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               City of Eugene Emergency Management
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Threat Level


The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Natl Org on Disability Emer Info

Emergency Preparedness Initiative logoThe National Organization on Disability's Emergency Preparedness Initiative provides information to older americans and people with disabilities and special needs:  www.nod.org/emergency

Highlights include webcasts, interactive resource maps, and links to a variety of emergency-related documents and brochures including "Disaster Readiness Tips for Owners of Pets or Service Animals".

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Emergency Management Welcome

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  City of Eugene
Emergency Management Program
 >> Be Informed - Be Prepared <<

The City of Eugene’s Emergency Management Program is responsible for planning, preparing and providing for the prevention, mitigation and management of emergencies or disasters that present a threat to the lives and property of the citizens of Eugene. This includes coordinating and facilitating emergency planning, preparedness, response and recovery activities.

Pandemic Flu >>
Pandemic Flu >>  


Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website - Swine Influenza (flu): http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/ 
Daily updates, facts, information, travel notices, press briefings, what you can do, and more.



Lane County Public Health Website: http://www.lanecounty.org/HHS_PubHlth/Swine_Flu.htm

One-stop access to U.S. Government information on pandemic, avian, and swine flu managed by the Department of Health & Human Services: http://www.pandemicflu.gov/

Join the Community Emergency Response Team >>
Join the Community Emergency Response Team >>  

2009 CERT Training
The City of Eugene sponsors CERT
training to citizens within the Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area. CERT trains citizens to be  prepared to respond to emergency situations within their communities. Trained CERT members are able to give critical support to first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims, and organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site. CERT members may also help with non-emergency projects that improve the safety of a community.

CERT courses consist of a series of eight classes, which focus on disaster preparedness, disaster fire suppression, basic disaster medical operations, and light search and rescue operations. Each course concludes with a mock-disaster drill, which tests the participants training. The CERT course is taught by Fire Fighters and Paramedics, as well as, volunteers and first responders who have completed a CERT Train-the-Trainer course, conducted by Oregon Emergency Management.

To be put on the waitlist for the FALL 2009 CERT Class, please contact Patence Winningham Patence.M.Winningham@ci.eugene.or.us (541) 682-5665.
For more CERT information, visit the FEMA website http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/cert/

CERT Course Outline > >  
Emergency Info/News
Stay Informed >>  
Windstorm Brochure
Protect your family and property from the hazards of violent windstorms
How to Prepare for a Wildfire
There are several safety precautions that you can take to reduce the risk of fire losses......
Emergency Management Info/News >>
Emergency Management Info/News >>  
  • Community Emergency Notification System (CENS)
  • Emergency Preparedness Guide
  • Communication During a Disaster-What to Do
  • Info/News


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    EM Staff

    City of Eugene
    Central Services Department
    Risk Services Division
    101 E. Broadway | Suite 450
    Eugene, Oregon 97402
    Fax 541.682.5211

    Joe Rizzi
    Emergency Management
    Program Manager
    541.682.5664 | email

    Patence Winningham
    Senior Administrative Specialist
    541.682.5665 | email

    Emergency Mgmt How do I
    Emergency Management Plan >>
    Emergency Management Plan
    Basic Plan
    Direction and Control Chart
    Emergency Mgmt Operations
    Flow Chart
    Incident Org Chart
    Emergency Info/Resources >>
    READY.GOV - Dept. of Homeland Security
    Lane Preparedness Coalition
    Preparing Lane Co. for Pandemic Illness - www.preparelane.org
    Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency
    US Environmental Protection Agency
    Emergency Management website
    US Dept. of Health & Human Services
    Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
    Emergency Preparedness & Response
    US Dept. of Energy
    American Red Cross-Oregon
    NOAA National Weather Service
    Humane Society US
    Disaster Center - information about preparing your animals for disasters
    Excellent info on flood insurance
    State of Oregon, Natural Hazard Planner
    City of Eugene Flood Information
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    Website Policies