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Introduction to Performance

Chart summarizing USPTO Strategic Goal performance target results for Fiscal Year 2010. D

This section provides the USPTO’s strategic and performance planning framework and performance results. In FY 2010, the USPTO issued its USPTO 2010-2015 Strategic Plan that is available at The strategic plan recognizes that innovation has become the principal driver of our modern economy by stimulating economic growth and creating high-paying jobs. America’s innovators rely on the U. S. patent and trademark systems to secure investment capital and to bring their products and services to the marketplace as soon as possible. Therefore, it is critical for America’s innovators to have a well-run USPTO.

Our new strategic plan communicates agency priorities and directions, and serves as the foundation for programmatic and management functions. These priorities support the DOC’s theme of economic growth and goal of delivering the tools, systems, policies, and technologies critical to transforming our economy, fostering U.S. competitiveness, and driving the development of new businesses.

The strategic plan also includes a Balanced Scorecard which identifies the objectives, initiatives, and performance measures associated with each strategic goal. This scorecard serves as a management tool for tracking progress in meeting each of our performance commitments. Most of the scorecard’s performance metrics were monitored internally for FY 2010. We will continue to publish the measures that have been historically reported externally.

Following the presentation of the Strategic Planning Framework below, a summary table provides trend information on performance results within each strategic goal. This is followed by a more detailed discussion of our strategy and performance results, by strategic objective within each strategic goal. The performance measurement results data is presented at the end of each strategic goal’s discussion.

Performance measures reported in last year’s PAR that are no longer tracked or reported are listed in the Accompanying Information on USPTO Performance section of this report.

2010-2015 Strategic Plan


Fostering innovation, competitiveness and economic growth, domestically and abroad by
delivering high quality and timely examination of patent and trademark applications, guiding
domestic and international intellectual property policy, and delivering intellectual property
information and education worldwide, with a highly skilled, and diverse workforce.


Leading the Nation and the World in Intellectual Property Protection and Policy.

Strategic Goals with Resources Invested Objectives

Optimize Patent Quality
and Timeliness

$1,707 million

Re-Engineer Patent Process to Increase Efficiencies and Strengthen Effectiveness
Increase Patent Application Examination Capacity
Improve Patent Pendency and Quality by Increasing International Cooperation and Work Sharing
Measure and Improve Patent Quality
Improve Appeal and Post-Grant Processes
Develop and Implement the Patent End-to-End Processing System

Optimize Trademark Quality
and Timeliness

$183 million

Maintain Trademark First Action Pendency on Average between 2.5 – 3.5 Months with 13 Months Final Pendency
Continuously Monitor and Improve Trademark Quality
Ensure Accuracy of Identifications of Goods and Services in Trademark Applications and Registrations
Enhance Operations of Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB)
Modernize IT System by Developing and Implementing the Trademark Next Generation IT System
Develop a New Generation of Trademark Leaders

Provide Domestic and Global
Leadership to Improve Intellectual
Property Policy, Protection and
Enforcement Worldwide

$49 million

Provide Domestic Leadership on IP Policy Issues and Development of a National IP Strategy
Provide Leadership on International Policies for Improving the Protection and Enforcement of IP Rights
Achieve Organizational
Improve IT Infrastructure and Tools
Implement a Sustainable Funding Model for Operations
Improve Employee and Stakeholder Relations
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Last Modified: 01/14/2011 10:58:20