
Lamborn, Udall Lead Efforts to List Tennessee Pass and Camp Hale as a National Historic Site

Rep. Doug Lamborn (Colorado Springs) today introduced legislation with Rep. Mark Udall (D-Eldorado Springs ) directing the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of establishing a National Historic Site at Tennessee Pass and Camp Hale. Rep. Lamborn introduced H.R. 3336 and Rep. Udall is an original cosponsor.

“Tennessee Pass and Camp Hale served as the training site for the 10th Mountain Division whose heroism during World War II still inspires our nation, and subsequently for covert training operations furthering the cause of freedom during the Cold War,” said Rep. Lamborn. “I am pleased to work with my colleague from Colorado, Rep. Mark Udall, in a bi-partisan fashion to create national recognition for a location with such a colorful past and pivotal role in our history.”

"The 10th Mountain Division has a distinguished legacy of service to this nation," said Rep. Udall. "That service ought to be honored and recognized. I am proud to join Representative Lamborn in this effort. The mountainous conditions at these sites afforded our soldiers the conditioning that was needed to fight in such terrain. Evidence of that training still exists at these sites and this bill will help protect and commemorate them and the activities that occurred there including the training of Tibetans who opposed occupation of their country."

Because of its unique terrain, Tennessee Pass and Camp Hale was an attractive extreme terrain combat training site. During World War II, it was home to the 10th Mountain Division, a specialized skiing unit which lost over one quarter of its soldiers during heavy fighting in the mountains of Northern Italy. The World War II veterans of the 10th Mountain Division will host their last, official reunion this week from August 1st through the 6th.

As the Cold War escalated in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the CIA used Tennessee Pass and Camp Hale to train Tibetan guerillas and Hui Muslims for resistance operations against the

People’s Republic of China. Between 1959 and 1969, thousands of these fighters were killed in a failed attempt to protect Tibet from the Chinese invasion. In the decades following, the Tibetans have sought valiantly to honor their rich heritage and culture despite the abhorrent oppression of communist rule.

“Those living in Colorado are already benefiting from the fantastic educational opportunities presented by this unique landmark. It is my hope that listing Tennessee Pass and Camp Hale as a national historic district will allow help the entire country and world learn about and experience this piece of history,” Rep. Lamborn said.

“I am pleased that people around the country and future generations will be able to experience this unique part of Colorado’s history,” said Rep. Udall.

In addition to being an historical treasure, Tennessee Pass and Camp Hale offer superlative recreational opportunities, including hiking and camping on the Colorado Trail which runs through the site on its way from Denver to Durango.
