U.S. Department of Commerce


Selected Characteristics of Persons 16 to 74: 2005

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  16 to 24 years old              36,589     1,709       4.7       510       1.4     1,199       3.3
Less than 7th grade                  435        38       8.7         4       0.9        34       7.7
7th to 8th grade                     844        97      11.5        18       2.1        79       9.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    13,406       698       5.2       206       1.5       492       3.7
High school graduate               8,453       563       6.7       147       1.7       417       4.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    11,108       286       2.6       123       1.1       163       1.5
Bachelor's degree or more          2,342        27       1.2        13       0.6        14       0.6

  25 to 34 years old              38,990     2,475       6.3       739       1.9     1,736       4.5
Less than 7th grade                1,154        81       7.0         4       0.3        77       6.7
7th to 8th grade                     629        76      12.0        17       2.8        58       9.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     3,428       401      11.7        72       2.1       328       9.6
High school graduate              11,203     1,030       9.2       254       2.3       776       6.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    10,769       654       6.1       291       2.7       363       3.4
Bachelor's degree or more         11,806       233       2.0       100       0.8       134       1.1

  35 to 44 years old              43,057     3,764       8.7     1,067       2.5     2,697       6.3
Less than 7th grade                1,259       162      12.9        21       1.7       141      11.2
7th to 8th grade                     668       125      18.7        11       1.7       114      17.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     3,112       565      18.2        89       2.9       476      15.3
High school graduate              13,681     1,509      11.0       343       2.5     1,166       8.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    11,489       906       7.9       332       2.9       574       5.0
Bachelor's degree or more         12,848       497       3.9       271       2.1       226       1.8

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  45 to 54 years old              41,869     5,382      12.9     1,394       3.3     3,987       9.5
Less than 7th grade                1,137       246      21.6        21       1.8       225      19.8
7th to 8th grade                     647       206      31.8        23       3.6       182      28.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     2,778       762      27.4        89       3.2       673      24.2
High school graduate              13,455     2,004      14.9       444       3.3     1,559      11.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    11,509     1,408      12.2       470       4.1       938       8.2
Bachelor's degree or more         12,343       756       6.1       347       2.8       409       3.3

  55 to 64 years old              29,518     6,327      21.4     1,703       5.8     4,623      15.7
Less than 7th grade                  950       424      44.6        44       4.6       380      40.0
7th to 8th grade                     769       398      51.7        48       6.2       350      45.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     2,320       950      40.9       153       6.6       797      34.4
High school graduate               9,605     2,306      24.0       609       6.3     1,697      17.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     7,471     1,393      18.6       490       6.6       903      12.1
Bachelor's degree or more          8,403       856      10.2       360       4.3       496       5.9

  65 to 69 years old              10,124     2,310      22.8     1,363      13.5       946       9.3
Less than 7th grade                  528       204      38.7        63      11.9       142      26.8
7th to 8th grade                     453       179      39.5        90      19.8        89      19.6
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,146       413      36.0       203      17.7       210      18.4
High school graduate               3,773       816      21.6       528      14.0       288       7.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     2,098       418      19.9       269      12.8       148       7.1
Bachelor's degree or more          2,126       280      13.2       211       9.9        69       3.2

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  70 to 74 years old               8,264     1,882      22.8     1,366      16.5       516       6.2
Less than 7th grade                  463       164      35.5        60      13.0       104      22.5
7th to 8th grade                     509       169      33.2        92      18.2        77      15.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,009       308      30.5       201      19.9       107      10.6
High school graduate               3,075       666      21.7       523      17.0       144       4.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,565       351      22.5       303      19.3        49       3.1
Bachelor's degree or more          1,644       223      13.6       187      11.4        36       2.2

  16 to 74 years old             208,411    23,848      11.4     8,143       3.9    15,705       7.5
Less than 7th grade                5,926     1,319      22.3       217       3.7     1,103      18.6
7th to 8th grade                   4,519     1,249      27.6       300       6.6       948      21.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    27,198     4,096      15.1     1,013       3.7     3,083      11.3
High school graduate              63,247     8,895      14.1     2,848       4.5     6,047       9.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    56,009     5,416       9.7     2,277       4.1     3,139       5.6
Bachelor's degree or more         51,512     2,872       5.6     1,488       2.9     1,384       2.7

  16 to 64 years old             190,023    19,656      10.3     5,414       2.8    14,243       7.5
Less than 7th grade                4,935       950      19.3        94       1.9       857      17.4
7th to 8th grade                   3,558       901      25.3       118       3.3       783      22.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    25,043     3,375      13.5       609       2.4     2,766      11.0
High school graduate              56,398     7,413      13.1     1,797       3.2     5,615      10.0
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    52,347     4,647       8.9     1,706       3.3     2,942       5.6
Bachelor's degree or more         47,743     2,370       5.0     1,090       2.3     1,280       2.7

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  25 to 64 years old             153,434    17,948      11.7     4,904       3.2    13,044       8.5
Less than 7th grade                4,500       913      20.3        90       2.0       823      18.3
7th to 8th grade                   2,714       804      29.6       100       3.7       704      25.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    11,637     2,678      23.0       403       3.5     2,275      19.5
High school graduate              47,945     6,849      14.3     1,651       3.4     5,198      10.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    41,238     4,361      10.6     1,583       3.8     2,778       6.7
Bachelor's degree or more         45,401     2,343       5.2     1,077       2.4     1,265       2.8

  65 to 74 years old              18,388     4,191      22.8     2,729      14.8     1,462       8.0
Less than 7th grade                  991       369      37.2       123      12.4       246      24.8
7th to 8th grade                     962       348      36.2       182      19.0       165      17.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     2,155       721      33.4       404      18.7       317      14.7
High school graduate               6,848     1,482      21.6     1,051      15.3       432       6.3
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     3,662       769      21.0       572      15.6       197       5.4
Bachelor's degree or more          3,770       502      13.3       398      10.5       105       2.8

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  16 to 24 years old              18,449       904       4.9       261       1.4       643       3.5
Less than 7th grade                  274        15       5.6         3       1.0        13       4.7
7th to 8th grade                     514        59      11.5        12       2.3        47       9.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     7,031       373       5.3       103       1.5       270       3.8
High school graduate               4,602       316       6.9        86       1.9       230       5.0
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,090       134       2.6        55       1.1        79       1.5
Bachelor's degree or more            938         6       0.6         1       0.1         5       0.5

  25 to 34 years old              19,399     1,253       6.5       358       1.8       896       4.6
Less than 7th grade                  649        48       7.3         4       0.6        44       6.8
7th to 8th grade                     353        39      11.0        12       3.3        27       7.7
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,831       202      11.0        29       1.6       173       9.5
High school graduate               6,147       576       9.4       143       2.3       433       7.0
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,092       301       5.9       134       2.6       167       3.3
Bachelor's degree or more          5,327        88       1.6        36       0.7        51       1.0

  35 to 44 years old              21,197     1,866       8.8       521       2.5     1,345       6.3
Less than 7th grade                  690        87      12.6        12       1.7        75      10.9
7th to 8th grade                     390        70      17.9         1       0.3        69      17.6
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,688       301      17.8        49       2.9       252      14.9
High school graduate               7,227       818      11.3       183       2.5       635       8.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,086       400       7.9       172       3.4       228       4.5
Bachelor's degree or more          6,116       190       3.1       104       1.7        86       1.4

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  45 to 54 years old              20,472     2,631      12.9       684       3.3     1,947       9.5
Less than 7th grade                  613       122      19.9         9       1.5       112      18.4
7th to 8th grade                     328       108      32.8         9       2.8        98      30.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,369       348      25.4        33       2.4       315      23.0
High school graduate               6,712       998      14.9       199       3.0       799      11.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,222       698      13.4       251       4.8       446       8.6
Bachelor's degree or more          6,228       358       5.7       182       2.9       176       2.8

  55 to 64 years old              14,034     3,014      21.5       892       6.4     2,121      15.1
Less than 7th grade                  518       244      47.0        26       5.1       217      41.9
7th to 8th grade                     365       168      46.1        23       6.2       146      39.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,093       452      41.4        75       6.9       377      34.5
High school graduate               4,129     1,057      25.6       308       7.5       749      18.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     3,371       637      18.9       241       7.1       397      11.8
Bachelor's degree or more          4,558       455      10.0       220       4.8       235       5.2

  65 to 69 years old               4,814     1,113      23.1       681      14.1       432       9.0
Less than 7th grade                  236        97      41.1        30      12.6        67      28.6
7th to 8th grade                     228        89      39.0        59      25.7        30      13.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       542       196      36.2        87      16.1       109      20.1
High school graduate               1,596       372      23.3       247      15.5       125       7.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree       971       206      21.2       143      14.7        63       6.5
Bachelor's degree or more          1,241       153      12.3       115       9.3        38       3.0

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  70 to 74 years old               3,652       870      23.8       623      17.1       247       6.8
Less than 7th grade                  210        85      40.6        34      16.2        51      24.4
7th to 8th grade                     236        73      31.1        37      15.7        36      15.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       394       114      28.9        78      19.7        36       9.1
High school graduate               1,139       281      24.6       210      18.5        70       6.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree       711       190      26.8       163      23.0        27       3.8
Bachelor's degree or more            963       127      13.2       101      10.5        26       2.7

  16 to 74 years old             102,018    11,651      11.4     4,020       3.9     7,631       7.5
Less than 7th grade                3,188       698      21.9       117       3.7       581      18.2
7th to 8th grade                   2,415       606      25.1       153       6.3       453      18.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    13,948     1,987      14.2       454       3.3     1,533      11.0
High school graduate              31,553     4,418      14.0     1,377       4.4     3,041       9.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    25,543     2,566      10.0     1,160       4.5     1,406       5.5
Bachelor's degree or more         25,371     1,376       5.4       759       3.0       617       2.4

  16 to 64 years old              93,552     9,668      10.3     2,716       2.9     6,952       7.4
Less than 7th grade                2,742       515      18.8        53       1.9       462      16.8
7th to 8th grade                   1,950       444      22.8        57       2.9       387      19.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    13,012     1,677      12.9       289       2.2     1,388      10.7
High school graduate              28,819     3,766      13.1       920       3.2     2,846       9.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    23,861     2,170       9.1       853       3.6     1,316       5.5
Bachelor's degree or more         23,167     1,096       4.7       543       2.3       553       2.4

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  25 to 64 years old              75,103     8,764      11.7     2,455       3.3     6,309       8.4
Less than 7th grade                2,469       500      20.2        51       2.1       449      18.2
7th to 8th grade                   1,436       385      26.8        45       3.1       340      23.7
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     5,981     1,304      21.8       185       3.1     1,118      18.7
High school graduate              24,217     3,450      14.2       833       3.4     2,616      10.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    18,771     2,036      10.8       798       4.3     1,238       6.6
Bachelor's degree or more         22,229     1,090       4.9       542       2.4       548       2.5

  65 to 74 years old               8,466     1,983      23.4     1,304      15.4       679       8.0
Less than 7th grade                  446       182      40.9        64      14.3       119      26.6
7th to 8th grade                     464       162      35.0        96      20.6        67      14.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       936       310      33.1       165      17.6       145      15.5
High school graduate               2,734       652      23.9       458      16.7       195       7.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,682       396      23.6       306      18.2        90       5.4
Bachelor's degree or more          2,204       280      12.7       216       9.8        64       2.9

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  16 to 24 years old              18,139       805       4.4       250       1.4       555       3.1
Less than 7th grade                  162        22      13.7         2       0.9        21      12.8
7th to 8th grade                     329        38      11.5         6       1.8        32       9.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     6,375       324       5.1       103       1.6       222       3.5
High school graduate               3,851       247       6.4        60       1.6       187       4.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     6,018       152       2.5        67       1.1        85       1.4
Bachelor's degree or more          1,404        21       1.5        12       0.9         9       0.7

  25 to 34 years old              19,591     1,222       6.2       381       1.9       841       4.3
Less than 7th grade                  506        34       6.6         0       0.1        33       6.6
7th to 8th grade                     277        37      13.2         6       2.1        31      11.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,596       199      12.4        43       2.7       155       9.7
High school graduate               5,056       454       9.0       111       2.2       343       6.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,677       354       6.2       157       2.8       196       3.5
Bachelor's degree or more          6,479       145       2.2        63       1.0        82       1.3

  35 to 44 years old              21,860     1,898       8.7       546       2.5     1,352       6.2
Less than 7th grade                  569        75      13.1         9       1.7        65      11.5
7th to 8th grade                     278        55      19.8        10       3.5        45      16.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,423       264      18.5        40       2.8       223      15.7
High school graduate               6,453       691      10.7       160       2.5       531       8.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     6,404       506       7.9       159       2.5       347       5.4
Bachelor's degree or more          6,732       308       4.6       167       2.5       141       2.1

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  45 to 54 years old              21,398     2,751      12.9       711       3.3     2,040       9.5
Less than 7th grade                  524       124      23.7        12       2.2       113      21.5
7th to 8th grade                     319        98      30.7        14       4.4        84      26.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,408       414      29.4        56       4.0       358      25.4
High school graduate               6,743     1,005      14.9       245       3.6       760      11.3
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     6,287       711      11.3       219       3.5       492       7.8
Bachelor's degree or more          6,116       398       6.5       164       2.7       234       3.8

  55 to 64 years old              15,484     3,313      21.4       811       5.2     2,502      16.2
Less than 7th grade                  432       180      41.7        17       4.0       163      37.7
7th to 8th grade                     404       229      56.8        25       6.3       204      50.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,227       497      40.5        78       6.3       420      34.2
High school graduate               5,476     1,249      22.8       302       5.5       948      17.3
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     4,100       755      18.4       249       6.1       506      12.4
Bachelor's degree or more          3,845       401      10.4       140       3.6       261       6.8

  65 to 69 years old               5,310     1,197      22.5       683      12.9       514       9.7
Less than 7th grade                  292       107      36.8        33      11.4        74      25.4
7th to 8th grade                     225        90      39.9        31      13.9        59      26.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       604       217      35.9       116      19.1       102      16.8
High school graduate               2,178       444      20.4       281      12.9       163       7.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,126       211      18.8       126      11.2        85       7.6
Bachelor's degree or more            885       127      14.3        96      10.8        31       3.5

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  70 to 74 years old               4,612     1,011      21.9       742      16.1       269       5.8
Less than 7th grade                  253        79      31.3        26      10.4        53      20.9
7th to 8th grade                     273        95      35.0        55      20.3        40      14.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       615       194      31.5       123      20.0        71      11.5
High school graduate               1,936       386      19.9       312      16.1        73       3.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree       854       161      18.9       139      16.3        22       2.6
Bachelor's degree or more            681        96      14.0        86      12.6        10       1.4

  16 to 74 years old             106,393    12,197      11.5     4,123       3.9     8,074       7.6
Less than 7th grade                2,737       622      22.7       100       3.6       522      19.1
7th to 8th grade                   2,105       642      30.5       147       7.0       495      23.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    13,250     2,109      15.9       559       4.2     1,550      11.7
High school graduate              31,694     4,477      14.1     1,471       4.6     3,006       9.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    30,466     2,850       9.4     1,118       3.7     1,733       5.7
Bachelor's degree or more         26,141     1,496       5.7       729       2.8       768       2.9

  16 to 64 years old              96,471     9,989      10.4     2,698       2.8     7,291       7.6
Less than 7th grade                2,192       435      19.8        40       1.8       395      18.0
7th to 8th grade                   1,607       457      28.4        61       3.8       396      24.7
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    12,030     1,698      14.1       320       2.7     1,378      11.5
High school graduate              27,579     3,647      13.2       878       3.2     2,769      10.0
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    28,486     2,478       8.7       852       3.0     1,626       5.7
Bachelor's degree or more         24,576     1,274       5.2       547       2.2       727       3.0

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2005
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  25 to 64 years old              78,332     9,184      11.7     2,448       3.1     6,735       8.6
Less than 7th grade                2,031       413      20.3        39       1.9       374      18.4
7th to 8th grade                   1,278       419      32.8        55       4.3       364      28.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     5,655     1,374      24.3       218       3.8     1,156      20.4
High school graduate              23,728     3,399      14.3       817       3.4     2,582      10.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    22,468     2,326      10.4       785       3.5     1,541       6.9
Bachelor's degree or more         23,172     1,253       5.4       535       2.3       718       3.1

  65 to 74 years old               9,922     2,208      22.3     1,425      14.4       783       7.9
Less than 7th grade                  545       187      34.2        59      10.9       127      23.3
7th to 8th grade                     498       185      37.2        87      17.4        99      19.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,219       411      33.7       239      19.6       172      14.1
High school graduate               4,114       830      20.2       593      14.4       237       5.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,980       373      18.8       266      13.4       107       5.4
Bachelor's degree or more          1,566       222      14.2       181      11.6        41       2.6
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: September 21, 2009