Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi Announces Choices for Democratic Steering Committee

DeLauro Named Co-Chair, Serrano, Tanner, and Waters Vice Chairs

September 30, 2002

Pelosi Announces Choices for Democratic Steering Committee
DeLauro Named Co-Chair, Serrano, Tanner, and Waters Vice Chairs

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- House Democratic Leader-Elect Nancy Pelosi today announced the appointment of Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut as co-chair of the Democratic Steering Committee.
"Rosa DeLauro is a great communicator and strategic thinker who is one of the most effective Members of Congress," Pelosi said. "Her experience, commitment, integrity, and knowledge of the issues will help the Democratic Caucus meet the challenges that we face."
Pelosi, who chairs the Steering Committee, also named Jose Serrano of New York, John Tanner of Tennessee, and Maxine Waters of California as vice chairs of the Steering Committee, which will fill Democratic committee assignments. "I look forward to working with the leaders of the Steering Committee, all of whom are experienced legislators and respected voices in the Congress," Pelosi said. "They show the great diversity and strength of our Caucus."

Pelosi also named the following Members to the Steering Committee: Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, Michael Capuano of Massachusetts, Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, John Larson of Connecticut, Zoe Lofgren of California, Nita Lowey of New York, Robert Matsui of California, Carolyn McCarthy of New York, Betty McCollum of Minnesota, Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, John Murtha of Pennsylvania, Donald Payne of New Jersey, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Mike Ross of Arkansas, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, and Hilda Solis of California.

Other members of the Steering Committee include the elected leadership: Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland, Caucus Chair Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Caucus Vice Chair James Clyburn of South Carolina and Assistant to the Minority Leader John Spratt of South Carolina. Regional representatives were elected last week. They are: Tom Udall of New Mexico, Mike Thompson of California, Carolyn Kilpatrick of Michigan, Jerry Costello of Illinois, Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota, Jim Turner of Texas, Chris John of Louisiana, Jim Davis of Florida, Nick Rahall of West Virginia, Joseph Crowley of New York, and John Tierney of Massachusetts.


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