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White House Interagency Council on Women and Girls

"With passion and courage, women have taught us that when we band together to advocate for our highest ideals, we can advance our common well-being and strengthen the fabric of our nation."---President Obama

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a partner in the White House's Interagency Council on Women and Girls. HUD serves as a safety net for vulnerable women and girls, whether they are living with HIV/AIDS or they are living in shelters for victims of abuse. Providing them with physical and emotional safety, HUD works hard to place women and girls in transitional housing, public housing, and rental housing, where they will experience a continuum of care ranging from substance abuse counseling, financial literacy classes, to job training. HUD will invest $13.6 billion in Recovery Act funds in our programs, ensuring that more women and girls can attain physical, emotional and economic security.

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