November 06, 2002 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Using the Internet to find a job

About 19.6 million individuals, or 9.2 percent of the civilian noninstitutional population ages 16 and over, reported using the Internet to search for a job between January 2001 and September 2001.

Percent of civilian noninstitutional population who used Internet to search for a job, Jan.-Sept. 2001
[Chart data—TXT]

Men and women were about equally likely to have used the Internet to search for a job. Nearly 1 in every 10 reported using the Internet to look for a job. Similarly, about 9 percent of both whites and blacks used the Internet in their job search, but fewer than 6 percent of Hispanic individuals used these resources.

Persons aged 20 to 34 years were most likely to use the Internet to look for a job. Among those aged 20 to 24, a little more than 17 percent used the Internet as part of their search for work, as did a little fewer than 17 percent of 25 to 34 year olds. In contrast, between 6 and 7 percent of teenagers and workers aged 35 and over looked for a job using the Internet.

This information is from a supplement to the Current Population Survey. Find more information in "Computer and Internet Use at Work in 2001," news release USDL 02-601.

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