Press Releases by Congresswoman Pelosi

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits to Elderly Immigrants

February 18, 1997

Congresswoman Pelosi Announces Plan that Calls for Legislative and Administrative Action to Restore Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits to Elderly Immigrants

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) introduced a plan this morning for legislative and administrative action to restore Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits to elderly, blind and disabled legal immigrants.

Legislatively, Congresswoman Pelosi is pushing for new federal legislation to remove unnecessary barriers in the citizenship process for elderly legal immigrants. "We need to take action now to protect thousands of elderly and disabled people from hunger, homelessness and despair," said Pelosi. "In California alone, 220,000 elderly and infirm residents will have their benefits cut off in August. Nearly 55,000 of those are in the Bay Area," she added.

"I am pleased to sponsor Representative Patsy Mink's (D-HI) bill (HR 574). This legislation recognizes that elderly non-citizens who have lived and worked here for many years have demonstrated their loyalty to the United States. Their commitment to become American citizens should be assisted, rather than hindered by obstacles in the naturalization process," Pelosi said.

Administratively, Representative Pelosi called on the Immigration and Naturalization Service to implement a policy of expediting citizenship applications of elderly immigrants who will lose their benefits in August.

Pelosi encouraged the INS to adopt a policy granting a waiver of the English language and civics examination requirements for the physically and mentally disabled.

Congresswoman Pelosi also urged the INS to provide for a waiver or modification of the oath requirement in cases of immigrants with Alzheimer's disease or other mental incapacity. "For this extremely vulnerable group of people to face a cut-off of SSI benefits threatens their very survival," Pelosi said.

Representative Pelosi urged the Social Security Administration to adopt a policy of permitting persons who have applied for American citizenship to continue to receive benefits until their applications are adjudicated. "This is a fair and sensible approach to protect thousands of elderly residents who are making a good faith effort to meet the new legislative requirements," Pelosi said.

Notices to about one million SSI recipients are being mailed in February and March informing those elderly and disabled legal immigrants that their benefits will cease by August if they have not attained United States citizenship by that date.

Representative Pelosi was joined at today's press conference by elderly San Franciscans in personal danger of losing their SSI benefits and by leaders of San Francisco's immigrant communities.

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