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Note 10. Earmarked Funds

Earmarked funds are financed by specifically identified revenues, which remain available over time. These specifically identified revenues are required by statute to be used for designated activities, benefits, or purposes, and must be accounted for separately from the Government’s general revenues. At the USPTO, earmarked funds include the salaries and expenses fund and the special fund receipts. Non-entity funds, as disclosed in Note 3, are not earmarked funds and are therefore excluded from the below amounts.

The following tables provide the status of the USPTO’s earmarked funds as of and for the years ended September 30, 2010 and 2009.

Earmarked Funds for FY 2010
(Dollars in Thousands)
  Salaries and
Expenses Fund
Surcharge Fund Total Earmarked
Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2010      
Fund Balance with Treasury $1,101,228 $233,529 $1,334,757
Cash 2,570 2,570
Accounts Receivable, Net 758 758
Other Assets 187,564 187,564
Total Assets $1,292,120 $233,529 $1,525,649
Total Liabilities $1,033,344 $— $1,033,344
Cumulative Results of Operations 258,776 233,529 492,305
Total Liabilities and Net Position $1,292,120 $233,529 $1,525,649

Statement of Net Cost For the Year Ended September 30, 2010
Total Program Cost $2,006,938 $— $2,006,938
Less Earned Revenue (2,101,682) (2,101,682)
Net Cost of Operations $(94,744) $— $(94,744)

Statement of Changes in Net Position For the Year Ended September 30, 2010
Net Position, Beginning of Year $142,265 $233,529 $375,794
Other Financing Sources:      
Imputed Financing $21,767 $— $21,767
Net Income from Operations 94,744 94,744
Change in Net Position $116,511 $— $116,511
Net Position, End of Year $258,776 $233,529 $492,305

Earmarked Funds for FY 2009
(Dollars in Thousands)
  Salaries and
Expenses Fund
Surcharge Fund Total Earmarked
Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2009      
Fund Balance with Treasury $979,154 $233,529 $1,212,683
Cash 2,277 2,277
Accounts Receivable, Net 438 438
Other Assets 218,864 218,864
Total Assets $1,200,733 $233,529 $1,434,262
Total Liabilities $1,058,468 $— $1,058,468
Cumulative Results of Operations 142,265 233,529 375,794
Total Liabilities and Net Position $1,200,733 $233,529 $1,434,262

Statement of Net Cost For the Year Ended September 30, 2009
Total Program Cost $1,981,940 $— $1,981,940
Less Earned Revenue (1,927,130) (1,927,130)
Net Cost of Operations $54,810 $— $54,810

Statement of Changes in Net Position For the Year Ended September 30, 2009
Net Position, Beginning of Year $199,075 $233,529 $432,604
Budgetary Financing Sources $(2,000) $— $(2,000)
Net Cost of Operations (54,810) (54,810)
Change in Net Position $(56,810) $— $(56,810)
Net Position, End of Year $142,265 $233,529 $375,794

The Salaries and Expenses Fund contains moneys used for the administering of the laws relevant to patents and trademarks and advising the Secretary of Commerce, the President of the United States, and the Administration on patent, trademark, and copyright protection, and trade-related aspects of intellectual property. This fund is used for the USPTO’s three core business activities – granting patents, registering trademarks, and intellectual property policy, protection, and enforcement – that promote the use of intellectual property rights as a means of achieving economic prosperity. These activities give innovators, businesses, and entrepreneurs the protection and encouragement they need to turn their creative ideas into tangible products, and also provide protection for their inventions and trademarks. The USPTO may use moneys from this account only as authorized by Congress via appropriations.

The Surcharge Fund was created in FY 1992 through the Patent and Trademark Office Surcharge provision in the OBRA of 1990 (Section 10101, Public Law 101-508). This required that the USPTO impose a surcharge on certain patent fees and set in statute the amounts of money that the USPTO should deposit in a special fund receipt account at the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This surcharge was eliminated in FY 1999. The USPTO may use moneys from this account only as authorized by Congress, and only as made available by the issuance of a Treasury warrant.

United States Patent and Trademark Office
Last Modified: 01/14/2011 10:53:58