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Relocation Fact Sheets

The following are a list of issues that may arise as you and your family relocate. Click on the topic and the fact sheet will appear.

Talking While Preparing to Move
Moving can be a very stressful time for all family members-especially children. Everything that was once familiar to them is about to change.  

Easing the Stress of Moving
Here are some ways to help your children cope with stress and make adjustments during the move.

Preparing to Move
Preparation can help to reduce your children's stress levels as you are about to move.  

Talking During the Move
One way for children to deal with the stress of moving is to be able to express both positive and negative feelings. This can be difficult because parents are also under stress and sometimes forget to talk to their children about feelings.  

Keeping Routines During the Move
Keeping routines as normal as possible helps children feel safer and more secure.  

Talking after the Move
Moving can be a very stressful time for all family members. Being able to talk about feelings can help.  

Keeping Routines After the Move
Children like and need routines. Knowing what to expect helps them feel safer and more secure.

Building Connections After the Move
Moving can be a very stressful time. Here are some ideas to help.  

Adjusting to School After the Move
Moving can be a very stressful time for children. School or daycare adjustments after a move can be stressful for children who are the "new kids."  

Moving to a New Country
All moves involve some challenges, but moving to a new country requires even more planning. There will be many more things to adjust to in a new country, especially if you have never been there.