October 21, 2009 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Earnings by age and sex, third quarter of 2009

Women who usually worked full time had median earnings of $657 per week, or 80.9 percent of the $812 median for men.

Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by age and sex, third quarter 2009
[Chart data]

Among men, those age 45 to 54 and age 55 to 64 had the highest median weekly earnings, $944 and $979, respectively.

Among women, weekly earnings were highest for those age 35 to 44 and age 45 to 54, $720 and $727, respectively.

These data are from the Current Population Survey. To learn more, see “Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers, Third Quarter 2009” (HTML).



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