Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions Program

   Current Section  Funding Status
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Funding Status

FY 2011

The Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, P.L. 112-10, was passed by Congress on April 15, 2011. It provides funding for the Department of Education for the remainder of Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2011. The FY 2011 appropriation for the AANAPISI program is $3,198,590, a reduction of $401,410 from the FY 2010 level. The Department anticipates no reduction in continuation awards. We do not plan to conduct a competition for new awards for this program using discretionary funding from the FY 2011 appropriation. However, mandatory funding of $3.9 million, appropriated by the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA), will support a competition for new awards in the mandatory AANAPISI program in FY 2011.

Additional information is available.

FY 2010

Discretionary Funding:
Number of New Development Awards : 8
Average New Development Award: $327,000
Total New Development Award Funding: $2,613,000

Number of Continuation Development Awards: 0
Average Continuation Development Award: 0
Total Continuation Development Award Funding: 0

Returned to Treasury: $951,000

Peer Review of New Award Applications: $36,000

Mandatory Funding:
Number of New Development Awards: 0
Average New Development Award: 0
Total New Development Award Funding: 0

Number of Continuation Development Awards: 1
Average Continuation Development Award: $1,028,000
Total Continuation Development Award Funding: $1,028

Peer Review of New Award Applications: 0

Total Award Funding: $8,600,000
Discretionary (Section 320): $3,600,000
Mandatory (Section 371): $5,000,000*
Total Number of Awards (Discretionary and Mandatory): 9

*Includes $3,972,000 that was carried into fiscal year 2011. These funds will be obligated in fiscal year 2011.

FY 2009

Total award funding: $7,500,000
Discretionary funding (Section 320): $2,500,000
Mandatory funding (Section 371): $5,000,000

Discretionary funding

Number of new awards: 2
Average new award: $1,163,000
Total new award funding: $2,325,000

Number of continuation awards: 1
Average continuation award: $175,000
Total continuation award funding: $175,000

Peer review of new award applications: $0

Mandatory Funding

Number of continuation awards: 6
Average continuation award: $833,000
Total continuation award funding: $5,000,000

FY 2008

Total award funding: $5,000,000
Discretionary: 0
Mandatory: $5,000,000

Mandatory Funding

Number of new awards: 6
Average new award: $831,000
Peer review of new award applications: $16,000

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Last Modified: 07/01/2011