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Seung Ho Yang

  • Working experience for more than 5 years in both an industry and government institutes
  • Academic background in material science, mechanical engineering and applied physics
  • Author of 32 scientific papers, 40 conference proceedings and 6 patents
  • Specialized in MEMS design/FEM modeling/fabrication testing (5 years):
    • MEMS actuators, sensors and multi degree-of-freedom MEMS stages/nanopositioners
    • Authorized user of NIST NanoFab
  • Specialized in nanotechnology (5 years) using AFM
    • Nanomechanics: Intermolecular forces and nano-scale material property measurements
    • Nanotribology: Adhesion/friction/lubrication/wear at sub-nanometer scale
  • Specialized in tribology (friction, wear and lubrication) research (5 years)
  • Specialized in bio-mimetics: surface modification for ultrahydrophobicity & self-cleaning ability
  • Specialized in AFM measurements with custom-made AFM probes and colloidal probes
  • Specialized in fabricating flexible electro-capacitive topographic sensors with commercial printer & etching
  • 1995 - Winner of the "Excellent Korean Technology (KT Mark) award"
  • 1996 - Bronze medal winner of new technology award, SAMSUNG
  • 1999 - Winner of the “Excellent scientific and technology paper award”, KOFST/ Ministry of Science and Technology, south Korea
  • 2002 - Gold medal winner of KIST’s best student researcher award, KIST
  • 2002 - Post-doctorial fellowship, Korean Government, KOSEF
Selected Publications

S.H. Yang, H. Zhang, M. Nosonovsky and K.-H. Chung, "Effects of contact geometry on pull-off force measurements with a colloidal probe", Langmuir, 24, No.3 (2008) 743-748.

S.H. Yang, H. Zhang, M. Nosonovsky and K.-H. Chung, "Nanoscale water capillary bridges under deeply negative pressure", Chemical Physics Letters, 451, Issue 1-3, (2008) 88-92.

S.H. Yang, Y. Kim, K.P. Purushothamb, J.-M. Yoo, Y. Choi and N. Dagalakis, “AFM characterization of nanopositioner in-plane stiffnesses”, Sensors and Actuators A, in press, 2010.

S.H. Yang, Y. Kim, J.-M. Yoo and N. Dagalakis, "microelectromechanical system based Steward platform with sub-nano resolution," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol 101 061909 (2012).

Dr. Seung Ho Yang was elected as a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in the year 2008. He currently serves as reviewers of many journals; "Nanotechnology", "Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering", "Measurement Science and Technology", "Journal of Physics D", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A" and "Sensors and Actuators A."



Guest Researcher
Intelligent Systems Division
Systems Integration Group

Employment History:

1991 – 1998 Research Scientist, Materials Research Group, SAMSUNG

1994 – 1996 Joint research projects between SAMSUNG and Russian Academy of Science.

1996 – 2002 Student Researcher, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).

2002 – 2003 Post Doctorial Research Fellow, KIST

2003 – 2007 Guest Researcher, Nanomechanical Properties Group, MSEL, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

2007 – present Research Associate, Intelligent Systems Div., National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University (2002), South Korea

Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University (1998), South Korea

Bachelor of Science, Metallurgical Engineering, Yonsei University (1988), South Korea


Phone: 301-975-8081
Email: seung.yang@nist.gov
Fax: 301-990-9688