North Central Texas Smartscape

Texas SmartScape™ utilizes xeriscape principles, but goes beyond the basics by providing design, care, and plant search tools that are "Smart" for North Central Texas. Learn more...

This Program Will Show You How To

Conserve water and save $Money$ on your water bills; beautify your home and local environment; attract native butterflies, hummingbirds and other wildlife; and prevent / help reduce storm water pollution!


October 2016

SmartScape User Survey

SmartScape User Survey

Create your own user feedback survey


July 2016

Soil, Water, Plants

Soil, Water, Plants

Soil, Water, Plants. Balancing those three factors will help ensure protection of the environment by reducing the amount of water, fertilizer, and pesticides needed to maintain your landscape. Modelling your outside landscape to match Mother Nature is known as biomimicry. Mimicking nature and biological processes helps close the gap between the needed maintenance and intervention required to keep everything alive and looking beautiful.

Soil – The most common soil type in North Texas is clay. This type of soil feels smooth and sticky in your hands when you mix it with water. Clay soils do not typically absorb water quickly so watering slowly or in intervals is key to preventing runoff. Incorporating compost into clay soils can greatly increase its ability to soak up and hold onto water.

Water – The average annual precipitation in DFW is 35.65” categorizing the region as a humid subtropical climate. SmartScape promoted plants are native to this climate and once established can thrive with little to no additional watering.

Plants – Check out our newly updated plant list of over 450 plants that are native or adaptive to the Dallas-Fort Worth region. A new feature we added is the ability to search by landscape use! Try it out and start planning your SmartScape garden!


March 2016

2016 Texas SmartScape Voter Guide

2016 Texas SmartScape Voter Guide

Staff and SmartScape participant communities have been hard at work creating the third edition of the Texas SmartScape digital magazine. This magazine highlights a few of our favorite plants in a fun and interesting way. This isn’t your usual, boring, botanical name and basic information. This magazine is packed full of beautiful images, helpful tips, and style guides for your landscape.

Please feel free to download, link to, share, post, read out loud to anyone passing by! We just want to get the word out about the water conservation and stormwater quality benefits of using native plants that require less water and maintenance while still providing a beautiful landscape year round.

Check it out!

Don't forget to "cast your vote" at one of our plant sales. Find out about event locations, times, and more.


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