
Congressman Lamborn Fights for Veterans

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) urged his colleagues to pass H.R. 797, the Dr. James Allen Veteran Vision Equity Act, as amended by the Senate.  This bill would allow veterans who receive veteran’s disability compensation for impairment of vision in one eye, to be eligible to receive additional disability compensation for impairment of vision in the eye that is not service-connected.

The bill also included language from an amendment, offered by Congressman Lamborn, which would provide veterans’ families the option of placing a medallion on a deceased veteran’s grave denoting veteran status, in lieu of a VA headstone for graves already marked by a private marker.  A medallion would identify a veteran’s grave in a manner that would be universally acceptable, and it could save veterans’ families significant mounting costs.
In addition, the bill also included pieces from H.R. 2696, the Veterans Dignified Burial Assistance Act of 2007, which Congressman Lamborn introduced in June to improve VA burial benefits and state veteran’s cemeteries. 

“The Dr. James Allen Veteran Vision Equity Act is a fundamentally sound bill, which will help veterans with severe vision impairments. I am pleased that the Senate amended version of this bill also included language from one of my amendments and one of my bills, and I am proud to support its final passage.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Click here to see Congressman Lamborn's floor Speech  
