspection.
KTI Construction Services, Inc., KS
07/20/1998 Failure to secure licensed material from unauthorized removal.
KTL Rodebush Testing, MO
ORDER 12/30/2004 On December 30, 2004, an Order Revoking License was issued based on the licensee’s deliberate acts and omissions involving radiography activities (previously identified and addressed in an immediately effective Order Suspending License and Demand for Information issued by the NRC on March 11, 2004) and the Commission’s lack of requisite reasonable assurance that the public health and safety is adequately protected by continuing activities under the existing license.
KTL Rodebush Testing, MO
03/11/2004 On March 11, 2004, an immediately effective Order Suspending License and Demand for Information was issued based on the conclusion that the licensee deliberately violated NRC safety requirements and deliberately provided inaccurate and incomplete information to the NRC.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012