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Statement: October 16, 2008 Print this page
Docket No. RM07-1-000

Commissioner Spitzer's statement on Standards of Conduct for transmission providers

"For years, the Commission and industry has been grappling with the Standards of Conduct that were adopted in Order No. 2004. Significant resources have been expended by industry, as well as the Commission, in an attempt to facilitate compliance. Despite these efforts, however, the confusion and questions regarding the Standards of Conduct remained.

Instead of simply tweaking the new program, the Commission, under the Chairman's leadership, undertook a comprehensive review of the policies underlying the Standards of Conduct. Today's Final Rule reflects the best elements of the Standards originally adopted for the gas industry (in 1988) and the electric industry (in 1996), but also includes the elements that worked well in Order No. 2004. This revised approach will benefit consumers by facilitating compliance with, and enforcement of, meaningful rules.

I must express my thanks for those entities that provided feedback to the Commission on these issues through comments to the NOPR and at the Enforcement workshops. I learned a great deal from this information. These efforts have led to a better rule.

Finally, I thank Staff for their hard work on this order."

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Commissioner Marc Spitzer

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Updated: June 28, 2010