U.S. Department of Commerce


Selected Characteristics of Persons 16 to 64: 1995

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   1
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  16 to 24 years old                32357       1357        4.2        535        1.7        822        2.5 
Less than 7th grade                   512         69       13.5          6        1.1         63       12.4 
7th to 8th grade                      802         61        7.7         22        2.7         40        4.9 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      11648        508        4.4        179        1.5        328        2.8 
High school graduate                 7789        435        5.6        190        2.4        245        3.1 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       9658        240        2.5        113        1.2        127        1.3 
Bachelor's degree or more            1948         43        2.2         25        1.3         18        0.9 
  25 to 34 years old                40967       2654        6.5       1124        2.7       1530        3.7 
Less than 7th grade                  1054        134       12.7         20        1.9        114       10.8 
7th to 8th grade                      604         80       13.2         16        2.7         63       10.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       3668        520       14.2        130        3.5        390       10.6 
High school graduate                13911       1060        7.6        431        3.1        629        4.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      11478        680        5.9        418        3.6        262        2.3 
Bachelor's degree or more           10253        180        1.8        109        1.1         71        0.7 
  35 to 44 years old                42043       3993        9.5       1568        3.7       2425        5.8 
Less than 7th grade                  1083        228       21.0         25        2.3        203       18.8 
7th to 8th grade                      664        171       25.7         22        3.3        149       22.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       3179        697       21.9        144        4.5        553       17.4 
High school graduate                14047       1458       10.4        564        4.0        895        6.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      11911       1006        8.4        547        4.6        459        3.9 
Bachelor's degree or more           11159        434        3.9        267        2.4        166        1.5 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   2
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  45 to 54 years old                30639       4089       13.3       1616        5.3       2473        8.1 
Less than 7th grade                   938        264       28.1         38        4.1        226       24.0 
7th to 8th grade                      798        287       36.0         43        5.3        245       30.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       2485        693       27.9        177        7.1        516       20.8 
High school graduate                 9958       1445       14.5        539        5.4        906        9.1 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       7874        888       11.3        478        6.1        410        5.2 
Bachelor's degree or more            8585        512        6.0        341        4.0        171        2.0 
  55 to 64 years old                20750       4752       22.9       1626        7.8       3126       15.1 
Less than 7th grade                  1040        530       50.9         76        7.3        453       43.6 
7th to 8th grade                     1194        520       43.5         98        8.2        422       35.3 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       2491        849       34.1        196        7.9        653       26.2 
High school graduate                 7743       1627       21.0        621        8.0       1006       13.0 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       4331        787       18.2        382        8.8        405        9.4 
Bachelor's degree or more            3949        440       11.1        253        6.4        187        4.7 
  65 to 69 years old                 9658       2698       27.9       1729       17.9        969       10.0 
Less than 7th grade                   611        285       46.7         94       15.4        191       31.3 
7th to 8th grade                      837        370       44.2        182       21.7        188       22.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1475        571       38.7        338       22.9        233       15.8 
High school graduate                 3501        832       23.8        619       17.7        213        6.1 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1764        407       23.1        291       16.5        116        6.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            1471        233       15.8        205       14.0         27        1.9 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   3
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  70 to 74 years old                 8555       2578       30.1       1844       21.6        734        8.6 
Less than 7th grade                   626        302       48.2        144       23.1        157       25.1 
7th to 8th grade                      877        379       43.2        257       29.3        121       13.8 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1236        441       35.7        334       27.1        107        8.7 
High school graduate                 3132        848       27.1        611       19.5        237        7.6 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1567        387       24.7        309       19.7         78        5.0 
Bachelor's degree or more            1116        221       19.8        189       16.9         32        2.9 
  16 to 74 years old               184969      22122       12.0      10043        5.4      12079        6.5 
Less than 7th grade                  5865       1811       30.9        404        6.9       1407       24.0 
7th to 8th grade                     5777       1868       32.3        640       11.1       1228       21.3 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      26182       4279       16.3       1498        5.7       2781       10.6 
High school graduate                60082       7706       12.8       3574        5.9       4132        6.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      48584       4395        9.0       2537        5.2       1858        3.8 
Bachelor's degree or more           38480       2063        5.4       1389        3.6        674        1.8 
  16 to 64 years old               166756      16846       10.1       6469        3.9      10377        6.2 
Less than 7th grade                  4628       1225       26.5        165        3.6       1059       22.9 
7th to 8th grade                     4063       1119       27.5        201        5.0        918       22.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      23471       3267       13.9        826        3.5       2441       10.4 
High school graduate                53448       6025       11.3       2344        4.4       3681        6.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      45253       3601        8.0       1938        4.3       1663        3.7 
Bachelor's degree or more           35894       1609        4.5        995        2.8        614        1.7 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   4
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  25 to 64 years old               134399      15489       11.5       5935        4.4       9554        7.1 
Less than 7th grade                  4116       1155       28.1        160        3.9        996       24.2 
7th to 8th grade                     3261       1058       32.4        179        5.5        878       26.9 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      11823       2759       23.3        646        5.5       2113       17.9 
High school graduate                45659       5590       12.2       2154        4.7       3436        7.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      35594       3361        9.4       1825        5.1       1536        4.3 
Bachelor's degree or more           33946       1566        4.6        970        2.9        596        1.8 
  65 to 74 years old                18213       5276       29.0       3574       19.6       1703        9.3 
Less than 7th grade                  1237        587       47.5        239       19.3        348       28.2 
7th to 8th grade                     1714        749       43.7        439       25.6        310       18.1 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       2711       1012       37.3        673       24.8        339       12.5 
High school graduate                 6633       1681       25.3       1230       18.5        451        6.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       3331        794       23.8        599       18.0        195        5.8 
Bachelor's degree or more            2586        454       17.5        394       15.2         60        2.3 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   5
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  16 to 24 years old                16160        661        4.1        264        1.6        397        2.5 
Less than 7th grade                   321         42       13.2          3        1.0         39       12.2 
7th to 8th grade                      412         15        3.6          3        0.7         12        3.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       6053        285        4.7         98        1.6        187        3.1 
High school graduate                 4084        227        5.6        112        2.7        116        2.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       4489         86        1.9         42        0.9         43        1.0 
Bachelor's degree or more             801          6        0.7          6        0.7          -          - 
  25 to 34 years old                20195       1272        6.3        542        2.7        730        3.6 
Less than 7th grade                   631         82       13.0         12        1.8         71       11.2 
7th to 8th grade                      306         44       14.5          5        1.7         39       12.8 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1930        253       13.1         66        3.4        187        9.7 
High school graduate                 7034        517        7.3        208        3.0        309        4.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5207        306        5.9        208        4.0         98        1.9 
Bachelor's degree or more            5087         71        1.4         43        0.9         27        0.5 
  35 to 44 years old                20695       2089       10.1        836        4.0       1254        6.1 
Less than 7th grade                   582        149       25.7         23        3.9        127       21.8 
7th to 8th grade                      385        112       29.2         16        4.3         96       25.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1625        377       23.2         85        5.2        292       18.0 
High school graduate                 6822        727       10.7        281        4.1        447        6.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5519        514        9.3        290        5.3        223        4.0 
Bachelor's degree or more            5763        210        3.6        141        2.4         69        1.2 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   6
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  45 to 54 years old                14970       2094       14.0        831        5.6       1262        8.4 
Less than 7th grade                   507        161       31.8         22        4.4        139       27.5 
7th to 8th grade                      423        155       36.6         24        5.7        131       30.9 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1157        292       25.2         59        5.1        232       20.1 
High school graduate                 4341        713       16.4        258        6.0        455       10.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       3655        453       12.4        247        6.8        206        5.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            4888        319        6.5        220        4.5         99        2.0 
  55 to 64 years old                 9872       2327       23.6        853        8.6       1475       14.9 
Less than 7th grade                   554        295       53.3         36        6.5        259       46.9 
7th to 8th grade                      581        259       44.5         41        7.0        218       37.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1093        342       31.3         69        6.3        273       24.9 
High school graduate                 3179        737       23.2        316        9.9        421       13.2 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       2028        395       19.5        206       10.1        189        9.3 
Bachelor's degree or more            2438        300       12.3        186        7.6        114        4.7 
  65 to 69 years old                 4395       1284       29.2        860       19.6        424        9.6 
Less than 7th grade                   327        148       45.2         53       16.4         94       28.8 
7th to 8th grade                      424        197       46.4        101       23.9         96       22.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        609        251       41.2        168       27.6         83       13.6 
High school graduate                 1382        336       24.3        244       17.7         92        6.6 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        780        198       25.3        155       19.9         43        5.5 
Bachelor's degree or more             873        155       17.8        139       15.9         17        1.9 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   7
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  70 to 74 years old                 3701       1198       32.4        917       24.8        281        7.6 
Less than 7th grade                   290        140       48.3         79       27.4         60       20.9 
7th to 8th grade                      394        181       46.0        142       36.2         39        9.8 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        548        230       42.0        169       30.9         61       11.1 
High school graduate                 1135        335       29.5        259       22.9         76        6.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        653        181       27.8        151       23.2         30        4.6 
Bachelor's degree or more             681        130       19.0        115       16.9         15        2.2 
  16 to 74 years old                89988      10926       12.1       5103        5.7       5823        6.5 
Less than 7th grade                  3211       1018       31.7        228        7.1        790       24.6 
7th to 8th grade                     2923        963       32.9        333       11.4        630       21.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      13015       2029       15.6        715        5.5       1314       10.1 
High school graduate                27978       3593       12.8       1678        6.0       1915        6.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      22331       2132        9.5       1300        5.8        832        3.7 
Bachelor's degree or more           20530       1191        5.8        849        4.1        342        1.7 
  16 to 64 years old                81893       8444       10.3       3326        4.1       5118        6.2 
Less than 7th grade                  2595        731       28.2         95        3.7        635       24.5 
7th to 8th grade                     2106        585       27.8         89        4.2        496       23.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      11858       1548       13.1        378        3.2       1170        9.9 
High school graduate                25460       2922       11.5       1174        4.6       1747        6.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      20898       1753        8.4        994        4.8        759        3.6 
Bachelor's degree or more           18976        906        4.8        596        3.1        310        1.6 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   8
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  25 to 64 years old                65732       7783       11.8       3062        4.7       4720        7.2 
Less than 7th grade                  2274        688       30.3         92        4.1        596       26.2 
7th to 8th grade                     1694        570       33.7         87        5.1        484       28.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       5805       1263       21.8        280        4.8        983       16.9 
High school graduate                21376       2694       12.6       1063        5.0       1631        7.6 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      16409       1667       10.2        951        5.8        716        4.4 
Bachelor's degree or more           18175        900        5.0        590        3.2        310        1.7 
  65 to 74 years old                 8095       2482       30.7       1777       22.0        705        8.7 
Less than 7th grade                   616        287       46.6        133       21.5        155       25.1 
7th to 8th grade                      818        378       46.2        244       29.8        134       16.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1157        481       41.6        337       29.2        144       12.4 
High school graduate                 2518        671       26.7        504       20.0        168        6.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1433        379       26.5        306       21.4         73        5.1 
Bachelor's degree or more            1554        285       18.3        253       16.3         32        2.0 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   9
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  16 to 24 years old                16197        696        4.3        271        1.7        425        2.6 
Less than 7th grade                   191         27       14.1          3        1.3         24       12.8 
7th to 8th grade                      390         46       11.9         19        4.9         27        7.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       5595        223        4.0         82        1.5        142        2.5 
High school graduate                 3705        207        5.6         78        2.1        129        3.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5169        155        3.0         71        1.4         84        1.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            1147         38        3.3         19        1.7         18        1.6 
  25 to 34 years old                20772       1382        6.7        582        2.8        800        3.9 
Less than 7th grade                   423         52       12.2          9        2.0         43       10.2 
7th to 8th grade                      298         36       11.9         11        3.8         24        8.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1738        267       15.4         64        3.7        204       11.7 
High school graduate                 6877        543        7.9        223        3.2        321        4.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       6271        374        6.0        210        3.3        164        2.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            5166        110        2.1         66        1.3         44        0.9 
  35 to 44 years old                21348       1904        8.9        733        3.4       1171        5.5 
Less than 7th grade                   501         78       15.6          2        0.4         76       15.2 
7th to 8th grade                      280         58       20.8          6        2.0         53       18.8 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1555        320       20.6         58        3.8        262       16.8 
High school graduate                 7225        731       10.1        283        3.9        448        6.2 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       6391        492        7.7        257        4.0        235        3.7 
Bachelor's degree or more            5396        224        4.1        127        2.3         97        1.8 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                  10
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  45 to 54 years old                15668       1996       12.7        784        5.0       1211        7.7 
Less than 7th grade                   431        102       23.8         16        3.7         86       20.0 
7th to 8th grade                      376        132       35.2         18        4.9        114       30.3 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1328        401       30.2        118        8.9        284       21.4 
High school graduate                 5617        732       13.0        280        5.0        451        8.0 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       4220        435       10.3        231        5.5        204        4.8 
Bachelor's degree or more            3697        193        5.2        121        3.3         72        1.9 
  55 to 64 years old                10878       2425       22.3        774        7.1       1651       15.2 
Less than 7th grade                   487        234       48.1         41        8.3        194       39.8 
7th to 8th grade                      613        261       42.6         58        9.4        204       33.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1398        507       36.3        127        9.1        380       27.2 
High school graduate                 4564        890       19.5        306        6.7        585       12.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       2304        393       17.0        176        7.6        217        9.4 
Bachelor's degree or more            1512        139        9.2         67        4.4         73        4.8 
  65 to 69 years old                 5263       1414       26.9        869       16.5        545       10.4 
Less than 7th grade                   284        137       48.4         41       14.3         97       34.1 
7th to 8th grade                      413        173       42.0         81       19.5         93       22.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        866        320       36.9        170       19.7        150       17.3 
High school graduate                 2119        496       23.4        375       17.7        122        5.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        984        210       21.3        136       13.8         74        7.5 
Bachelor's degree or more             597         78       13.0         67       11.2         11        1.8 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                  11
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  70 to 74 years old                 4854       1380       28.4        928       19.1        452        9.3 
Less than 7th grade                   336        162       48.2         65       19.4         97       28.8 
7th to 8th grade                      483        198       40.9        115       23.8         83       17.1 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        687        211       30.7        165       24.0         46        6.7 
High school graduate                 1997        513       25.7        351       17.6        161        8.1 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        914        205       22.4        157       17.2         48        5.3 
Bachelor's degree or more             435         91       21.0         74       17.0         17        4.0 
  16 to 74 years old                94981      11197       11.8       4940        5.2       6257        6.6 
Less than 7th grade                  2653        793       29.9        176        6.6        618       23.3 
7th to 8th grade                     2854        905       31.7        307       10.8        597       20.9 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      13167       2250       17.1        783        6.0       1467       11.1 
High school graduate                32104       4113       12.8       1896        5.9       2217        6.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      26253       2263        8.6       1238        4.7       1026        3.9 
Bachelor's degree or more           17950        872        4.9        540        3.0        332        1.9 
  16 to 64 years old                84864       8402        9.9       3143        3.7       5259        6.2 
Less than 7th grade                  2033        494       24.3         70        3.4        424       20.8 
7th to 8th grade                     1958        534       27.3        112        5.7        422       21.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      11613       1719       14.8        448        3.9       1271       10.9 
High school graduate                27988       3104       11.1       1169        4.2       1934        6.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      24354       1849        7.6        945        3.9        904        3.7 
Bachelor's degree or more           16918        703        4.2        399        2.4        304        1.8 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                  12
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 1995
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  25 to 64 years old                68667       7706       11.2       2872        4.2       4834        7.0 
Less than 7th grade                  1842        467       25.3         67        3.7        399       21.7 
7th to 8th grade                     1567        488       31.1         93        5.9        395       25.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       6018       1496       24.9        366        6.1       1129       18.8 
High school graduate                24283       2896       11.9       1091        4.5       1805        7.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      19185       1694        8.8        874        4.6        820        4.3 
Bachelor's degree or more           15771        666        4.2        380        2.4        286        1.8 
  65 to 74 years old                10117       2794       27.6       1797       17.8        998        9.9 
Less than 7th grade                   620        300       48.3        106       17.1        194       31.2 
7th to 8th grade                      896        371       41.4        196       21.8        175       19.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1554        531       34.2        335       21.6        196       12.6 
High school graduate                 4116       1009       24.5        726       17.6        283        6.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1899        415       21.8        293       15.4        122        6.4 
Bachelor's degree or more            1032        169       16.4        141       13.6         28        2.7 

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: September 21, 2009