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December 25, 2016

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Indiana Native Plants - Displayed by Common Name in Ascending Order

Source: "Landscaping with Plants Native to Indiana"

4 plants found. Generated on 12/25/2016. Display Plant Images Only   Printer-Friendly List

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Common Name
Botanical Name
Greenhouse Location Thumb-
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Flower Color Foliage Color Annual/ Perennial Exposure Bloom Season Height Spread Hardiness Zone
(See Map)
Container Size
Spring Summer Autumn
Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius
1. Coppertina ('Mindia')
Coppertina is a new cross between the golden ninebark 'Darks Gold' and the purple leafed ninebark Diabolo ('Monlo'). The result give us a wonderful plant with orange-copper foliage in the spring. As the foliage matures in summer it turns a rich red. n/a Click to display 'Coppertina ('Mindia')' tag image 8'-10' 5' 3-7 3 Gallon
2. Summer Wine ('Seward')
A new smaller version of purple-leafed Ninebark. This shrub has very compact branching and fine, deeply cut leaves. A very hardy shrub that requires little pruning, this unique native plant has pinkish-white, button-like flowers in mid-summer. SA-18 Click to display 'Summer Wine ('Seward')' tag image 5'-6' 36"-48" 3-8 3 Gallon
Sweetspire (Virginia) Itea virginica 
3. Little Henry ('Sprich')
A new compact Sweetspire with pure white flowers in the early summer cover this low mounded, compact shrub. Perfectly suited for flooding large banks, beds and borders. If burning bush has good fall color, then this plant is a wildfire. SC-4 Click to display 'Little Henry ('Sprich')' tag image 36" 36" 5 3 Gallon
Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 
4. Berry Heavy ('Spravy')
A spectacular winter show with its heavy set of large, bright red berries. We have been watching this plant for years and we feel it rivals all other winterberry selections for its sheer mass of fruit. Use Jim Dandy as the male. SC-11 Click to display 'Berry Heavy ('Spravy')' tag image 5'-7' 5'-7' 4 10" Terra Cotta

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