
Rep. Lamborn Statements on Stem Cell Research

Washington, Jan 10, 2007 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today issued the following statement on the consideration of H.R. 3, a bill which would mandate federal funding of research that requires the killing of human embryos.

“I firmly oppose any measure that requires federal funding of research projects using stem cells taken from human embryos who are alive today, and who would be killed by the very act of removing their stem cells for the research.

I will work hard to support measures that would halt the creation of human embryos by cloning -- a practice which, if allowed to proceed, will result in what President Bush has appropriately called "human embryo farms.

Fortunately, new research at Wake Forest and Harvard Medical Schools are finding that amniotic non-embryonic stem cells may offer the same research possibilities as stem cells obtained through the destruction of living human embryos.  This discovery provides great promise for both the future of medical research and the protection of unborn human embryos, and it may provide the basis for a consensus approach on the challenging issue of stem cell research.

Be assured that I will always vote to protect innocent life, born and unborn, and I am very pleased that the emerging research is demonstrating that we can improve medical research without compromising the sanctity of life.”