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Trademark Commissioner's Performance for FY 2003


The AIPA, Title VI, Subtitle G, the Patent and Trademark Office Efficiency Act, established the USPTO as an agency of the U.S., within Commerce, on March 29, 2000. The legislation provides for appointment of a Commissioner for Patents as the Chief Operating Officer for Patents, and a Commissioner for Trademarks as the Chief Operating Officer for Trademarks. It also requires that an annual performance agreement be established between the Commissioners and the Secretary of Commerce. The agreement outlines measurable organizational goals and objectives for the organization. The Commissioners may be rewarded a bonus, based upon an evaluation of their performance as defined in the agreement, of up to 50 percent of their base salary.

The Trademark Organization goals form the foundation for the annual performance agreement between the Commissioner for Trademarks and the Secretary of Commerce, as required by the AIPA. The performance agreement outlines measurable organizational goals and objectives for the Trademark Organization based on the above goals and performance measures. At the time of publication, the performance bonus for the Commissioner of Trademarks had not been finalized.

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United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/26/2009 4:26:00 PM