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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Science & Research

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Previous Section: Importance of a Strong Regulatory Science Culture and Infrastructure

Advances in science and technology are moving forward rapidly and have created unprecedented challenges and opportunities in U.S. and global health.  FDA plays a critical role in protecting and promoting the nation’s health and regulates industries that are among the most successful and innovative in the world. Critical responsibilities across the products FDA regulates require application of the best available science to keep pace with these advances and make decisions and take actions that both support innovation and protect and promote the public health. 

The FDA Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science identifies critical priority areas and activities where new or enhanced engagement in regulatory science research is essential to continued mission success.  Successful implementation of this regulatory science plan, including engagement with diverse stakeholders, will allow the Agency to fulfill its regulatory mission today while also being prepared for the new challenges of tomorrow.

Table of Contents: Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science

Next Section: Glossary
