U.S. Department of Commerce


Selected Characteristics of Persons 16 to 74: 2004

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  16 to 24 years old              36,338     1,504       4.1       503       1.4     1,000       2.8
Less than 7th grade                  486        38       7.9         3       0.7        35       7.2
7th to 8th grade                     809        55       6.9        17       2.1        38       4.7
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    13,385       573       4.3       172       1.3       400       3.0
High school graduate               8,373       515       6.2       144       1.7       371       4.4
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    10,938       279       2.5       143       1.3       136       1.2
Bachelor's degree or more          2,347        43       1.8        23       1.0        20       0.8

  25 to 34 years old              38,884     2,331       6.0       682       1.8     1,649       4.2
Less than 7th grade                1,256       111       8.8        11       0.9        99       7.9
7th to 8th grade                     573        62      10.9         9       1.6        53       9.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     3,239       351      10.8        86       2.6       265       8.2
High school graduate              11,178       983       8.8       229       2.1       753       6.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    10,885       617       5.7       244       2.2       373       3.4
Bachelor's degree or more         11,754       208       1.8       102       0.9       105       0.9

  35 to 44 years old              43,270     3,741       8.6     1,080       2.5     2,661       6.1
Less than 7th grade                1,286       187      14.5        25       1.9       162      12.6
7th to 8th grade                     564       119      21.1        22       4.0        97      17.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     3,380       610      18.1       103       3.0       507      15.0
High school graduate              13,697     1,448      10.6       343       2.5     1,105       8.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    11,607       976       8.4       378       3.3       598       5.2
Bachelor's degree or more         12,736       401       3.1       209       1.6       192       1.5

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  45 to 54 years old              41,003     5,320      13.0     1,452       3.5     3,868       9.4
Less than 7th grade                1,062       252      23.7        28       2.7       224      21.1
7th to 8th grade                     632       189      29.9        29       4.6       160      25.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     2,552       766      30.0        99       3.9       667      26.1
High school graduate              12,902     1,903      14.8       484       3.8     1,419      11.0
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    11,349     1,424      12.5       467       4.1       956       8.4
Bachelor's degree or more         12,506       786       6.3       344       2.8       442       3.5

  55 to 64 years old              28,355     6,120      21.6     1,708       6.0     4,412      15.6
Less than 7th grade                  849       319      37.6        33       3.9       286      33.7
7th to 8th grade                     692       349      50.4        30       4.4       319      46.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     2,314       933      40.3       149       6.4       784      33.9
High school graduate               9,435     2,308      24.5       648       6.9     1,661      17.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     7,058     1,407      19.9       511       7.2       896      12.7
Bachelor's degree or more          8,007       803      10.0       336       4.2       467       5.8

  65 to 69 years old               9,819     2,123      21.6     1,300      13.2       823       8.4
Less than 7th grade                  518       190      36.7        71      13.8       118      22.9
7th to 8th grade                     454       193      42.5        95      20.9        98      21.6
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,171       367      31.4       196      16.7       172      14.7
High school graduate               3,610       765      21.2       488      13.5       277       7.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     2,011       374      18.6       275      13.7        99       4.9
Bachelor's degree or more          2,054       234      11.4       175       8.5        58       2.8

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  70 to 74 years old               8,420     1,943      23.1     1,382      16.4       561       6.7
Less than 7th grade                  455       158      34.8        62      13.6        96      21.2
7th to 8th grade                     615       218      35.4       124      20.2        94      15.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,100       362      32.9       244      22.2       118      10.8
High school graduate               3,005       622      20.7       469      15.6       152       5.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,569       332      21.1       263      16.7        69       4.4
Bachelor's degree or more          1,676       251      15.0       220      13.1        31       1.8

  16 to 74 years old             206,088    23,081      11.2     8,108       3.9    14,974       7.3
Less than 7th grade                5,912     1,255      21.2       235       4.0     1,021      17.3
7th to 8th grade                   4,339     1,186      27.3       327       7.5       859      19.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    27,140     3,963      14.6     1,049       3.9     2,914      10.7
High school graduate              62,200     8,544      13.7     2,806       4.5     5,738       9.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    55,418     5,408       9.8     2,281       4.1     3,127       5.6
Bachelor's degree or more         51,080     2,726       5.3     1,410       2.8     1,316       2.6

  16 to 64 years old             187,850    19,016      10.1     5,426       2.9    13,590       7.2
Less than 7th grade                4,938       907      18.4       101       2.0       806      16.3
7th to 8th grade                   3,270       775      23.7       108       3.3       667      20.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    24,869     3,233      13.0       609       2.5     2,624      10.5
High school graduate              55,584     7,157      12.9     1,849       3.3     5,308       9.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    51,838     4,702       9.1     1,743       3.4     2,959       5.7
Bachelor's degree or more         47,350     2,241       4.7     1,015       2.1     1,226       2.6

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  25 to 64 years old             151,512    17,512      11.6     4,922       3.2    12,590       8.3
Less than 7th grade                4,453       869      19.5        98       2.2       771      17.3
7th to 8th grade                   2,461       719      29.2        91       3.7       628      25.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    11,484     2,660      23.2       437       3.8     2,223      19.4
High school graduate              47,212     6,642      14.1     1,704       3.6     4,937      10.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    40,899     4,424      10.8     1,601       3.9     2,823       6.9
Bachelor's degree or more         45,003     2,198       4.9       992       2.2     1,206       2.7

  65 to 74 years old              18,238     4,066      22.3     2,682      14.7     1,384       7.6
Less than 7th grade                  973       348      35.8       133      13.7       215      22.1
7th to 8th grade                   1,069       411      38.4       219      20.5       192      17.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     2,271       730      32.1       439      19.3       290      12.8
High school graduate               6,615     1,387      21.0       957      14.5       430       6.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     3,580       705      19.7       538      15.0       168       4.7
Bachelor's degree or more          3,730       485      13.0       395      10.6        89       2.4

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  16 to 24 years old              18,312       812       4.4       282       1.5       530       2.9
Less than 7th grade                  299        13       4.3         2       0.7        11       3.5
7th to 8th grade                     475        42       8.9        13       2.8        29       6.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     6,979       331       4.7       108       1.6       223       3.2
High school graduate               4,510       292       6.5        82       1.8       210       4.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,128       126       2.5        74       1.4        53       1.0
Bachelor's degree or more            920         8       0.8         2       0.3         5       0.5

  25 to 34 years old              19,319     1,138       5.9       297       1.5       841       4.4
Less than 7th grade                  758        70       9.2         4       0.5        66       8.8
7th to 8th grade                     316        34      10.7         7       2.2        27       8.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,722       169       9.8        37       2.1       132       7.7
High school graduate               5,957       517       8.7       115       1.9       402       6.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,142       275       5.4       107       2.1       169       3.3
Bachelor's degree or more          5,424        74       1.4        28       0.5        46       0.9

  35 to 44 years old              21,253     1,892       8.9       532       2.5     1,360       6.4
Less than 7th grade                  721       102      14.2        10       1.4        92      12.7
7th to 8th grade                     290        60      20.9        10       3.5        50      17.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,860       331      17.8        47       2.5       284      15.3
High school graduate               6,978       749      10.7       176       2.5       573       8.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,212       452       8.7       194       3.7       258       4.9
Bachelor's degree or more          6,193       197       3.2        94       1.5       103       1.7

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  45 to 54 years old              20,029     2,642      13.2       718       3.6     1,924       9.6
Less than 7th grade                  577       155      26.9         8       1.4       147      25.5
7th to 8th grade                     312       101      32.3        21       6.7        80      25.6
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,295       367      28.3        35       2.7       332      25.6
High school graduate               6,211       968      15.6       229       3.7       738      11.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,300       672      12.7       246       4.6       426       8.0
Bachelor's degree or more          6,335       379       6.0       179       2.8       200       3.2

  55 to 64 years old              13,531     2,898      21.4       900       6.7     1,998      14.8
Less than 7th grade                  449       176      39.2        14       3.1       162      36.1
7th to 8th grade                     336       168      50.1        11       3.1       158      47.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,094       428      39.1        63       5.8       365      33.3
High school graduate               4,055     1,074      26.5       340       8.4       734      18.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     3,207       655      20.4       293       9.1       362      11.3
Bachelor's degree or more          4,390       396       9.0       180       4.1       217       4.9

  65 to 69 years old               4,566     1,024      22.4       632      13.8       393       8.6
Less than 7th grade                  215        91      42.1        39      18.2        51      23.9
7th to 8th grade                     238        94      39.4        39      16.3        55      23.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       519       158      30.4        87      16.8        70      13.6
High school graduate               1,455       340      23.4       223      15.3       117       8.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree       903       191      21.2       136      15.1        55       6.1
Bachelor's degree or more          1,237       151      12.2       107       8.7        44       3.6

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  70 to 74 years old               3,789       892      23.5       662      17.5       229       6.1
Less than 7th grade                  205        81      39.3        35      17.3        45      22.0
7th to 8th grade                     278        92      33.0        59      21.2        33      11.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       434       136      31.4       104      24.0        32       7.4
High school graduate               1,153       269      23.4       204      17.7        66       5.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree       707       172      24.3       139      19.7        33       4.6
Bachelor's degree or more          1,013       142      14.0       121      11.9        21       2.1

  16 to 74 years old             100,799    11,298      11.2     4,022       4.0     7,275       7.2
Less than 7th grade                3,224       687      21.3       113       3.5       575      17.8
7th to 8th grade                   2,243       591      26.3       160       7.1       431      19.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    13,904     1,920      13.8       482       3.5     1,438      10.3
High school graduate              30,318     4,209      13.9     1,368       4.5     2,840       9.4
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    25,598     2,544       9.9     1,189       4.6     1,355       5.3
Bachelor's degree or more         25,511     1,347       5.3       711       2.8       636       2.5

  16 to 64 years old              92,444     9,381      10.1     2,728       3.0     6,653       7.2
Less than 7th grade                2,804       516      18.4        38       1.4       478      17.1
7th to 8th grade                   1,728       406      23.5        62       3.6       344      19.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    12,951     1,626      12.6       290       2.2     1,335      10.3
High school graduate              27,711     3,599      13.0       942       3.4     2,657       9.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    23,988     2,180       9.1       913       3.8     1,267       5.3
Bachelor's degree or more         23,261     1,054       4.5       483       2.1       571       2.5

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  25 to 64 years old              74,132     8,569      11.6     2,446       3.3     6,123       8.3
Less than 7th grade                2,505       504      20.1        36       1.4       468      18.7
7th to 8th grade                   1,253       363      29.0        49       3.9       315      25.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     5,971     1,295      21.7       182       3.0     1,113      18.6
High school graduate              23,200     3,307      14.3       860       3.7     2,447      10.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    18,860     2,054      10.9       840       4.5     1,215       6.4
Bachelor's degree or more         22,341     1,047       4.7       480       2.1       566       2.5

  65 to 74 years old               8,356     1,916      22.9     1,294      15.5       622       7.4
Less than 7th grade                  420       171      40.7        75      17.8        96      23.0
7th to 8th grade                     515       185      36.0        98      18.9        88      17.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       953       294      30.9       191      20.1       103      10.8
High school graduate               2,608       610      23.4       426      16.4       183       7.0
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,610       363      22.6       276      17.1        88       5.4
Bachelor's degree or more          2,250       293      13.0       228      10.1        65       2.9

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  16 to 24 years old              18,026       692       3.8       221       1.2       470       2.6
Less than 7th grade                  187        26      13.7         1       0.6        24      13.1
7th to 8th grade                     334        13       4.0         4       1.1        10       2.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     6,405       242       3.8        64       1.0       178       2.8
High school graduate               3,863       223       5.8        62       1.6       161       4.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,810       152       2.6        69       1.2        83       1.4
Bachelor's degree or more          1,427        36       2.5        21       1.5        15       1.0

  25 to 34 years old              19,565     1,193       6.1       385       2.0       808       4.1
Less than 7th grade                  497        41       8.2         8       1.5        33       6.6
7th to 8th grade                     258        29      11.1         2       0.9        26      10.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,516       182      12.0        49       3.2       133       8.8
High school graduate               5,221       466       8.9       114       2.2       351       6.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     5,744       342       6.0       137       2.4       205       3.6
Bachelor's degree or more          6,330       134       2.1        74       1.2        59       0.9

  35 to 44 years old              22,017     1,849       8.4       548       2.5     1,301       5.9
Less than 7th grade                  565        85      15.0        15       2.6        70      12.4
7th to 8th grade                     275        59      21.4        12       4.5        47      17.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,520       279      18.3        56       3.7       223      14.7
High school graduate               6,719       699      10.4       167       2.5       532       7.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     6,395       524       8.2       184       2.9       340       5.3
Bachelor's degree or more          6,543       204       3.1       115       1.8        89       1.4

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  45 to 54 years old              20,974     2,678      12.8       735       3.5     1,944       9.3
Less than 7th grade                  486        97      20.0        21       4.2        77      15.8
7th to 8th grade                     320        88      27.5         8       2.5        80      25.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,257       399      31.8        64       5.1       335      26.6
High school graduate               6,691       935      14.0       255       3.8       680      10.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     6,050       752      12.4       222       3.7       530       8.8
Bachelor's degree or more          6,171       407       6.6       165       2.7       242       3.9

  55 to 64 years old              14,824     3,222      21.7       808       5.4     2,414      16.3
Less than 7th grade                  399       143      35.8        19       4.8       124      31.0
7th to 8th grade                     356       180      50.7        20       5.5       161      45.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,221       505      41.4        86       7.0       420      34.4
High school graduate               5,380     1,235      22.9       308       5.7       926      17.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     3,851       752      19.5       218       5.7       533      13.8
Bachelor's degree or more          3,617       407      11.3       157       4.3       250       6.9

  65 to 69 years old               5,252     1,099      20.9       668      12.7       430       8.2
Less than 7th grade                  303        99      32.8        32      10.6        67      22.1
7th to 8th grade                     217        99      45.9        56      26.1        43      19.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       652       210      32.2       108      16.6       102      15.6
High school graduate               2,155       425      19.7       265      12.3       160       7.4
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,108       182      16.4       138      12.5        44       4.0
Bachelor's degree or more            818        83      10.1        68       8.3        14       1.8

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  70 to 74 years old               4,631     1,051      22.7       720      15.5       331       7.2
Less than 7th grade                  250        78      31.1        27      10.6        51      20.5
7th to 8th grade                     337       126      37.4        65      19.3        61      18.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       665       226      33.9       140      21.0        86      12.9
High school graduate               1,853       352      19.0       266      14.4        86       4.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree       863       160      18.5       123      14.3        36       4.2
Bachelor's degree or more            663       109      16.5        99      15.0        10       1.5

  16 to 74 years old             105,289    11,784      11.2     4,085       3.9     7,699       7.3
Less than 7th grade                2,687       568      21.1       122       4.5       446      16.6
7th to 8th grade                   2,095       595      28.4       167       8.0       427      20.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    13,236     2,043      15.4       567       4.3     1,476      11.2
High school graduate              31,881     4,335      13.6     1,437       4.5     2,898       9.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    29,820     2,864       9.6     1,092       3.7     1,772       5.9
Bachelor's degree or more         25,569     1,379       5.4       700       2.7       679       2.7

  16 to 64 years old              95,406     9,634      10.1     2,697       2.8     6,937       7.3
Less than 7th grade                2,134       391      18.3        63       3.0       328      15.4
7th to 8th grade                   1,542       369      23.9        46       3.0       323      21.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)    11,919     1,607      13.5       319       2.7     1,288      10.8
High school graduate              27,874     3,558      12.8       907       3.3     2,651       9.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    27,849     2,522       9.1       830       3.0     1,692       6.1
Bachelor's degree or more         24,089     1,187       4.9       532       2.2       655       2.7

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2004
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                            With a work disability
                                                Total             Not severe            Severe
                                          __________________  __________________  __________________
                                                     Percent             Percent             Percent
                                   Total    Number  of total    Number  of total    Number  of total

  25 to 64 years old              77,380     8,943      11.6     2,476       3.2     6,466       8.4
Less than 7th grade                1,947       365      18.8        62       3.2       303      15.6
7th to 8th grade                   1,208       356      29.5        42       3.5       314      26.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     5,513     1,366      24.8       255       4.6     1,111      20.1
High school graduate              24,011     3,335      13.9       844       3.5     2,490      10.4
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree    22,039     2,370      10.8       761       3.5     1,609       7.3
Bachelor's degree or more         22,662     1,151       5.1       511       2.3       640       2.8

  65 to 74 years old               9,883     2,150      21.8     1,388      14.0       762       7.7
Less than 7th grade                  554       177      32.0        59      10.6       118      21.4
7th to 8th grade                     554       226      40.8       121      21.9       104      18.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     1,318       436      33.1       248      18.8       188      14.2
High school graduate               4,007       777      19.4       531      13.2       247       6.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     1,971       342      17.4       262      13.3        80       4.1
Bachelor's degree or more          1,480       192      13.0       167      11.3        25       1.7
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: September 21, 2009