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Smart Manufacturing and Construction Systems Program


This program provides the measurement science and standards that enable the plug-and-play sharing of real-time information between manufacturing equipment and applications that monitor, control and optimize their performance in the factory. The work focuses on providing the technical basis for validated standards, including conformance tests and performance tests, to help manufacturers responsively produce best-in-class products with dramatically improved productivity, while maintaining high quality and the safety of their people.



This program will develop and deploy advances in measurement science to enable real-time monitoring, control, and performance optimization of smart manufacturing systems in the factory, delivering results by 2016.

What is the problem?

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have called for focused support of R&D in "advanced manufacturing to strengthen U.S. leadership in the areas of robotics, cyber-physical systems, and flexible manufacturing" as a means to promote sustainable economic growth and job creation [1]. OSTP also identifies IT-enabled manufacturing, using modeling and simulation with real-time manufacturing data, as key to improving quality[2]. A broad consensus has emerged that smart manufacturing – the dramatically intensified application of manufacturing intelligence via advanced data analytics, modeling, and simulation – provides a comprehensive approach to addressing global competitiveness, skilled job retention and growth.[3] The importance of smart manufacturing is also reflected in the findings of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Interagency Working Group on Manufacturing R&D, which identified Intelligent and Integrated Manufacturing as one of three opportunity areas for federal manufacturing R&D.[4] Although there is already a trend toward smart manufacturing and some progress is being made, "needed systemic infrastructural capabilities are yet to be delivered to mobilize a knowledge- and model-enabled process industry environment over the entire product and process lifecycle."[5] Manufacturers still lack the ability to adapt automated production equipment and systems rapidly, reliably, safely, and cost-effectively to meet changing needs and requirements; and obtain, seamlessly integrate, and optimally use the full spectrum of real-time, actionable process information. The inability to get real-time production information at all points across a facility is the primary technical barrier impeding the deployment of smart manufacturing. The 2009 report from the National Workshop on Challenges to Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing emphasizes this, noting "an urgent need for standardized data formats and messaging capabilities among devices to harmonize systems; intelligent sensors; and improved data collection and control systems"[6]. To overcome this barrier, measurement science is needed to define, validate, test and certify conformance to standards for the wide variety of devices and equipment forming the foundation of plug-and-play in manufacturing facilities. Only through the efficient integration of processes and the real-time sharing of "production actuals" can the U.S. hope to enjoy productivity increases needed to compete globally.

Why is it hard to solve?

Manufacturing facilities are complex collections of generations of equipment and software applications frequently tied together with point-to-point proprietary links. End users understand the benefits that accrue from standardized data connections, recognizing the parallels with office computers, software applications and peripheral equipment. However, getting these standards in place is much more difficult than for office IT due to many factors: the conservative philosophy toward the risks of change of shop floor managers faced with intense competition, large capital investments in legacy systems, looming deadlines and the consequences of wrecked equipment and injured people when deploying untested technology; the reliance on vendor solutions where vendors are vying for full vertical ownership of the production data and equipment; and the lack of compelling short-term business cases for productivity increases that resonate with accounting decision-makers. Establishing the technical basis for data exchange and integration standards is also hard, given the requirements for compatibility with the legacy installed base and the dynamic range of manufacturing information that makes consistent data modeling hard at the outset.

How is it solved today, and by whom?

Manufacturers work around the problem by adopting proprietary "total solution" product suites that are internally connected but afford limited exchange to other systems. Making the problem worse for the U.S., these total-solution vendors are mostly Asian or European. For large manufacturers this approach works in the short term, but it pushes the integration problem down to first-tier suppliers—who have to buy one of each total solution suite—and prevents many small manufacturers from participating at all. The European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) is funding research on integration of industrial technologies to improve European competitiveness through a transformation from resource-intensive to knowledge-intensive industries. Key information modeling research is taking place at universities such as the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and the University of Bath in the UK, affecting international standards. Although these results can benefit U.S. companies, the risks of letting other countries lead is the disproportionate benefit in either standards content or speed to market gained by foreign companies. In the U.S., steps in the right direction are being made by groups such as the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), The Instrumentation Society of America (ISA) and the Open Modular Architecture Controller (OMAC) Users Group, with NIST collaboration in the targeted activities of this program: standards validation, reference implementations, pilot testing and delivery of conformance- and performance tests.


The program addresses EL's mission to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by anticipating and meeting measurement science and standards needs for technology-intensive manufacturing, through the program's technical contributions that underpin standards for optimizing smart manufacturing systems on the shop floor. Applying core competencies in intelligent sensing, control and automation, with staff backgrounds in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science, the program undertakes information modeling and validation testing that produce reference implementations, and conformance and performance tests, as tangible outcomes. The work complements research done by industry and academia through the program's focus on measurement needs that cut broadly across the discrete part production, continuous process and batch manufacturing sectors. NIST's recognized objective neutrality and longer-term dedication to the standards process are also essential to our role in this program.

What is the new technical idea?

The new technical idea is to apply recent advances in information modeling to shop floor activities to streamline data acquisition and exchange and optimize production performance. These advances include the widespread use of XML Schema for data modeling and its associated comprehensive tool base and familiarity to engineers, and the deployment of web-enabled communication throughout the factory floor. The program is organized around three thrusts that address key needs identified by the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC)[7]: robust data collection frameworks, consistent data methods, and integrated manufacturing process models. In the factory networks thrust, the technical idea is the development of a unified testing framework for smart sensors, factory equipment and networks. This testing framework will enable the development of new performance measurement methodologies (better ways to define and measure key performance indicators such as latency, jitter and bandwidth) and apply them to both legacy sensor networks, emerging smart sensor network standards and networks of factory equipment. A modular design approach will simplify the integration of different network protocols and provide conformance tests. Complementing the work in factory network performance and conformance testing, the program will apply IT cybersecurity techniques to the real-time factory network domain, delivering functional standards that improve the safety and security of equipment on the shop floor. In the information modeling and testing thrust, the technical idea is the use of modern information modeling techniques (primarily XML Schema) as the basis for syntactically correct sharing of information among shop floor process planning, manufacturing and analysis activities. A difficult measurement science problem is determining how well the meaning of the information (semantics) is understood and used to control and optimize performance. In the performance measurement and optimization thrust, the program will establish a virtual factory testbed in which NIST researchers will collaborate with industry and academic partners to develop, validate and test information exchange standards that support optimizing manufacturing and assembly tasks in the factory.

Why can we succeed now?

There is heightened awareness of the productivity increase that can be achieved by optimizing on the shop floor. Manufacturers are aggressively seeking ways to improve use of their manufacturing resources so they can better innovate and competitively bid for global jobs. This is creating new opportunities and imperatives for sensor and data fusion to enhance measurement and optimization of production processes, increasing efficiency, quality, and manufacturers' flexibility to meet changing customer demands. Recent standards arrivals, such as MTConnect and the Quality Information Framework, have attracted substantial industry participation in these areas. At the national level, the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) has defined priority actions for developing robust data collection frameworks and establishing consistent data protocols, interfaces and communication standards. EL staff with strong engineering and software experience in the manufacturing domain, combined with testbed experience and a long-term shop-floor presence, position NIST to bring necessary resources and make immediate progress.

What is the research plan?

Device interfaces and communication protocols are the key to factory networks, and this process is often limited by proprietary systems. In this thrust, there are two projects. The Factory Equipment Network Testing Framework project will deliver by 2014 a unified testing framework comprising software and hardware that measures the performance and conformance of smart sensor networks. The testing framework will focus on popular specifications, but be extensible by end users for long-term usefulness. The second project, Cybersecurity for Factory Control Systems, will deliver by 2014 the technical basis for a set of functional standards for securing smart manufacturing communications and control infrastructure against cyberattack. Project staff will work closely with ITL, ISA, and the Smart Grid Office for delivery to the wide customer base.

Getting data from equipment on factory networks is only part of the problem; it is equally important to determine what information it represents (e.g., sensor data in SI units, quality of a surface, acceptable dimensions of a machined feature, operating condition of equipment), the characteristics of the information (when it was obtained, its precision and accuracy), and how well it moves between applications that need it. In the information modeling and testing thrust, the Real-Time Factory Information project will deliver by 2014 a set of conformance and performance tests for the information models and pathways common on the factory floor: process planning, execution and analysis. These outcomes will be delivered via the associated standards organizations, such as the Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium and ISO.

Ultimately, decision makers need to act on this information in real time, measuring and optimizing performance of complex inter-relationships between cost, quality and delivery time to maximize the value of their products. In this thrust we have one project, Factory Performance Measurement and Optimization, focused on testing standards for rapidly acquiring information from shop floor equipment and easily sharing it between modeling, simulation, analysis and optimization applications. A virtual factory test bed will be established in this project to facilitate collaboration and measure the effectiveness of standards, with an open-source implementation and standards revisions as outcomes in 2014.

How will teamwork be ensured?

Within the Factory Networks thrust, the two projects are closely coordinated through their shared activities in the Factory Network Testbed. Between programs, the work is closely coordinated with SIMCA and SMPE. The three program managers are using the ISA-95 architecture (Appendix), derived from the well-known Purdue Reference Model for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing[8], to ensure that the programs' scopes align well with no gaps or overlaps. SIMCA targets the activities at Level 4 and the interface to Level 3, SMCS targets Levels 3 and 2 and the interface between Levels 2 and 1, and SMPE targets the activities at Levels 1 and 0 and the actual processes. The "contact area" between the programs is clear and program outcomes associated with the contact areas are coordinated, with experts from two programs on both sides of the arrows. For example, SIMCA and SMCS shares ISO 10303 (STEP) product model information validation via the interface between CAD and CAM, and SMCS and SMPE shares MTConnect CNC status monitoring.

What is the impact if successful?

Potential impacts include the reduction in time to integrate equipment and set up new processes, improved quality and equipment productivity through optimization using real-time information collection and analysis, and increased productivity of engineering staff who can focus on value-added production techniques rather than ad hoc equipment connection. Impact measurement will be done via the Open Modular Architecture Controller (OMAC) Users Group, part of the Automation Research Corporation (ARC), which continually refines business case metrics to justify member participation. These metrics originate with the participating companies, and we will also work with the EL Economic Assessment Office to determine shop-floor productivity metrics.

Our information modeling and testing work has enjoyed wide participation from end user stakeholders such as Ford, General Motors and Chrysler, Caterpillar, John Deere and Boeing, and defense industry manufacturers such as Honeywell and Lockheed-Martin. These companies provide in-kind support of engineering staff in activities ranging from requirements gathering to standards development and pilot testing.

What is the standards strategy?

Top Standards Development Needs:

Networked sensors and scalable, multi-level cyber security are essential technologies for smart manufacturing, but effectively collecting data is relatively inefficient due to the lack of standardized, easily usable data systems[9]. The program's Factory Networks thrust addresses these problems.

To make it easier to install, configure and use networked sensors, revisions and new parts of the IEEE 1451 smart sensor standards for web services and extensible messaging and presence protocols are needed, by 2014.

  • To increase the performance of factory networks, a second generation of the ODVA Industrial Ethernet standard is needed for defining high-performance networking, by 2014.
  • To confidently deploy secure smart sensor networks on the shop floor, compliance tests for new parts of the International Society of Automation (ISA) 99 standard series for manufacturing and control systems security covering security assurance levels are needed, by 2013.

Seamless exchange of process data is essential for smart manufacturing, but the inefficiency and complexity of knowledge capture and transfer are barriers to increasing innovation, improving productivity and accelerating manufacturing cycles[10]. Three key industry groups advocate for standards-based exchange of process information: The Open Modular Architecture Controller (OMAC) Users Group, the STEP Manufacturing Team and the Dimensional Metrology Standards Consortium (DMSC). The program's Information Modeling and Testing thrust responds to their recommendations:

  • New information models are needed for reporting the progress and condition of products at each stage of production, through the Quality Information Framework (QIF), by 2015.
  • Alignment is needed between QIF and related standards: the Dimensional Measuring Interface Specification (DMIS), the I++ Dimensional Measurement Equipment (DME) specification for networked measurement equipment, and 10303 AP 238 (STEP-NC), by 2015.

Dynamic modeling and simulation are essential for smart manufacturing, but a lack of tools for effectively integrating real-time data makes it hard to perform optimization to key performance indicators[11]. The program's Performance Measurement and Optimization thrust addresses this issue.

  • In order to efficiently collect and share aggregated data from shop floor resources (machine tools, measurement and analysis equipment, process control systems), extensions to the Association for Manufacturing Technology's MTConnect standard are needed to cover additional shop floor resources such as tooling and auxiliary equipment, by 2014.

Current and Alternate Standards Strategy:

For the Factory Networks thrust, the program provides software tools for measuring the conformance of systems that implement data exchange standards and measuring their performance. Vendors use this software to improve their products and participate in testing that determines product conformance and/or performance, leading to product improvements and/or revisions to the standards. In the manufacturing cybersecurity area, the program provides definitions for compliance tests that will be used by the ISA's Security Compliance Institute to ensure that smart manufacturing control systems correctly apply cybersecurity techniques prescribed by the ISA-99 standards series. Program staff also chair or participate in standards committees in IEEE, the MTConnect Institute, the OPC Foundation and ISA to provide technical reviews of standards and drive progress toward testable implementations.

For the Information Modeling and Testing thrust, the program provides conformance testing software tools and reference implementations. For the QIF family of standards, program staff will chair several DMSC committees and convene face-to-face meetings; provide technical contributions to the content of each standard; and develop, define and support validation and conformance tests. For the I++ DME 1.7 revision, the program will update the NIST conformance test utilities to include new functionality. Version 2.0 is currently in draft, and the program plans to continue updating the testing software once this is published. Likewise for the DMIS standard, no major changes are expected. The DMIS test suite will only need relatively minor modifications to keep it in aligned with new versions.

Standards published through accredited organizations are the final program outcomes. To accelerate the process, the program works through associations such as the AMT and the DMSC that have a much faster path to document approval, accelerating commercial adoption in the U.S., then taking the documents to ISO or IEC as co-published international standards so that U.S. manufacturers can compete globally.

Although the subject standards are voluntary in the U.S., the Department of Defense (DoD) is interested in procuring manufacturing data along with systems that it buys, so that defense production facilities such as Army depots can quickly manufacture parts to meet surge requirements or fabricate spares in the field. The MIL-STD-31000 Technical Data Package (TDP) standard is under development to detail these requirements. Should the DoD use MIL-STD-31000 routinely, it could accelerate the adoption of standards like ISO 10303 AP 238 (STEP-NC) and many of the QIF parts. Program staff participates in TDP activities as reviewers and likely participants in pilot projects with DoD procurement officers and defense contractors.

Fit to Criteria for Selecting Standards Development Involvement:

The program's measurement science activities improve and accelerate adoption of standards that enable and simplify the integration of technology-intensive manufacturing equipment into factory networks for real-time optimized production. This directly addresses EL's mission to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness in areas of critical national priority by anticipating and meeting the measurement science and standards needs for technology-intensive manufacturing, construction and cyber-physical systems in ways that enhance economic prosperity and improve the quality of life.

The standards targeted by the program address equipment found throughout the broad domains of discrete parts manufacturing, continuous and batch processing. Fifteen of the thirty companies that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average participate with us in the standards committees. The standards are expected to enable these companies to eliminate costly point-to-point connectivity solutions in favor of plug-and-play integration of best-in-class equipment, and allow them to develop in-house factory optimization applications that preserve intellectual property, drive innovation, reduce engineering costs, shorten time to market and increase productivity. Participation by technology providers ranging from large to small (Honeywell, Rockwell-Collins, Hardinge, Hurco, Caron Engineering), academia (Georgia Tech, UC/Berkeley), and government (U.S. Army depots at Picatinny and Watervliet) balances representation by large end users.

Responses to the NIST request for information on the effectiveness of federal agency participation in standardization[12] indicated that "NIST's convener role is appreciated and valued; [and] many respondents expressed the view that the convener role is government's most appropriate role in standards setting." Through technical leadership of standards committees, the program emphasizes NIST's measurement science role through outputs such as reference implementations, defensive patents, validation testing, performance and conformance methodologies and supporting software tools that provide a technical underpinning to standards. The work was selected to align directly with the program's shop floor optimization objective, focusing on the modeling, exchange and use of information generated by manufacturing equipment and sensors, leaving on-machine optimization to the SMPE program and enterprise-wide optimization to the SIMCA program.

Staff has deep expertise in the technical foundations for manufacturing equipment information exchange standards. There is ample laboratory space and state-of-the-art machine tools and other manufacturing equipment to carry out the program.

The program budget is sufficient for the selected standards activities projects. The size of the program allows a response to a broad range of manufacturing sectors in the scoped domain of shop floor optimization. Program resources will be augmented through open-source software development, equipment loans and distributed testing with industrial partners.

How will knowledge transfer be achieved? 

Knowledge will be transferred implicitly via our participation in standards validation pilot projects with selected industry partners, and explicitly via reference implementations and testing software made available through open-source mechanisms such as SourceForge. We will participate formally with the STEP Manufacturing Team TC 184 SC4 WG3 T24 and the PDES Inc. CAx-IF implementers forum. Publications are a key part of our knowledge transfer, and the program's results will be submitted to archival journals for which we have had past success, such as the International Journal of Production Research, the International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing and the International Journal of Standardization. The program will continue the appointments of four guest researchers, and solicit short-term sabbatical appointments from visiting professors that have proven effective.

Outcomes: Related work preceding this program has had the following impacts:

  • IEEE 1451.0, 5, 7, Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators, published internationally as ISO/IEC/IEEE 21450, 21451-5, 21451-7, respectively.
  • EtherNet/IP, Ethernet Industrial Protocol, published by the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA) and by their account "the most developed, proven and complete industrial Ethernet network solution available for factory automation." ODVA's performance testing program uses the NIST-developed EtherNet/IP Test Tool.
  • ANSI/ISA-99.01.01 and ANSI/ISA-99.02.01, Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security, published internationally as IEC 62443‑1‑1 and IEC 62443‑2‑1, and associated NIST SP 800-82 for Industrial Control Cybersecurity, downloaded over one million times since publication in 2007.
  • I++ DME 1.7, Inspection for Dimensional Measurement Equipment, implemented by the majority of coordinate measurement machine (CMM) software and equipment vendors worldwide, and used by many U.S. manufacturers such as Caterpillar, John Deere, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney and General Electric.
  • DMIS 5.2, Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard, published as ISO 22093 and ANSI 105.2-2009 Part 1. All CMM software vendors worldwide execute DMIS programs, and several major vendors generate DMIS programs. Unigraphics has been certified by the DMSC using the NIST DMIS conformance test software. Many U.S. manufacturers reduce part inspection time and cost by using DMIS, such as Chrysler, John Deere, General Electric, Honeywell and Lockheed Martin.

The program will develop performance and conformance tests for new IEEE 1451 Smart Sensor Network Standards Parts (c) and (d) that describe web services and extensible messaging and presence (willingness to communicate) protocols, expected to be adopted by IEEE by 2014. Commercialization of these parts by vendors such as Honeywell and National Instruments as extensions to their current 1451 product lines will benefit automation customers by 2015. The IEEE 1451 Smart Sensor Network standards comprise a suite of standards published beginning in 1997 with electronic data sheets.

The program will deliver performance and conformance tests for revisions to the Association for Manufacturing Technology's (AMT's) MTConnect protocol to include new technologies (networked sensors, robots, measuring equipment), and for a new part covering Assets (such as cutting tools) currently in committee draft. Implementations of the revised and extended protocol are expected to be available in manufacturing equipment by 2015. The AMT's MTConnect protocol version 1.1.0 has been commercially implemented by many of the AMT's vendor members, including General Dynamics, General Electric and Remmele Engineering. MTConnect provides real-time, web-enabled access to manufacturing equipment status.

The program will also harmonize OPC Unified Architecture (UA) with MTConnect by 2014, with adoption by many of the over 400 OPC vendors such Emerson, Honeywell and Rockwell to occur by 2015. This will dramatically expand possibilities for plant optimization by allowing information exchange between MTConnect-enabled equipment and the large installed base of OPC-compatible automation. A predecessor to OPC/UA, OPC Data Access (DA), has become a de facto part of industrial automation, originally based on Microsoft distributed computing technology but recently revised to a unified architecture that is platform-independent.

The program will develop compliance tests for the ISA-99 series of standards covering manufacturing and control systems security, with testing by ISA's Security Compliance Institute available in 2013. Three parts of the ISA-99 series were published from 2007 through 2009. The program will also develop compliance tests for planned revisions that include a more refined breakout of functionality using Security Assurance Levels that provide scalable defense-in-depth.

The program will develop validation and conformance tests for the DMSC suite of fast-track standards for quality measurement information, collectively part of the QIF. Adoption of QMResults for quality measurement results is expected by DMSC in 2013. Adoption of QMPlans for planning measurement activities is expected later in 2013, facilitated through the PDES Inc. CAx-IF Implementer's Forum with participation by companies such as Verisurf and Hexagon. QMStatistics is expected to be adopted by DMSC in 2014 with implementation by Statistical Process Control (SPC) software vendors such as InfinityQS and Prolink in 2015. Activities will also include harmonization of QMResults and QMStatistics with MTConnect, making inspection and SPC data accessible immediately via the web.

DMIS 5.2 was published in 2010 and a revision yielding DMIS 5.3 is planned for ISO publication in 2013 with commercialization by 2014. Version 5.3 will include support for measuring properties of complex surfaces such as turbine blades. The NIST DMIS Test Suite will be updated accordingly and provided to the DMSC to update their certification program.

I++ DME version 2.0 is targeted by 2013, adding support for non-contact optical coordinate measuring machines. A new set of vendor implementers is anticipated, requiring expansion and use of the NIST I++ test suite. Commercialization is expected by 2014.

This program will contribute validation tests for the ISO 10303 AP 238 (STEP-NC) smart machine tool data standard by 2015. Commercialization of STEP-NC through CAM vendors will take place gradually, likely following an adoption curve similar to that for adoption of AP 203 by CAD vendors a decade ago, with vendors such as MasterCAM and Pro/Engineer including STEP-NC in products by 2020.

The program will develop the measurement science to validate the effectiveness of manufacturing key performance indicators (KPIs) driven by standards-based, real-time automated information exchange. Commercial software for measuring and reporting factory performance statistics by companies such as Microsoft, Oracle and SAP is expected to be available in 2020. Manufacturing KPIs include the widely-cited "Overall Equipment Effectiveness" (OEE) metric, with cycle time and equipment utilization also commonplace. Manufacturers can select among various definitions of KPIs, but populating the models with accurate data is costly and takes time.

Recognition of EL:

  • Kang Lee, 2010 Edward Bennett Rosa Award, for outstanding leadership and technical excellence in the initiation, development and worldwide adoption of the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol.
  • Jim Gilsinn, Best Paper Award, ISA Process Measurement and Control Division, "Test Tool for Industrial Ethernet Network Performance," 2009.
  • Jim Gilsinn, InTech Magazine Cover Story, "Testing, comparing industrial Ethernets," August 2009.
  • Bill Rippey, Metromeet Best Paper Award, "Certification Testing of DMIS Implementers," March 2009.
  • Jim Gilsinn, October 2006, ISA Standards & Practices Award for work on publishing ISA-99.02.01
  • John Horst and Keith Stouffer, NIST Bronze Medal 2006, for leadership in dimensional metrology data exchange standards.
  • John Horst, AIAG Outstanding Achievement Award 2005.
  • Fred Proctor and Keith Stouffer, Department of Commerce Gold Medal 2005 (leadership in industrial control system security standards).
  • Bill Rippey, Standards Engineering Society World Standards Day Best Paper Competition, Second Place, "We need better information Connections for Welding Manufacturing," 2004.

[1] OMB-OSTP Science and Technology Priorities memo, July 21, 2010 http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/fy12-budget-guidance-memo.pdf

[2] "Innovation and US-Based Manufacturing," HCSS/NITRD/CPS Group Meeting, Arlington VA- Dec 15, 2010.

[3] Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) Public-Private Partnership Program Recommendations, Oct. 10, 2010.

[4] Manufacturing the Future: Federal Priorities for Manufacturing R&D

[5] Smart Process Manufacturing: An Operations and Technology Roadmap, 2009 http://oit.ucla.edu/nsf-evo-2008/documents/SmartProcessManufaturingAnOperationsandTechnologyRoadmapFullReport.pdf

[6] Smart Process Manufacturing Engineering Virtual Organization Steering Committee, "Smart Process Manufacturing: An Operations And Technology Roadmap," November 2009.

[7] Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition, Implementing 21st Century Smart Manufacturing Workshop Summary Report, June 24, 2011.

[8] Purdue Reference Model for CIM. Available: http://www.pera.net/Pera/PurdueReferenceModel/ReferenceModel.html

[9] Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition, Op. cit., pp 2, 16.

[10] Ibid., pp. 2, 17.

[11] Ibid., pp. 2, 21.

[12] NIST Standards Coordination Office, "NIST Summary of the Responses to the National Science and Technology Council's Sub-Committee on Standards Request-for-Information: Effectiveness of Federal Agency Participation in Standardization in Select Technology Sectors," December 8, 2010.

Start Date:

October 1, 2011

Lead Organizational Unit:


General Information:

Fred Proctor, Program Manager
301 975 3425 Telephone

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8230
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8230