Gov. Tom Ridge Discusses the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's National Security Trade

Gov. Tom Ridge Discusses our Upcoming National Security Trade Mission to Israel

U.S. Business Mission to Egypt - Meeting with President Mohamed Morsi

Sept. 9 - The U.S. Chamber's Business Delegation to Egypt Meets with President Mohamed Morsi...

U.S. Business Mission to Egypt

The U.S.-Egypt Business Council Leads a Delegation of More Than 50 U.S. Companies to Egypt

U.S. Business Opportunities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq -- Qubad Talabani

Qubad Talabani, KRG Representative to the U.S., Discusses Commercial Opportunities in the...

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Middle East and
North Africa AmChams
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Middle East and
North Africa AmChams

Promoting Growth and Development in Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa

The Chamber's Turkey, Middle East, and North Africa Team is deeply committed to advancing the business goals of its member companies, and we are expanding our capacity to keep abreast of fast-moving developments throughout the region. 

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MENA Department September Executive Update

U.S. Chamber Energy Delegation to Saudi Arabia

Report: U.S.-Iraq Business Initiative Trip to Baghdad, Basra, and Erbil

The Middle East and North Africa Clean Energy Initiative

Upcoming Events

  • Oct. 15-18: Business Mission to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Oct. 17: Perspectives on the Middle East: Dinner with Ambassador Dennis Ross 
  • Oct. 25: Meeting with the U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group
  • Oct. 30: Trade Awareness: Expanding the Moroccan and Jordanian Free Trade Agreements

Councils & Inititives