Exhibit 5g 2010 Exports and Imports for Selected Countries and World Areas by Employment Size Only for Companies that both Imported from and Exported to Listed Countries and World Areas - Continued Note: This exhibit is compiled using data from export and import trade information and the Business Register. For information on nonsampling errors and other data limitations, see the Technical Documentation. Value in millions of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. (-) Represents zero or less than one-half unit of measurement shown. 50-99 Employees 100-249 Employees 250-499 Employees 500+ Employees Number of Number of Number of Number of Known Known Identified Known Known Identifi Known Known Identifie Known Known Identified Co. Export Import that ExporExport Import that ExpExport Import that Expo Export Import that Export Country Value (1)Value (1 and ImportValue (Value (1) and ImpoValue (Value ( and ImporValue (1Value (1 and Import All countries 35,442 54,681 7,121 48,496 93,045 6,235 41,691 67,976 2,653 736,4201,142,65 4,305 Canada 1,301 1,213 711 2,837 1,522 940 3,668 2,365 688 124,724 139,273 2,112 Mexico 2,516 5,617 534 3,222 6,126 670 3,734 7,182 444 88,136 157,980 1,416 China 923 7,545 1,264 3,605 12,842 1,566 2,351 8,387 869 49,612 177,506 1,981 Japan 732 3,137 493 1,821 4,512 620 1,782 4,691 439 33,437 90,545 1,405 Federal Republic of 1,153 1,830 778 1,087 3,384 1,029 1,886 3,955 640 30,914 52,852 1,818 United Kingdom 703 689 668 1,146 2,846 872 2,092 1,044 596 27,492 30,217 1,736 Korea, South 160 1,373 318 1,028 3,355 354 580 4,020 254 18,952 24,727 978 Netherlands 373 107 198 511 324 250 340 1,134 178 19,399 7,515 887 Brazil 398 314 109 235 575 149 283 260 127 18,439 9,547 648 France 272 1,346 252 533 1,466 355 315 738 239 17,369 20,254 1,090 Singapore 63 58 100 211 135 147 525 270 146 16,766 10,568 665 Belgium 91 257 72 120 120 114 138 1,797 89 15,438 8,292 589 Taiwan 250 1,373 500 970 3,950 628 562 1,451 346 12,710 11,748 1,139 Switzerland (D) 740 118 274 566 176 289 475 147 7,398 11,235 692 Australia 55 104 122 198 88 181 205 273 130 9,183 2,711 644 Hong Kong 254 114 300 384 81 350 409 76 214 7,403 1,129 770 Malaysia 46 76 100 79 863 132 214 688 145 8,664 17,942 660 Italy 140 789 332 343 1,034 410 172 546 280 7,416 9,313 1,108 India 212 429 229 143 921 304 146 3,922 190 6,391 6,335 842 Spain 135 121 112 105 151 139 96 116 91 5,294 3,580 620 Colombia 13 1,360 38 50 114 29 16 190 32 4,275 9,499 213 Ireland 15 27 40 53 (D) 59 73 (D) 57 4,547 25,388 361 Thailand 57 480 97 89 431 139 57 1,026 122 4,150 10,733 664 Philippines 8 64 39 47 165 68 94 177 49 3,640 4,659 345 Turkey 20 27 33 101 41 49 4 20 29 2,732 1,328 268 North America 3,817 6,830 1,167 6,059 7,649 1,459 7,402 9,547 943 212,860 297,253 2,436 Europe 8,034 6,614 1,965 4,570 11,491 2,247 5,741 11,623 1,241 149,504 200,103 2,636 Euro Area 2,206 4,824 1,428 2,810 7,176 1,717 3,111 9,246 981 102,953 132,838 2,298 European Union 3,014 5,799 1,895 4,105 10,522 2,177 5,408 10,980 1,216 135,995 177,197 2,597 Africa 210 285 54 40 (D) 69 25 (D) 53 4,278 16,317 375 OECD - Europe 12,791 18,470 3,117 13,685 27,074 3,351 15,710 30,026 1,750 422,754 606,328 3,289 Pacific Rim Countrie 2,561 14,426 2,270 8,480 26,296 2,460 6,770 20,324 1,283 164,114 347,134 2,515 Asia - Near East 207 553 140 180 (D) 137 227 (D) 92 8,133 23,558 632 Asia - NICS 726 2,918 992 2,593 7,521 1,128 2,076 5,816 630 55,831 48,172 1,683 Asia - South 223 500 243 156 1,022 329 147 4,046 202 6,605 7,383 876 ASEAN 243 910 365 531 2,106 458 956 2,666 377 36,538 52,957 1,254 APEC 7,290 21,952 3,101 14,758 34,966 3,277 14,293 31,180 1,652 386,663 670,002 3,121 South/Central Americ 1,835 3,178 327 834 1,669 379 602 952 283 38,700 70,453 1,053 20 Latin Amer. Repub 4,090 8,102 797 3,993 7,743 925 4,299 8,114 601 125,345 225,449 1,696 Cent. Am. Common Mar 93 415 68 157 370 73 112 197 47 3,439 12,227 274 LAFTA 3,941 7,523 703 3,728 7,254 854 4,087 7,745 566 120,335 211,418 1,636 NATO Allies 4,268 6,693 2,317 6,968 11,532 2,655 8,899 12,127 1,450 256,752 283,499 3,054 OPEC 195 (D) 40 169 (D) 44 199 331 31 10,258 55,288 275 (1) Known value is defined as the portion of U.S. total exports or U.S. total general imports that could be matched to specific compani (2) Includes missing employment data, nonemployers, and companies that reported annual payroll but did not report any employees on thei payroll during specified period(s) in 2010.