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Industry Government Council (IGC)

GSA's Center for Innovative Acquisition Development, Management Services Center, Greater Southwest Acquisition Center and Center for Office Supplies and Administrative Services have always valued and listened to the voice of the customer and commercial partner. In order to continue and build upon this relationship, the Industry Government Council (IGC) was established. Its mission is to improve the procurement of services through GSA Schedules and strengthen the relationship between private industry and the federal government.

The council is comprised of a diverse group of members that represent various industries, federal agencies, and GSA offices, with over half of the 25 member council selected from industry. The IGC generally meets four times per year -  October, March, May, and August.  Meetings are open to anyone wishing to attend.

Those interested in serving on the council or attending any of the meetings, please contact Jeffrey Manthos on (703) 605-2838 or Geri Haworth on (253) 931-7064.

IGC, Industry, Council, Industry Government Council