Table 1. Hourly compensation costs, U.S. dollars and U.S. = 100

Table 1. Hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, U.S. dollars,
         and as a percent of costs in the United States

                            Hourly Compensation Costs
                       in U.S. dollars           U.S.=100
                      1997 (1)    2010       1997 (1)   2010
Norway                26.38      57.53       114        166
Switzerland           30.00      53.20       130        153
Belgium               29.12      50.70       126        146
Denmark               24.09      45.48       105        131
Sweden                24.97      43.81       108        126
Germany               29.15      43.76       126        126
Finland               22.35      42.30        97        122
Austria               25.52      41.07       111        118
Netherlands           23.40      40.92       102        118
Australia             19.10      40.60        83        117
France                24.88      40.55       108        117
Ireland               17.03      36.30        74        104
Canada                18.84      35.67        82        103
United States         23.05      34.74       100        100
Italy                 19.67      33.41        85         96
Japan                 22.28      31.99        97         92
United Kingdom        18.50      29.44        80         85
Spain                 13.92      26.60        60         77
Greece                11.56      22.19        50         64
New Zealand           12.37      20.57        54         59
Israel                12.32      20.12        53         58
Singapore             12.15      19.10        53         55
Korea, Republic of     9.36      16.62        41         48
Argentina              7.43      12.66        32         36
Portugal               6.38      11.72        28         34
Czech Republic         3.24      11.50        14         33
Slovakia               2.86      10.72        12         31
Brazil                 7.07      10.08        31         29
Estonia                 NA        9.47        NA         27
Hungary                3.05       8.40        13         24
Taiwan                 7.04       8.36        31         24
Poland                 3.13       8.01        14         23
Mexico                 3.47       6.23        15         18
Philippines            1.28       1.90         6          5

NA=data not available.

(1) With the exception of Estonia, 1997 is the first year
    data for all countries are available to BLS.

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Last Modified Date: December 21, 2011