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Consolidated Balance Sheets


United States Patent and Trademark Office
Consolidated Balance Sheets
As of September 30, 2005 and 2004
(Dollars in Thousands)
  2005 2004
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 2)
$1,240,798 $1,135,268
Accounts Receivable
        50         35
Advances and Prepayments
     2,729      6,370
single underline
Total Intragovernmental
 1,243,577  1,141,673

     8,874     11,871
Accounts Receivable, Net
     2,666      1,303
Advances and Prepayments
     5,631      5,162
Property and Equipment, Net (Note 4)
   148,401    137,303
single underline
Total Assets
$1,409,149 $1,297,312
double underline
Accounts Payable
$    5,163 $    2,220
Accrued Payroll and Benefits
     5,409      4,108
Accrued Postemployment Compensation
     1,367      1,522
Customer Deposit Accounts (Note 3)
     4,230      3,906
single underline
Total Intragovernmental
    16,169     11,756

Accounts Payable
    96,607     75,067
Accrued Payroll and Benefits
    46,221     40,365
Accrued Leave
    39,097     38,935
Customer Deposit Accounts (Note 3)
    69,844     66,863
Patent Cooperation Treaty Account (Note 3)
     9,035      8,195
Madrid Protocol Account (Note 3)
       334         —
Deferred Revenue (Note 6)
   706,734    579,596
Actuarial Liability (Note 7)
     7,278      7,484
single underline
Total Liabilities (Note 5)
$  991,319 $  828,261
single underline
Unexpended Appropriations
$       26 $       23
Cumulative Results of Operations
   417,804    469,028
single underline
Total Net Position
$  417,830 $  469,051
single underline
Total Liabilities and Net Position
$1,409,149 $1,297,312
double underline
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


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United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 11/5/2009 12:02:01 PM