[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 24, Volume 3]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 24CFR576.57]

[Page 221-222]
ASSISTANCE ACT--Table of Contents
                     Subpart E_Program Requirements
Sec. 576.57  Other Federal requirements.

    In addition to the Federal requirements set forth in 24 CFR part 5, 
use of emergency shelter grant amounts must comply with the following 
    (a) Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. The nondiscrimination 
and equal opportunity requirements at 24 CFR part 5 are modified as 
    (1) Rehabilitation Act requirements. HUD's regulations at 24 CFR 
part 8 implement section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 
U.S.C. 794). For purposes of the emergency shelter grants program, the 
term ``dwelling units'' in 24 CFR part 8 shall include sleeping 
    (2) Use of emergency shelter grant amounts must also comply with the 
requirement that the grantee or the State recipient make known that use 
of the facilities and services is available to all on a 
nondiscriminatory basis. If the procedures that the grantee or recipient 
intends to use to make known the availability of the facilities and 
services are unlikely to reach persons of any particular race, color, 
religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or disability who 
may qualify for such facilities and services, the grantee or recipient 
must establish additional procedures that will ensure that such persons 
are made aware of the facilities and services. Grantees and recipients 
must also adopt procedures which will make available to interested 
persons information concerning the location of services and facilities 
that are accessible to persons with disabilities.
    (b) Applicability of OMB Circulars. \1\ The policies, guidelines, 
and requirements of 24 CFR part 85 (codified pursuant to OMB Circular 
No. A-102) and OMB Circular No. A-87, as they relate to the acceptance 
and use of emergency shelter grant amounts by States and units of 
general local government, and Nos. A-110 and A-122 as they relate to the 
acceptance and use of emergency shelter grant amounts by private 
nonprofit organizations.

    \1\ OMB Circulars referenced in this section are available at the 
Entitlement Cities Division, Room 7282, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410.

    (c) The Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4821-
4846), the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (42 
U.S.C. 4851-4856), and implementing regulations at part 35, subparts A, 
B, J, K, and R of this title apply to activities under this program.
    (d) Conflicts of interest. In addition to the conflict of interest 
requirements in OMB Circulars A-102 and A-110, no person--
    (1)(i) Who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected or 

[[Page 222]]

official of the grantee, State recipient, or nonprofit recipient (or of 
any designated public agency) that receives emergency shelter grant 
amounts and
    (ii) Who exercises or has exercised any functions or 
responsibilities with respect to assisted activities, or
    (2) Who is in a position to participate in a decisionmaking process 
or gain inside information with regard to such activities, may obtain a 
personal or financial interest or benefit from the activity, or have an 
interest in any contract, subcontract, or agreement with respect 
thereto, or the proceeds thereunder, either for him or herself or for 
those with whom he or she has family or business ties, during his or her 
tenure, or for one year thereafter. HUD may grant an exception to this 
exclusion as provided in Sec. 570.611 (d) and (e) of this chapter.
    (e) Environmental review responsibilities--(1) Generally. 
Responsible entities must assess the environmental effects of each 
application under part 58 of this title. An applicant must include in 
its application an assurance that the applicant will assume all the 
environmental review responsibility that would otherwise be performed by 
HUD as the responsible Federal official under the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and related authorities listed in part 58 of 
this title. The grant award is subject to completion of the 
environmental responsibilities set out in part 58 of this title within a 
reasonable time period after notification of the award. This provision 
does not preclude the applicant from enclosing its environmental 
certification and Request for Release of Funds with its application.
    (2) Awards to States. In the case of emergency shelter grants to 
States that are distributed to:
    (i) Units of general local government, the unit of general local 
government shall be the responsible entity, and the State will assume 
HUD's functions with regard to the release of funds; or
    (ii) Nonprofit organizations, the State shall be the responsible 
entity, and HUD will perform functions regarding release of funds under 
part 58 of this title.
    (3) Release of funds. HUD will not release funds for an eligible 
activity if the grantee, recipient, or any other party commits emergency 
shelter grant funds before the grantee submits, and HUD approves, any 
required Request for Release of Funds.
    (f) Audit. The financial management systems used by a State, formula 
city or county, governmental entity, or an Indian tribe that is a 
grantee under this program must provide for audits in accordance with 
part 44 of this title. A private nonprofit organization is subject to 
the audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133, as set forth in part 45 of 
this title. (OMB Circulars are available from the Executive Office of 
the President, Publication Service, 725 17th Street, NW., Suite G-2200, 
Washington, DC 20503, Telephone, 202-395-7332.)
    (g) Audit. The financial management system used by a State or unit 
of general local government that is a grantee or State recipient must 
provide for audits in accordance with 24 CFR part 44. A private 
nonprofit organization is subject to the audit requirements of OMB 
Circular A-133, as set forth in 24 CFR part 45.
    (h) Lobbying and disclosure requirements. The disclosure 
requirements and prohibitions of 42 U.S.C. 3537a and 3545 and 31 U.S.C. 
1352 (the Byrd Amendment), and the implementing regulations at parts 4 
and 87 of this title.
    (i) Davis-Bacon Act. The provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 
U.S.C. 276a-276a-5) do not apply to this program.
    (j) Intergovernmental review. The requirements of Executive Order 
12372 and the regulations issued under the order at 24 CFR part 52, to 
the extent provided by Federal Register notice in accordance with 24 CFR 

[54 FR 46799, Nov. 7, 1989, as amended at 57 FR 33256, July 27, 1992; 61 
FR 5210, Feb. 9, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 51552, Oct. 2, 
1996; 64 FR 50226, Sept. 15, 1999]