U.S. Department of Commerce


Americans with Disabilities: 1997 - Table A

Table A.  Selected Disability Measures: 1997
(August-November 1997 data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation)

                            Number with specified           Percent with specified
                            characteristic                  characteristic
                            (In thousands)

Categories                  Number      90-percent          Percent      90-percent
                                        confidence                       confidence
                                        interval (+/-)                   interval (+/-)

All ages                    267,665        (X)                100.0         (X)
  With a disability          52,596        814                 19.7         0.3
    Severe disability        32,970        673                 12.3         0.3
      Needed personal        10,076        390                  3.8         0.1
      assistance with
      an ADL or IADL

Age 15 years and over       208,059        (X)                100.0         (X)
  Used a wheelchair           2,155        183                  1.0         0.1 
  Used a cane, crutches  
  or walker (not a wheelchair)6,372        313                  3.1         0.2
  Had difficulty seeing       7,673        342                  3.7         0.2
      Unable to see           1,768        166                  0.8         0.1
  Had difficulty hearing      7,966        348                  3.8         0.2
      Unable to hear            832        114                  0.4         0.1

Age 25 to 64 years
With any disability          26,493        612                100.0         (X)
  In poverty                  5,669        295                 21.4         1.0
  With a nonsevere            9,794        385                100.0         (X)
    In poverty                1,018        126                 10.4         1.2
  With a severe disability   16,700        496                100.0         (X)
    In poverty                4,651        268                 27.9         1.4
No disability               112,604      1,007                100.0         (X)
  In poverty                  9,376        377                  8.3         0.3

(X) Not applicable.
Note: See text in report for a description of ADLs and IADLs.

Go to Americans with Disabilities: 1997
Go to SIPP Disability Data
Contact the Census Call Center Staff at 1-800-923-8282 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information on Disability Data.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division