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Priya D. Lavappa

Priya D. Lavappa is an information technology specialist in the Applied Economics Office (AEO) of the Engineering Laboratory (EL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Ms. Lavappa joined the Applied Economics Office in January 2005.  Her expertise is in the area of life-cycle development of multi-tiered decision support software applications.  Ms. Lavappa is involved with the software development initiatives of AEO and has developed software applications utilizing their economic models.

Currently, Ms. Lavappa is developing a web based version of Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES).  She has also been working on a fire sprinkler benefit-cost decision support tool to enable local decision makers to assess the cost-effectiveness of fire sprinkler ordinances.  Ms. Lavappa authored the publication "Guidelines for Planning and Development of Software for Buildings and Building Systems," which outlines an efficient process for developing software.  The process was adopted and has helped to streamline software development within the Office of Applied Economics.

Prior to joining NIST, Ms. Lavappa worked on the development of various business software applications including an asset management system and a bodily injury claims system for the auto insurance industry.

Priya D. Lavappa


Information Technology Specialist
Engineering Laboratory
Applied Economics Office


Johns Hopkins University, M.S., Information and Telecommunication Systems, 1999

University of Maryland, B.S., Life Sciences, 1992


Phone: 301-975-4522
Email: priya.lavappa@nist.gov
Fax: 301-975-4032