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Welcome to the 2008 Briefing Series for Members of Congress and Staff

This year's theme is "USGS Climate Change Science: Exploring the Past, Observing the Present, Forecasting the Future"

Previous Congressional Briefings

First in the 2008 series

Climate Change: Impacts on Coastal Communities

U.S. coastal communities, environments, and economies are especially vulnerable to sea-level rise and other climate change impacts. At the same time, they face continuing challenges from population growth, coastal erosion and storms, and habitat loss. Coastal zone managers and policy-makers require sound information and science-based tools to prepare for and respond to changing coastal conditions in the coming decades. Come learn how the USGS and its partners are working to provide and apply the science needed to anticipate and address climate change impacts on our vulnerable coasts.

Date: March 28, 2008


DOI logoKameran Onley
Water and Science
Department of the Interior


CSO logoDave Carter
Environmental Program Manager
Delaware Coastal Programs

USGSRob Thieler
Research Geologist
U.S. Geological Survey

NOAAMargaret Davidson
NOAA’s Coastal Services Center

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Rayburn House Office Building
Room 2325
Washington, D.C.

Congressional Sponsors: The following links leave the USGS site.
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Exhibit PDF (2.3 MB)
Powerpoints: Hosted by: The following links leave the USGS site.

Handouts from the March 28 briefing:

Additional Information:

Speaker Biographies

Kameran Onley

Kameran L. Onley is the Assistant Deputy Secretary at the Department of the Interior (DOI), and has recently assumed the responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science. Additionally, she serves as the principal advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary on environmental policy issues, Chair of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, and principal DOI member of the Interagency Committee on Ocean Science and Resource Management Integration. Prior to joining DOI, Kameran served as the Associate Director for Environmental Policy at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. She also led the Interagency Ocean Policy Group in the development of the President’s “U.S. Ocean Action Plan” and served as a co-chair of the Subcommittee on Integrated Management of Ocean Resources. Kameran received her B.A. degree from Seattle University in economics with a minor in biology, and an M.S. degree in agricultural economics from Clemson University.

Rob Thieler

E. Robert Thieler is a research geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Rob conducts research on the geologic framework and dynamics of the coastal zone. This includes understanding relationships between geology, sediment transport, and coastal erosion. He developed a widely used GIS software package for measuring shoreline change and worked with several State agencies to develop long-term shoreline change data for coastal management. Rob has completed preliminary assessments of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise at the national scale and for 23 National Park Service units worldwide. He is also a lead author of a U.S. Climate Change Science Program report on sea-level rise and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Coastal Research. Rob received his M.S. degree in environmental science and Ph.D. in geology from Duke University.

Dave Carter

David B. Carter has been the Coastal Program Manager for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control since 1991. Prior to this position, Dave served as a Fish & Wildlife Manager for the Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife. Dave has been involved with coastal hazards work, wetlands and habitat management and restoration, and land use planning at the State and local level throughout his career. Dave is currently overseeing a program to develop a statewide Sea Level Adaptation Plan for Delaware. He is also Co-Chair of the Coastal States Organization Climate Change Workgroup, where he is helping to develop a national policy on climate change adaptation and improve the delivery of Federal climate change data and technical resources to the local level. Dave received his B.S. degree in biology and is currently working on an M.A. degree in urban affairs and public policy from the University of Delaware.

Margaret Davidson

Margaret A. Davidson has served since 1996 as the Director of NOAA’s Coastal Services Center. This center is a national enterprise established to accelerate access to the science and technology capabilities of NOAA and its partners to improve coastal and ocean resource management as practiced at State and local levels. From August 2000 to October 2002, Margaret also served as the Acting Assistant Administrator of Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management for NOAA. Before coming to NOAA, Margaret served for 16 years with the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, 13 as the Executive Director. She began her coastal career as an Assistant Attorney General and Special Counsel for the Louisiana Department of Justice. Margaret holds a Master of Marine Affairs degree from the University of Rhode Island and a J.D. degree from Louisiana State University.

For information on the USGS Climate Change Science briefing series, please call 703-648-4455.

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Last modified: 31-Mar-2008@15:08