Federal Aviation Administration

Introduction to Pre-Application

Initial Inquiries

Initial inquiries about the certification process or requests for an application may come from individuals or organizations. These inquiries may be in writing or in meetings with personnel from the Flight Standards District Office (FSDO).

Applicant Orientation and Preliminary Discussion

Upon initial contact, FSDO personnel should direct you to the Flight Standards Service website at http://www.faa.gov for applicable regulations, Advisory Circulars (AC), FAA orders, notices, bulletins; and other pertinent information. In addition, the Airline Certification website provides examples of letters, application forms, and other types of information you will need to complete the certification process. See examples.

FAA Form 8400-6, Pre-application Statement of Intent (PASI)

FSDO personnel will instruct you on how to complete the PASI (PDF) and submit the completed PASI to the FSDO. After receiving the completed PASI, the FSDO will do the following:

  • Upon receipt of a signed PASI, the FSDO will review the form to ensure that there is sufficient information to further process the pre-application.
  • When the PASI is acceptable, the FSDO manager will initiate the Certification Services Oversight Process (CSOP), found in FAA Order 8000.92, to determine the availability of resources to support the certification project.

During pre-application, you will identify logistical requirements, design your safety critical processes, develop your system documentation, and apply for DOT economic authority. Items you complete in the Pre-Application process become attachments to the Formal Application Package.

Planning and executing a complete pre-application package:

  • Helps you identify the complexity of the certification project.
  • Prepares you for the formal application process.
  • Helps the FAA identify the size and scope of the project so that the FAA can allocate resources to complete each phase of the certification process for you in a timely manner.

Page Last Modified: 08/02/11 11:07 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/atos/air_carrier/intro_to_pre_app/