Federal Aviation Administration

Supersonic Aircraft Noise

The FAA is soliciting technical information from other Federal agencies, industries, universities, and other interested parties on the mitigation of sonic boom from supersonic aircraft. We are trying to determine whether there is sufficient new data supported by flight over land. These documents solicit information on the latest research and development activities directed at mitigating sonic boom. We may use this information for future rulemaking actions.

FAA Public Meeting in Washington, DC on Advanced Technologies and Supersonics 2011

FAA Public Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland on Advanced Technologies and Supersonics 2010

FAA Public Meeting in Palm Springs, California on Advanced Technologies and Supersonics 2009

Civil Supersonic Aircraft Technical Workshop 2003

Page Last Modified: 07/19/11 12:32 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/apl/noise_emissions/supersonic_aircraft_noise/