As an officer on the U.S. Army Health Care Team, you can be eligible for up to $120,000 to pay down your medical school debt through the Active Duty Health Professional Loan Repayment Program.


As a health care professional with the U.S. Army Reserve, you’ll be exposed to new techniques, procedures and points of view. You’ll also gain knowledge and skills that you’ll be proud to take home to your own practice.

Army Medicine
Lieutenant Colonel Rob Goodman - Veterinarian

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Veterinary Scholarships
Pay & Benefits
Army Veterinary Corps

If you’re still in school, you may qualify for the the U.S. Army’s Health Professions Scholarship Program that pays your tuition as you earn your D.V.M. or V.M.D. at the accredited program of your choice. And if you’re already out of school, you may quality for the Health Professionals Loan Repayment Program. The Army will also offer you a tremendous opportunity for continuing education and actively encourages you to increase your knowledge and skills. You’ll be able to apply for advanced training in clinical medicine, pathology, earn a master’s in Public Health and many more. And as always, the Army covers the costs.

You can even decide how you want to serve in the Veterinary Corps — active duty or in the Army Reserve. Serving in the Army Reserve lets you still have a private practice, but you’ll train each month close to home and complete a two-week training exercise once a year. Whether you choose active duty or the Army Reserve, you will enjoy the privileges and respect of a commissioned officer on the Army health care team. A team of committed health care professionals.

To find out more about becoming a commissioned officer and serving in the Veterinary Corps,
contact a recruiter.

Veterinarian Benefits

Army veterinarians benefit from the service’s commitment to an excellent quality of life. From 30 days’ paid vacation to comfortable on-base housing, and more, the Army offers many benefits designed to improve your quality of life.

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Veterinarian Careers & Jobs

The Veterinary Corps offers exciting challenges where you’ll have a positive impact on the world. You may care for bomb-sniffing dogs, go on a humanitarian mission to help farmers in South America or conduct lifesaving research. You may even treat the pets of our Soldiers and their families. Whatever direction your career takes, it will be a rewarding one.

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Veterinarian Profiles

Meet one of the dedicated veterinarians who is a member of the U.S. Army health care team.

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The Army Veterinary Corps will help you make a big difference in the world of veterinary medicine. The corps will offer you experiences and challenges that you won’t find in private practice

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Fixing Dogs

I'm Lieutenant Colonel Rob Goodman. I'm a veterinarian in the United States Army.

I completed my undergraduate at Texas A & M University in 1993, and then continued on with veterinary school, graduating in 1996, and then completed a residency in small animal internal medicine at North Carolina University, in 2004.

I'm currently the Chief of the Animal Medicine Branch. I'm in charge of all the institutional training in animal medicine for our animal care specialists and for our veterinarians. When I was about twelve, my dog got sick and I decided that I wanted to be able to fix dogs.

In Iraq we had many working dogs that saved Soldiers lives everyday. And I was part of taking care of those, and providing care for those working dogs, and that truly did make a difference everyday.

The Army offers tremendous opportunity for continuing education to veterinarians. Captains are eligible to apply for advance training in either clinical medicine, a Master's in public health, pathology, laboratory animal medicine, or a PHD.

I have a wonder wife of fifteen years, named Jennifer. I have two children - a daughter twelve and a son that's ten. I went to an open house at my daughter's school immediately following work. I was still in uniform and had complete strangers thank me for the service that we provide. That's the ultimate satisfaction and reinforces the privilege to wear an Army uniform.